Trinidad and Tobago Rally Club
Annual General Meeting 2000
The Trinidad & Tobago Rally Club cordially invites all Members to
attend its Annual General Meeting to be held on,
18th December 2000
the Woodford Lodge Sports Club, Chaguanas
The Agenda will be as follows:
1. Adoption of the previous minutes.
2. Matters arising from the minutes of previous AGM.
3. Presentation of the President’s Annual Report.
4. Presentation of the Treasurer’s Annual Report.
5. Presentation and adoption of the Accounts and Balance Sheet as at 30th September last.
6. The determination of Resolutions.
7. Election of Officers of the TTRC in accordance with Section 2 Rule 12 (page 7) of the TTRC Rulebook for the ensuing year.
8. Appointment of an Auditor(s) in accordance with Section 2 Rule 26 (page 11) of the TTRC Rulebook for the ensuing year.
9. Any other General Business.