About Me!

Hey! I've decided to make an "About Me" Page, I'm not sure if you guys even want to know about me but I've decided to create this page anyway!

I live in Canada

I'm going to University

I have a pet dog, she's so cute!

I don't have any siblings

I started writing fanfic about a year ago

My favorite BSB is CLEARLY AJ!

I live a relatively ordinary and boring life. (Although i did recently pierce my tongue! Crazy, I know!)

I write fanfic about people who live exciting fantasy lives filled with crazy sexual escapades that I couldn't really see myself doing in the near feature (or ever!) . And by creating these imaginary characters, vicarously it makes my life seem more exciting.

My favorite movies are probably 'The Breakfast Club' or 'Empire Records'

I can't really think of anything else to add now but if you think of anything you want to know, please e-mail me with the questions or suggestions!


Email: chloe350@hotmail.com