Chapter 26

******* 4 Years Later *********** AJ walked out of the car. Chloe came running towards him. “I did! I finally did it baby.” Chloe said happily. “Congratulations, hun, I always knew you could!” AJ said excitedly. “Yeah, so now I officially have a university degree.” Chloe said The awards and graduation ceremony had just ended. Chloe who had been attending university for the last 4 years finally had her degree. She was very happy. It was a major in psychology. She already had a job lined up working in an elementary school. AJ had attended her grad, she had looked so excited. He was happy for her. He was happy for himself as well. Their lives were both working out well. Neither of them could have planned it out any better. AJ had finished the world tour with the Backstreet Boys 3 and a half years ago. The guys had gotten together a lot after they got back. They each decided they wanted time off. Then maybe some members would look into doing a solo album. AJ had spent a lot of his time off working on his solo album. He had written a few of the songs on it. This would be his most personal album. Some of the songs were about his relationship with Chloe. He felt content about the CD. He knew it was his best work so far. Just then Nick, Ryan and Julia came walking up to AJ’s car. “Hey, Chloe, AJ! Congrats on graduating.” Nick said as he patted her on the back. “Yeah, way to go!” Julia said. As she got Ryan’s juice from her back pack. “Thank you, mommy.” he said as he contentedly sipped and slurped the juice. Later that night AJ, Chloe, Nick, Julia and Ryan all had dinner at Nick and Julia’s house. Everyone had a great time. Julia was now staying home with Ryan. She had joined a “stay at home” moms play group and program. She would go their with Ryan every Mon. wed., and Fri. the kids would play while the moms would talk about stuff. She was having a great time staying at home with Ryan. He was the love of her life, along with Nick. Nick had already released his solo album It was successful. Now he was taking a break for a while. Nick and his family were planning on going on a vacation in a month or so. Nick and Julia were happy, but they had been through a lot of stress in the last 4 years with Ryan and Nick’s music career so they all needed a break. After dinner AJ and Nick went outside and talked about stuff. Chloe and Julia cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen while they talked. # In the Kitchen # “So are you happy with your life right now?” Chloe asked Julia “Yeah I am actually! I was worried at first, I mean I didn’t know what being a parent would be like. But now it’s great I mean I would recommend it.” Julia said then laughed. “Speaking of parenting I'll be right back.” She put down the cloth she was using to dry the dishes and walked to her bedroom to check on Ryan. He was watching T.V. She got him some milk. She could tell he was about to fall asleep. She tucked him in and said goodnight to him. Then she went back to the kitchen. “So how was Ryan doing?” Chloe asked “Good, I think he’s going to fall asleep, you can go see him if you want.” Julia said. Chloe had been around Ryan a lot since he was born. He referred to her as aunt Chloe. Chloe walked to the room Ryan was in. She slowly opened the door. She saw him sleeping. He looked so cute and innocent. “So do you think you’ll ever have another child?” Chloe asked Julia when she got back to the kitchen. “Yes, actually, Nick and I have been thinking about it for a while and we think were going to start trying soon. Now that Ryan’s almost old enough to go to school and he’ll understand what a new sibling is.” Julia said “Yeah, actually, I’ve kinda been thinking about what it would be like top have a baby!?!” Chloe said “Wow, that’s great, what does AJ think?” Julia asked “Well, we haven’t started trying or anything, we haven’t really even talked about it, but I know he wants children I just don’t know when. But I think this is something he would want. What do you think?” Chloe asked “I think it’s a great idea if this is something you both want, I mean having Ryan is such a huge responsibility. You just got your degree, to you really want to stop working to take care of a baby?” Julia asked. “Yes, Having a baby is really important to me, I’d give up working in a second to take care of him or her.” Chloe said “Well, then I say go for it, I’ve saved Ryan’s baby stuff if you want to use it.” Julia said “Thanks, but I’m not even pregnant yet.” Chloe said as she dried the last dish. “I’m going to tell AJ that we should go soon.” Chloe said “Yeah O.K. I'll tell Nick that he could move Ryan into his own bed now.” Julia said. Chloe went outside onto the porch where Nick and AJ were talking. “Hey, baby sorry to interrupt but we should go soon.” Chloe said “Yeah I agree, it’s been a long day, o.k I'll be in in a few minutes.” AJ said # Half an hour before while Nick and AJ were talking outside. # “So how are things going for you Nicky?” AJ asked “Good, great actually. I mean me and Jules have gone through some stressful stuff, with us on tour and Ryan and everything but we seem to have gotten through it and become stronger, how about you and Chlo?” Nick asked AJ. “Were good, it’s hard to explain, even in our worst argument, never ever have I regretted marrying her, she brings me happiness I never knew before.” AJ said and smiled. “That’s great buddy! So... have you and Chloe ever thought about kids?” Nick asked “wow, umm... that’s a pretty serious q. yes actually, honestly, I see you with Ryan and I mean I would love that.” AJ said “Oh that’s awesome! So have you and Chloe ever talked about it?” Nick asked “Well we did a long time ago, just before we got married, and I know she wants kids and she knows I want kids, but we haven’t talked about it recently.” AJ said and smiled at the thought of kids, his child, that Chloe would have for him. “Well...” Nick was interrupted by Chloe telling AJ they should go soon. AJ thanked Nick and they left. AJ and Chloe went home and went to sleep. But first they both thought about what they had talked about that evening....

Chapter 27
