Chapter 27

The Next Morning “Chloe...Chloe.... get up.....Chloe Wake up.” AJ whispered to Chloe as he gently shook her shoulder. “What... I'm up, why’d you wake me up, honey, I was sleeping, haha, dreaming of you baby!” Chloe said sleepily as she yawned. “I woke you up because we have to be at Nick’ in an hour to baby-sit Ryan, remember? So what were you dreaming about me?” AJ asked and smiled, intrigued that Chloe had dreamt about her. “Oh, yeah O.K. now I remember about baby-sitting Ryan, I got to get ready, so I will talk to you later, things for waking me.” Chloe said as she got up then quickly kissed AJ on the lips. AJ and Chloe both showered, then got dressed. They ate breakfast and were at Nick’s house 50 minutes later. “Hey guys” Nick said as he opened the door. “Hey, so how are you guys?” AJ asked as he walked in the door with Chloe slightly behind him. “Were good, but were going to be late.” Julia yelled from in the bedroom then she walked to the door still trying to put on her second shoe. “You look great, Jules” Chloe said “Yeah, you look awesome” Nick said as he looked her up and down. “Oh yeah!” AJ added, as Chloe playfully elbowed him in the stomach. “Ow!” AJ said, “I was just kidding... sort of! haha” Everyone laughed. “O.K. well we really gotta, go, thanks so much guys for babysitting for us, we’ll be back tomorrow around noon. The number of the hotel, Ryan’s doc, and my mom is on the fridge. C’ya!” Julia said “No problem, have fun guys.” Chloe said “Oh we will! So Ryan’s still sleeping, he’ll usually wakes up like around 8. K well c’ya!” Nick said as he and Julia walked out the door and drove away. They were going to a friend’s wedding during the day, then they were staying over night at the hotel, seeing as they both needed a break. AJ and Chloe had gladly agreed to baby-sit for them. AJ and Chloe sat down on the couch together. AJ turned on the T.V. “So do you want to know what my dream was about now?” Chloe asked AJ. He nodded and turned off the T.V. “Well, we were walking in a park together, holding hands, we were both happy. Then I stopped by a fountain and sat on the edge. You kneeled beside my and asked me what was wrong. I said I needed to tell you something important, then I told you I was pregnant and that we were going to have a baby! You were ecstatic. You jumped up and I stood up. You gently out your hand on by belly, then we just stood their holding each other. I was crying because I was so happy. You had a single tear falling down your face. Then I woke up.” Chloe said as she looked intensely into AJ’s eyes. As he did the same. “Wow, that’s intense, so how would.....” AJ. AJ was interrupted by Ryan, who had just woken up. “Mommy!” Ryan called out. “Mommy’s not here right now she went out, remember she told you last night? So me and AJ are going to baby sit you today O.K.” Chloe asked Ryan as she knelt by his bed. “Oh yeah, O.K. so what are we going to do today?” Ryan asked “Well, I thought we could eat breakfast, then decide.” Chloe said as she stood up and walked to the kitchen. Ryan got up, slowly, and followed Chloe to the kitchen. “Hey buddy! What do you want for breakfast?” AJ asked Ryan as he entered the kitchen and sat down at the table. “Ummm... pancakes” Ryan answered. “O.K. pancakes coming up.” AJ answered. Chloe made pancakes for Ryan, herself and AJ. While AJ set the table and got out the syrup and butter. Everyone ate the pancakes. Both Ryan and AJ commented on how good they were! Then Ryan thought they should go to the zoo. AJ and Chloe agreed it was a good idea. After breakfast Chloe cleaned up the kitchen. AJ got Ryan changed and packed a bag for the zoo. In it he put Ryan’s hat, sunscreen, juice, cookies, fruit and money. Half an hour later they were all packed and in the car heading towards the zoo. They spent the entire day at the zoo. First they toured the zoo, looking at all the different animals. AJ would tell Ryan the names of all the animals, then everyone would laugh as he tried to pronounce some of them! Then they had lunch in the park. Afterwards, they all played in the park. They played on the structure, then they ran around and chased each other, playing tag. After a long, fun day they all headed home. Ryan gave AJ a bath, while Chloe made dinner. They all ate dinner. then AJ cleaned up the kitchen while Chloe watched Ryan brushed his teeth. Then she read him a story in bed, soon he fell fast asleep. As he was exhausted after his busy day. AJ walked in to Ryan’s room just as Chloe was leaving. they both stood at the door for a few minutes, holding hands, watching Ryan sleep. They left and went into the living room. AJ went into the kitchen and got a drink for Chloe and himself. He handed her the drink then sat down on the couch beside her. She took a sip and smiled at him. “Thank you” Chloe said “Your welcome, so how did you like your day of baby-sitting?” AJ asked her as he casually sipped his drink. “It was great actually, I loved it, I can’t wait until we have a child, I mean I totally understand if you want to wait, AJ, but I’ve been thinking about having a baby a lot lately and ... I think I’m ready.” Chloe said and looked down at the couch. AJ lifted his hand to her face. Then he passionately kissed her. After a few minutes they both pulled away. “I love you Chloe” AJ said and kissed her again. “I love you too, AJ” Chloe said and kissed him back. “Actually I’ve been thinking about a baby, actually me and Nick were talking about it last night. Then after spending the day with Ryan, I too, want a child. I was kinda waiting until you showed signs that you wanted the same, to tell you. Then when you told me about your dream, I was going to say, how would you feel if we made that dream a reality?” AJ asked Chloe “Oh baby, I love you more and more every second. I could think of no better man to be a father. AJ your going to be a wonderful daddy.” Chloe gushed “Thank you, and Chloe you are going to be an amazing mother, I know it, I can’t believe were together, so happy, like this, I could never have imagined this 5 years ago.” AJ said and smiled. “Thank you and me neither, this is so wonderful.” Chloe said. AJ and Chloe discussed their baby plans a while longer then went to check on Ryan before they went to Nick and Julia’s bedroom. “Isn’t this a little weird making love in our friends bedroom?” Chloe asked as AJ was unbuttoning her shirt. “Umm yeah... but are you saying you don't want to do this, I mean try to make a baby?” AJ asked her, then he stopped trying to take off her shirt. Chloe glanced around the room quickly. “No, I mean like I wanna do this, continue with what you were doing, haha” Chloe said as she smiled and started to take off AJ’s shirt. Eventually all their clothes dropped to the floor. They moved to the bed. Despite the fact, they both went through the same love making motions they usually did. They both felt this was special. The fact they could come together with such passion and love and create a baby. It was truly awe-aspiring for both of them. Finally they both climaxed, then held each other’s sweaty bodies close as they fell asleep. The next morning AJ woke up first and went to the kitchen to get some juice. He took a glass back to Chloe in the bedroom. She woke up as he walked in. He handed her the glass. She thanked him. “So how do you feel?” AJ asked “Umm... good, you?” Chloe said “I’m good too, but I mean do you feel pregnant?” AJ asked her and smiled. She laughed “Baby, I don’t know what being pregnant feels like. I’ll take a test later and we’ll find out.” Chloe said “O.K. sounds good, I love you Chloe, I can’t tell you that enough.” AJ said “First I love you too, and I can’t hear you say that enough.” Chloe said and then they both laughed. Chloe got up and changed the sheets on the bed. While AJ went into the kitchen and made breakfast. Ryan woke up. AJ feed him. Then Chloe and AJ ate while Ryan watched T.V. Every so often while Chloe was eating AJ would rub his hand over her lower belly. She would smile at him and then kiss him. Ryan and AJ played candy land at the kitchen table. Meanwhile, Chloe cleaned up the breakfast stuff. Every few minutes she would stop and watch Ryan and AJ play. She felt very confident AJ would be an amazing father. He was wonderful with Ryan. A few hours later Nick Julia arrived home. Ryan watched T.V. while Nick, Julia, Chloe and AJ talked for a while. Julia and Nick had a wonderful time. They looked very relaxed and refreshed. AJ and Chloe were glad, they could tell before that they had needed a break. AJ and Chloe said good-bye to everyone then left. On the way home they stopped at the drug store and picked up a at-home-pregnancy test......................

Chapter 28
