Chapter 28

### 9 Months Later ### “Fuck this hurts!” Chloe screamed and throw her head pack onto the couch as another contraction gripped her body in pain. “It’s gonna be O.K. baby, breathe, take a deep breath Chlo.” AJ tried desperately to comfort his wife. She had been in labor for the last 11 hours. They had decided to have the baby at home. “Shut-up, your the one who did this to me, this is all your fault, oh god. I am never doing this again. Oh O.K. it’s ending thank god.” Chloe sighed as the pain finally stopped. It was weird during the contractions the pain was so intense it was all she could think about but as soon as it ended she was fine, like nothing had happened. “Sorry, honey I didn’t mean to yell at you, I’m kinda irrational during the contractions if you know what I mean, haha” Chloe apologized to AJ. “It’s O.K. I know you don’t mean what you say, I fell bad your the one in all the pain and I can’t do anything” AJ said, he felt bad about just sitting their while Chloe screamed in agony. “It’s O.K. your helping just being here. I really appreciate you being here with me, I mean you have been with me this whole pregnancy, thank you!” Chloe said and smiled “Hey, I’ve had fun, I love you baby” AJ said as he gently massaged her feet. “Oh AJ I love you too, and that feels so wonderful.” Chloe said “I can’t believe were going to have a baby in our arms in a few hours.” AJ said in amazement. “Yeah I remember, it was like yesterday we just decided to have a baby.” Chloe said as she remembered the past. The next day after getting home from Nick’s house. Chloe had taken the pregnancy test. AJ was right their beside her. They both hugged one another and cried when they saw it was positive. The next day they both went to her doctor who confirmed the pregnancy and gave her some info that she would need regarding the next 9 months. AJ and Chloe had been very happy during the pregnancy. Chloe had always looked forward to this there fore she was very excited. AJ was their for her the whole time and Chloe was very appreciative. Together they had designed the baby’s room. They had painted the ceiling blue with clouds to look like the sky. They had found out the baby was going to be a girl. Both were happy about this information. Just then the doorbell rang. It was Nick and Julia. Julia was going to be Chloe's main labor support, seeing as she had done this before. Both Chloe and Julia had read many books on labor and delivery and were confident they could do this. Although they had the called the doctor when Chloe first went into labor and she said she’d be on call just in case she was needed. AJ invited Julia and Nick in. Just as Julia got to Chloe’s side another contraction hit her. “O.K. Chloe try to relax, take a deep breath.” Julia said as she wiped the sweat from Chloe’s forehead. “AJ I want you to massage her back, right there.” Julia pointed out an area on Chloe’s back. Chloe was moaning in pain by this point. Julia instructed Nick to get ice chips so Chloe could suck on them. After what seemed like forever to chloe, but was really only a minute the contraction stopped. “Thanks, oh god, I can’t do this, I want it all to stop just get this baby out of me.” Chloe whined thinking about how far she had to go. “It’s going to be O.K. Chloe just think after all this you’ll have your wonderful baby in your arms. I will all be worth it.” Julia tried to comfort Chloe. 7 agonizing hours later Chloe was finally fully dilated. That means she can begin pushing. AJ and Nick helped her to the bed. She lay down. By this time she was almost exhausted. “Here comes another one guys, oh fuck I can’t do this it hurts to much!” Chloe screamed as pain over came her. “You’ve done so well so far baby, I’m so proud of you, it’s almost over, just a little longer.” AJ tried to comfort his wife. He felt it was unfair that he couldn’t do more to help her. He wished he could take her pain away, but he knew he couldn’t. “O.K. Chloe now it’s time to push, your baby’s almost here, the harder you push the faster this will be over.” Julia instructed Chloe “O.K., I’m ready” Chloe said as she squeezed AJ and Nick’s hands who were on either side of her. Chloe was laying on her back on the bed. AJ was on one side of her holding up her leg, with one hand, Chloe was holding his other hand. Nick was on the other side doing the same thing. Julia was at the end of the bed. She was going to deliver the baby. “O.K. Take a deep breath and let it out, then take another deep breath and push as hard as you can, AJ’s going to count to 10 try to push for that long O.K. let’s try it ready go!” Julia said. Chloe took a deep breath, then pushed as AJ slowly counted to ten. 30 minutes later “O.K. your doing wonderfully, I think this will be the last push, if you make it good.” Julia instructed Chloe. “Baby, oh my god, I can see the head.” AJ said as he squeezed Chloe’s leg in encouragement. “O.K. push...harder...keep pushing... your doing great... push... push.. push” Julia said to chloe. Chloe let out a loud ear piercing scream. The baby was crowning. “The head’s out honey, you did it.” AJ said excitedly. “O.K. that was almost the worse part, I want you not to push while I ease out the head.” Julia said. Chloe moaned loudly. “It hurts so much, please I need to push jut get it out.” Chloe said crying. “It’s almost over Chloe, stay calm, O.K. the heads almost out.” Julia said as she slowly eased the baby’s head from Chloe’s body. “Oh God. I can’t take this.” Chloe screamed, it felt like her body was going to rip in half, never had she felt so much pain. “Your pushing, stop.” Julia said as she held the baby’s head in. “Your just creating more work for yourself, pant, it will prevent you from pushing.” Julia instructed. Chloe did this take quick short breaths and exhaling, moaning in agony the entire time. Julia had just gotten the head out, as she started easing out the shoulders. “O.K. I want you to push slowly.” Julia said. Chloe pushed, then screamedas the baby was finally out. Chloe started to cry in joy as she heard her baby’s first cry. AJ also had tears streaming down his face. Julia placed the baby on Chloe’s breast, it began to nurse. A few minutes later, AJ cut the umbilical cord. AJ and Chloe thanked Nick and Julia for all their help. They left to give AJ and Chloe some private time with one another and their new daughter. They had decided to name the baby Skylar Claire McLean. AJ and Chloe both enjoyed the early bonding time they were having with their baby. The next day, All three went to the doctor. Chloe was examined as was Skylar both were deemed healthy. That afternoon, Julia and Nick were invited over. Chloe thanked them repeatedly for everything, especially Julia, she couldn’t have done it with out her. Later that night AJ and Chloe went to sleep with Skylar snuggled between them. AJ and Chloe were so happy. Skylar had brought them both so much joy, levels they had never known.

Chapter 29
