Chapter 29

### 5 years later ### “Mommy, where’s my backpack?” Skylar asked “It’s on the first shelf in your room, honey” Chloe responded as she grabbed her keys off the table. “Are you ready to go?” Chloe asked her daughter as they prepared to head to school. Skylar was now in kindergarten. “Yes” Skylar said They both headed to the car for school. Chloe dropped Syklar off at school. Then she headed to work. She worked at the local high school as a counselor. She liked her job, it enabled her to help those who needed it. After work Chloe picked up Skylar from school. Chloe only worked part time so the schedule was great. That afternoon, she took Skylar to the zoo. Skylar had a great time. Afterwards they headed home. Skylar was playing on the computer, while Chloe was making dinner. Just then AJ got home. He was working at a production company that he and Chloe’s dad Griffin had started. “Hey, I’m home! How was your day, baby?” AJ asked as he dropped his keys on the counter and proceeded to hug his wife. Despite a child and 9 years of marriage they were both still as in love with each other as they were when they were dating. AJ kissed Chloe, she kissed back. Just then Sky (Skylar’s nickname) came down stairs. “Hey daddy!” Sky yelled, happy to see her father. “Hey, Sky!” AJ yelled as she ran toward him. He picked her up and held her in his arms. “How was your day?” AJ asked his daughter “Good daddy, I made you a picture today at school. then me and mommy went tot he zoo, I saw the monkeys!” Skylar said excitedly. AJ couldn’t help but smile at his child’s excitement. “That’s great, where’s the picture?” AJ asked “It’s on the fridge.” Chloe answered. “Wow, that’s beautiful” AJ said to Sky as he saw the picture, it was of him, her and Chloe. The family talked a while longer while Chloe continued to make dinner. They all sat down and ate. Everyone enjoyed themselves. After dinner, Nick called. He and AJ talked for a while. Then Chloe said he to him and she talked to Julia for a while. Nick, Jules, Ryan and Reece, their 3 year old daughter had moved to New York, as Julia was from their and they felt it was time for a change. Both families were very happy with their new lives. They were all healthy and joyous! THE END *** O.K. I know that was a crappy ending but oh well. It was all I could think of at the moment. I wanted to end the story because I have an idea for a new one. Which will be better than this one because this was my first fanfic, so I’ve learned from the mistakes. Anyway I won’t be posting my new fanfic for a while. I’ll let you know through the onelist if you subscribe. Comments and stuff would be appreciated in the guest book, thank you! The new FanFic will be called : Until I Met You! The plot will be the same: girl meets AJ, AJ and girl get together. Yet it will be different. The girl will be a fan. AJ and her will have some conflicts as well. So hope you like it. It will probably be up in two weeks or less. Thank you!

