Chapter 10

The next morning AJ woke up first. He looked over at Chloe, she looked beautiful. He hoped she was happy with her decision. Then remembered his new tattoo, it hurt. Though he was glad he had gotten it done. It would always remind him of Chloe no matter what happened. He got up slowly to prevent Chloe from wakeing up. He got a piece of paper and started writing a song about their relationship. He needed a way to express his infinite love for her. Then he went to get ice for he’s tattoo and he got another ice pack for Chloe. Knowing she would want it when she woke up. AJ went to make coffee. He brought it up to his room along with some fruit and bagels. She woke up as he walked into the room. He put the food on the night stand and laid down beside her on the bed. She looked into AJ’s eyes, he was such an amazing man. “How do you feel?” AJ quietly asked Chloe “I’m good, now that your here” Chloe replied “How does your tattoo feel?” “It hurts, how about yours?” “Yeah mine does too, here roll over” “What, what are you going to do?” she asked with slight worry in her eyes. “Don’t worry baby, I’m going to make it feel better.” “O.K. then” she replied and then rolled AJ took the ice pack and got ready to place in on her back. “Honey, I’m gonna put ice on your back it’s gonna be cold O.K.” “Yeah O.K. AJ” She was naked under the covers. AJ rolled the covers down her back, to expose the tattoo. “Take a deep breath Chloe, your tattoo looks great you know.” “Thanks.” chloe replied. “Are you happy you got it done?” AJ asked “Yes, I am AJ” she answered then smiled. She took a deep breath and shivered as AJ put the ice pack on her back. After about 5 minutes AJ asked her if it felt any better. She said yes and thanked him. Then they ate breakfast in bed. They talked about what had happened the night before. “So was it O.K. Did everything happen like it was supposed to?” Chloe asked “Yes it was good, just wait until next time though and it will be great, Never forget that the point of sex is to share love with each other to derive pleasure. It’s the ultimate way to show love to one another. From now on sex is supposed to feel good.” “Your so poetic there honey, O.K. so how often are we supposed to have sex now?” Chloe asked “Their is no supposed to honey, whenever we, you want, even though it won’t be the first time for you any more doesn’t mean it’s and less precious.” AJ replied “AJ you are wonderful, I know I’ve told you that before but I cannot articulate what I feel for you, I love you so much. I feel so lucky to have you, never would I have imagined this last month.” “Chloe you seem to have a hard time accepting that I love you just as much as you love me, I wrote a song for you this morning while you were sleeping, it’s not done but to you want to hear it?” “Yes AJ that is so sweet.” she said as she started to cry she was so happy. AJ wiped away her tears then kissed her as he started to sing softly. “I will always love you I need you to know I need a way to show My love for you grows stronger everyday I love you in each and everyway No matter what happens in the future No matter what happened in the past My passion for you will always last Every time I wake up your the first thing on my mind. I remind myself everyday I’m so lucky to have found A love like you” AJ looked over at Chloe. She smiled.

Chapter 11
