Chapter 11

“AJ thank you so much, you make me so happy. Are you happy AJ? I mean really honestly happy?” Chloe asked “Yes Chloe, I mean I thought I was happy before I met you but I never knew life could be so great, I mean it.” AJ replied. “AJ you need to promise to tell me when your unhappy...with anything including me. Even though I could never imagine losing you I would leave if I made you unhappy. Because you happiness matters most to me. Please don’t forget that honey.” Chloe said “Chloe thank you, I want you to know I feel exactly the same way. Don’t ever hesitate to talk to me about anything. No matter what it is.” AJ said “I will, but you have to do the same.” said chloe “I will no matter what” AJ replied “So.... what do you want to do today baby?” AJ asked Chloe “well I thought if you didn’t mind we could do something with Nick and Julia, if they want to. I mean she seems really cool and well so does he and I'd like to get to know jules better, I don’t know I want to help her if she wants help. I mean I feel for her considering it could happen to us so easily and if it did I would want support from others. So what do you think?” Chloe asked AJ “Yeah your right and that sounds like a great idea. You know that’s one of the many qualities I love about you. Your so caring and supportive. I’ll call Nicky” AJ dialed Nick’s number. It rang three times then Nick picked up “Hello?” nick asked “Hey It’s Bone, you and Jules wanna do something today?” “Umm I don’t know I'll have to ask Jules but she’s kinda sick right now, so can I call you back in like 20 minutes?” Nick asked “Yeah of course tell her I hope she feels better.” AJ said “Yeah she’ll be fine later, this happens every morning, but sounds good to me doing something and I'm sure it will sound great to jules so I'll call you back.” Nick said “Yeah O.K. c’ya buddy” AJ said “Bye bone!” AJ hung up the phone then told Chloe what Nick had said. Chloe got up and got dressed then she went to the kitchen to get some food. She got a bag and in it she put some soda crackers, a couple of cans of ginger ale and a note. The note read: Dear Julia, Hope this stuff helps make you feel even a little bit better. Congrats on your pregnancy. I’m sure you and Nick will be awesome parents. I wish you both luck. If you ever, and I mean ever need anything, no matter what it is call me or AJ and we’ll be there in a second. Luv Chloe. Chloe showed the letter to AJ. He thought it was great. Then Nick called back. Chloe picked up the phone. “Hello?” she asked “Hi Chlo, it’s Nick” “Hey Nick, how you doing?” Chloe asked “Good, thanx, you? Nick asked “Great thank you” Chloe replied “So me and Jules would love to do something with you guys what do you guys wanna do?” Nick asked “Ummm.... I don’t know hang on a sec and let me ask AJ........... O.K. AJ said me and him would come to your house and then we could decide their if that’s O.K. with you guys?” Chloe said “Yeah sure sounds great we’ll be over in 10 min.” Chloe said “O.K. C’ya later” Nick said “Bye Nicky” Chloe said. AJ and Chloe got their stuff and the present and went to Nick’s. When they got their Julia opened the door. “Hey guys” Julia greeted them “Hey jules” AJ said “How are you?” Chloe asked “I’m O.K. now you?” Jules asks “I’m good, AJ’s good too right hun?” “Yep I’m good too” AJ said “Here you go” Chloe said and handed her the present. She opened, read the note then smiled. “Thank you so much, that was so nice of you guys to think of me!” Julia said then she hugged AJ and Chloe. “Come on in guys” Julia said. AJ and Chloe walked in the Nick’s house. Nick was sitting on a couch. Julia walked over and sat beside him. Chlo and AJ sat together beside each other on a couch facing Jules and Nick. “So what do you guys wanna do today?” AJ asked “hmmm how about me and Chlo do something together during the day and then we could meet up for dinner or some thing? Does that sound O.K.?” Julia asked everyone. AJ caught Nick’s attention and told everybody he wanted to talk to him in the kitchen. They went into the kitchen. While they guys were in there. The girls talked. “Yeah that sounds like a great idea. I know this sounds kinda gay but I'd really like to be your friend and get to know ya better Jules.” Chloe said “Yeah that sounds cool, Chloe and not gay and I already consider you a friend. So what do you want to do today?” Julia asked “Hmm well how about we go out for lunch to that new restaurant in the park then we could go shopping or something?” Chloe asked “Yeah O.K. that sounds good. I wonder what Nick and AJ are talking about?” “I don’t know but let’s go find out and tell them our plans” Julia answered “Yeah O.K..” Chloe answered. AJ and Nick talking in the kitchen. “I’ve got an idea buddy!” AJ said and grinned. “What? What???” Nick asked “Well I figure the girls are gonna want to go out together this afternoon which is good because I think Chloe wants to get to know Jules better, so we could plan a great night for them while their gone like the whole candlelit dinner thing.?” AJ said “Yeah that sounds awesome! Jules wants to get to know Chloe better to I think, and I want to do something nice for Jules a kinda feel bad about getting her pregnant and everything.” “O.K. well we will go talk to the girls and tell them our plans and then I want to talk to you more about stuff, k?” AJ said, he was slightly worried about Nick. “Yeah all right, I wanna talk to you too Bone, it’s been a while.” Nick said The girls and the guys met together in the hallway. Julia told the guys there plans, the guys told the girls they were planning a surprise for them and to have fun on their afternoon out and not to come back until 5 o’clock. Also to buy some nice outfits cause the surprise was gonna be fancy. They were all excited. The girls got their purses and shoes and walked out the door. They hope into Jules’ turquoise neon. They headed to the park. The went into the restaurant and were seated. Back at Nick’s house Nick and AJ were sitting one per couch in his living room talking. “So what’s with you and Chloe exactly, I mean I’ve seen you with girls before but you seem different around her like really in love or something, not that I doubt your love for your other girlfriends but... do you know what I mean?” Nick asked AJ “Yeah I get you. Wow with Chloe everything’s so amazing, I’m not kidding. It’s like I thought I loved my previous girlfriends. But with Chloe I never realized it’s like a whole new level of feelings. I can’t describe it man.” AJ gushed about Chloe “Yeah I know exactly what you mean I feel the same way with Jules. It’s like I can’t describe what I feel for her.” Nick said “So what happened with you and her I mean about her getting pregnant and everything?” AJ asked “Well what do you think happened Bone? haha No I mean we tried to be careful but the condom broke. But we haven’t told anybody except like you guys and Bri and Brit. She is nervous about telling her parents. But were going over there next week. It’s so weird her being pregnant, I mean it’s like a dream or something I think I’m gonna wake up and everything will be back to normal. I mean I feel sorry for her having to be pregnant, god I can’t imagine she’s gonna have to do this for another 7 months. I’ve come to accept it and I actually look forward to having a baby now, that’s something I never would have imagined. But it’s like my fault Jules is pregnant even though she’s always telling me it’s not and it takes two blah blah blah, But every morning for the last 2 months she’s been sick, feel bad like I can’t do anything to help her. Wow me a dad, I’m kinda excited actually.” Nick said “I’m glad Nick, I worry about you. And Jules, I mean she so young. How does she feel about this?” AJ asked “Well we actually talked about what we would do if she got pregnant before we had sex and she said she would have an abortion. But when she got pregnant she changed her mind. But I’m glad she did. She’s handling the pregnancy better than me. I worry about her, I mean she’s sick every morning but she can be in the middle of throwing up and she tell me she’s find or smile at me and tell me not to worry. I have so much respect and love for her.” “That’s great I’m really glad your happy. And you’ve accepted this couldn’t really imagine Chloe getting pregnant. So this means I’m gonna be like the equivalent of an uncle?” AJ asked “Yeah Bro., I want you to come over and baby-sit!” Nick said “Yeah O.K. I wouldn’t actually mind doing that and I’m sure Chloe would love it.” AJ said “So what exactly should we do for the surprise?” Nick asked “Well I thought we could go out and buy them flowers then we could set up stuff here like set the table, get out candles, make dinner, stuff like that. then we could book two hotels rooms and go there later tonight, sound O.K.?” AJ asked “Yeah that sounds fabulous, Jules well love it, I’ve been dying to do something nice for her.” Nick said. “Yeah O.K. so I'll call the hotel and book 2 rooms. Then we could go to the flower shop then we can go to the store and get stuff for dinner.” AJ said “O.K. I’ll get out the candles and matches and I’ll set the table. What should we make for dinner, I can’t cook.” Nick asked “Well then your lucky I can!!!” AJ boasted “I think we should make fettucine, I think everyone likes that” “Yeah O.K. Bone,” Nick said. AJ and Nick both went to do their thing, then they got into AJ’s explorer and went to the supermarket. They picked up some groceries. Then they went to the florist and bought flowers. They stopped off at McDonald’s and got lunch. Then they went home and started getting ready for their wonderful night.

Chapter 12
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