Chapter 12

Meanwhile Chloe and Julia were talking while eating their food. “So what’s it like being pregnant?” Chloe asked “It’s amazing. I cannot believe there’s actually a life growing inside me. But every morning it kinda sucks cuz I'm sick, but that only lasts for like 20 minutes. So it’s cool after that. Before I got pregnant I always thought I’d have an abortion if I got pregnant before I was ready. But now that I am pregnant I’ve changed my mind. I’m actually excited, you know? I cant believe I will be a mother I mean I’ve dreamed about this every since I was 10, It just wasn’t planned but now that it’s here I’m happy about it.” Julia said. “Wow, that’s pretty cool, I’m glad you happy. Can I come over and Baby-sit some time?” Chloe asked “Yeah of course, You can come over whenever you want, I actually hope you’ll be around a lot before the baby comes?” Julia asked “Yeah of course I’d love to be there for you! So is Nick happy about it?” Chloe said “Yeah, He feels bad sometimes though like it’s his fault that I’m sick and stuff but, he’s happy, I think he’s gonna make a great dad.” Julia answered “That’s good, well I think your going to make a great mom!” Chloe said. “Thanks, that means a lot, it’s important to me how I raise my child I really wanna do a good job.” Jules said “Yeah me too, I mean when I have a child.” Chloe said Chloe and Jules talked more about their boyfriends, their lives and what they thought the surprise was going to be. They were both really excited. Then they finished their meal and want shopping. Jules and Chlo both bought new dresses and then they bought matching lingerie. Chloe bought AJ a ring. It was a silver band. Just like hers only wider and more masculine looking. Inside it she has inscribed: AJ You Are The Most Amazing Man. Julia also bought a ring. Inside she had it inscribed: Daddy. It was simple but she knew Nick would like it. Then they both went home. When they got their they were pleasantly surprised!

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Chapter 13
