Chapter 13

Chapter 13 They were greeted by Nick and AJ, They were both wearing tuxes. Holding roses. Nick was holding 12 red roses. He handed them to Jules. She thanked him and told him to go put them in a vase while she went to change. AJ took Chloe to the couch. He sat her down. He kneeled on the floor in front of her. He handed her a white rose. She took it in her hand. “This white rose represents purity, innocence and friendship. I want to always be your best friend Chloe, no matter what.” AJ said. Chloe smiled at him she was very impressed. Then he handed her a yellow rose. “This one represents love, I will always love you Chloe!” AJ said “AJ you are amazing, I can’t express the love I feel for you right now” Chloe said. AJ put he’s finger up to her lips and she knew there was more to come and she should wait and be quiet. “This” AJ handed Chloe a red rose. “represents passion. I feel more passionately about you than I ever have for any other woman.” AJ said “Thank you so much AJ, I have a present for you too!” Chloe reached into her purse. AJ looked at her excitedly. Chloe took AJ’s hand in her own and slipped the ring onto his finger. He looked at it and then took it off and read the inscription. He smiled at her. “Thank you so much, Chlo” AJ said “I know it doesn’t seem like much but I’ve never given a guy a ring before so it means something to me.” Chloe said “Don’t say that, it’s seems like a lot, it’s wonderful, anything from you no matter what it is amazing because it comes from your heart.” “Thank you AJ” chloe said “Your welcome, now go change!” AJ told Chloe. Chloe went in the bathroom as Julia walked out. She looked really good wearing her new dress and shoes. Chloe got changed. When she walked out AJ just stared at her for a minute, she looked really great. AJ told her that. Then they all went and sat at the dining room table. There’s was tons of pasta in a huge bowl. There was a bottle of white wine. AJ had a glass and so did Nick. Chloe just had a sip from AJ’s glass seeing as she didn’t really drink. Then she and Jules had milk. The meal was wonderful everyone enjoyed themselves. Chloe and Julia were quite amazed at how the guys had planned such a wonderful night. Yet they didn’t realize it wasn’t over yet. Nick and AJ told the girls about the hotel plan, so they quickly went to pack some stuff. Then AJ took Chloe to the fancy hotel in he’s explorer. Nick took Julia in he’s car. When they got their both girls were extremely impressed. The couples said bye to one another and said they’d meet in the restaurant tomorrow morning for breakfast at 9 o’clock. AJ took Chloe up to their room. It was gorgeous. It had a king sized bed, a big bathroom with a jaquzzi for two, a sitting room with a couch, two chairs and a tv. AJ took Chloe’s hand and gestured for her to sit on the bed. She did. He kneeled beside her. He started to sing “Lay down beside me”. Chloe was overwhelmed with emotion for AJ. She started to cry a few tears had already rolled down her face by the time AJ finished the song. He gently wiped them away. She smiled at him. “I love you so much AJ”. Chloe said. “I love you too, Chloe, that is why I hope tonight is the best night of your life.” AJ said. “ Don’t worry, it already has been.” Chloe said “But there's more to come, how does a bath sound to you baby?” AJ asked “Wonderful!” Chloe replied. AJ and Chloe walked into the bathroom AJ turned on the water and put bubble bath into it. He slowly walked over to Chloe. He started to unzip the back of her dress. When it fell to the floor he wrapped his arms around her body. She turned around and slowly started unbuttoning his shirt. They smiled at one another. Eventually they were completely naked. AJ stepped into the bath first. He sat down then Chloe joined him. AJ sat behind Chloe. Chloe sat between AJ’s legs. He started kissing her shoulders and neck and gently splashed them with the warm water. She was enjoying this immensely. It felt so good to be their with AJ at that moment. AJ continued kissing, touching and massaging her for a while longer. Then they switched places. Chloe ran her long finger nails down AJ’s nick. He shivered with pleasure. She continued to touch him for about 15 minutes. Then he suggested they get out. Chloe stepped out first and wrapped herself in a giant towel. Then AJ got out and wrapped a towel around he’s waist. They both walked slowly to the bad. Both new they were going to make love. This would be the second time Chloe had ever done it. Chloe let her towel drop to the floor as she laid on the bed. Then AJ did the same. They were both kissing each other. AJ kissed every inch of her body. She moaned with pleasure. Every second was a new wonderful experience for her. AJ rolled on top of her. “Are you sure you want to do this baby?” AJ asked “I’ve never wanted to do anything more in my life AJ” Chloe replied Chloe grabbed a condom out of the drawer beside the bed. She out it on AJ. Again AJ got into position. He entered her slowly. Both were breathing heavily. Chloe was softly moaning with pleasure. She had never experienced this before. It felt wonderful. AJ began thrusting himself in and out of her. Eventually she thought she couldn’t take it anymore when she climaxed. It was one of her most wonderful experiences. AJ came as well. Then he laid beside her on the bed. All she said to AJ was omigod. He smiled at her knowing what she meant. He had made love many times before but it had never felt like this. It was amazing for both of them. They feel asleep in each others arms.

Chapter 14
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