Chapter 14

The next morning AJ and Chloe woke up and smiled at each other. Chloe got up first and had a shower then got dressed. Then AJ did the same. They went down to the restaurant to see Nick And Julia already there. “Have you guys been waiting long?” Chloe asked Nick And Julia. “Nope, we just got here two minutes ago” Nick Replied. “So how is everyone this morning?” AJ asked “I’m great” Jules replied “Yeah me too” Nick replied and smiled at Jules. “That’s good” Chloe replied “So what’s everyone ordering?” Nick asked “Ummm... I’m having eggs and and toast and bacon.” AJ replied. “Umm.... I’m having pancakes, I like pancakes” Chloe said and laughed! “I’ll have a fruit plate and oatmeal I guess” Julia answered “I’ll have what AJ’s having” Nick said The waitress came and everyone ordered. Then the food came. Everyone liked what they ordered. Then they said there good-byes and headed home. AJ and Chloe went to Chloe’s house seeing as she hadn’t been there in a while. She checked her messages and mail. Her dad had called to check up on her. She made a note to call him back after AJ left. She went into the living room where AJ was watching TV. She thanked him for everything he had done in the past while. He said it was no problem and he left saying he would call her later today. She called her dad back and told him everything was great with her. He said he was also fine and that he would be back in a few days. Hmm... How am I going to explain to my dad that AJ and I are dating? Chloe thought. I think he expected us just to be friends. Oh well I’ll worry about that later. Chloe called Kim. She asked her how grad was. Chloe had missed grad and the prom seeing as she was with AJ, but she didn’t mind at all. Kim said it was O.K. and that she was casually dating this new guy named Eric. Chloe asked her if she wanted to come over and spend the night tonight. She said she’d love to. Also that she’d be their in 20 minutes. Chloe called AJ and told him her plans he said that was great and that he was going to spend the night with the guys if they were free. Chloe said that she may ahead to call him tonight because Kim might not believe her about actually dating him. AJ said yeah sure he would be home and invite the guys to his place. Just then Kim arrived. They sat down and talked for a while. Kim and Chloe discussed their plans for the future. Kim already new she was going to a local college and majoring in chemistry. Chloe wasn’t sure. She thought she was going to go to university and get her bachelor's degree in psychology. Kim talked about her new boyfriend. She thought he was O.K. but it wasn’t super serious or anything. Then it was Chloe’s turn to talk about her boyfriend. She said what a great and amazing man he was. Kim asked his name. Chloe said he’s name was AJ. “Where did you meet him?” Kim asked “O.K. Kim you have to swear to God that you wouldn’t tell anyone else who he is.” Chloe said very seriously. “Wow, O.K. Chlo if that’s what you want, so come on spill who is he and do you love him or something.?” Kim asked “Yes I love him, and he is.... AJ Mclean.” Chloe said “AJ your lying... like Backstreet boy AJ??? Kim asked excitedly! “Yes yes I thought you might not believe me so... you want to talk to him?” Chloe asked “Ahhhhhh Your serious!” Kim said “Yes I am, here I’ll call him then I’ll hand you the phone O.K.?” Chloe asked “Yeah O.K.!” Kim said Chloe dialed AJ’s number. He picked up after rings. “Hello?” AJ asked “Hey baby, it’s me, like I said Kim didn’t believe me so would you mine talking to her for a second?” Chloe asked “Sure honey, anything for you, put her on” AJ said Kim took the phone from Chloe. “Hello?” Kim asked “Yo, So your Kim?” AJ asked “Umm.. yeah wow!! I can’t believe it’s really you.” Kim said “Yep it’s me, so how you doing tonight?” AJ asked “I’m great now that I’ve talked to you. So how long have you and Chlo been dating?” Kim asked “About 4 weeks, but I gotta go sorry, Bri’s at the door, look you and Chlo can come over if you want and I'll introduce you to the guys.” AJ said “Wow yeah O.K. I’ll see you later. Thanks so much.” Kim said “No prob, C’ya!” AJ said then hung up the phone as did Kim. Kim looked at Chloe in disbelief. “What?” Chloe asked “You’ve been dating him for the last 4 weeks and you didn’t tell me!?! How could you?” Kim asked “Wow relax, we want to keep it a secret, like I said you can’t tell anybody. So what did he say?” Chloe asked “He invited us over to meet the guys.” Kim replied still slightly in shock. “So I assume you want to go?” Chloe asked “Of course I want to go, have you ever meet the other guys?” Kim asked “Well I've met Nick and Bri.” Chloe responded. “Oh wow, does Nick have a girlfriend?” Kim asked “Yes he does, I was wondering how long it would take you to ask that. SO when will you be ready to go, 5 minutes?” Chloe asked “Yeah All right, I can’t wait.” Kim said “O.K. Just remember Kim they are real people so you don’t have to act all weird around them O.K.?” Chloe asked “I will try my best but I can’t promise anything.” Kim replied “Fine, let’s go.” Chloe said Chloe and Kim drove to AJ’s house. They arrived at the door. Kim kept commenting on how huge AJ’s house was. Chloe rang the door bell........ That's ot for now I hope to get the next chapter up in a few days. So what do you guys think? Where should the story go from here? ANy suggestions would be great. Write them in the guestbook if you have time. Thank you, hope you liked it!

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