Chapter 15

Chapter 16
Back Home

Kevin answered the door. “Hello?” Kevin asked “Hi, I’m Chloe AJ’s” Chloe said but was cut off “Oh so your Chloe we’ve been hearing a lot about you.” Kevin said. “Oh really? Good stuff I hope!?!” Chloe said “Yeah, So who’s this?” Kevin asked “I’m Kim, a friend of Chloe’s.” Kim said “Oh I see well come on in.” Kevin said. Chloe and Kim walked into AJ’s house. AJ was sitting on the couch beside Brian. Then Nick was sitting in a chair. Kevin also came over and sat in a chair. “Hi” everybody said to one another. Kim introduced herself. Then Chloe went and sat down between Brian and AJ. Chloe went and sat in a chair beside Nick’s. “So what do you guys wanna do tonight?” AJ asked everyone “Truth or Dare” Brian said “You always suggest that man, it’s your answer for everything.” Nick said “How about we play truth or dare later but first to make things a little more interesting we drink! hahah” Kevin said and laughed “Yeah all right good idea.” AJ said So everyone agreed they would all drink one shot, then they’d play truth or dare until everyone had been asked one question. Then they’d drink another shot, then they'd play again. I think you get the pattern by now! AJ took out 5 shot glasses, he lined them up around the kitchen table and filled them with rum. Everyone lined up around the table and grabbed a glass. “O.K. one.... two.. three.. drink!” AJ said. Everyone drank there shot. “Ack... that was gross” Kim said “Oh don’t worry, you'll get used to it by the end of the night!” Nick said “O.K. everyone grab a chair and we will play.” Kevin said. Everyone sat down around the table. AJ filled their glasses for the next round. “Who’s going first?” Brian asked “You can go first since it was your idea.” AJ said “O.K. seeing as I don’t know you I’ll ask Kim first, truth or dare?” “Ummm..... truth I guess.” “O.K. we’ll start things off simple who is your fav backstreet boy and why?” “Oh great, I’ve been here 20 minutes and I’m already gonna have to offend people. O.K. my fav. Backstreet boy is Nick. Because he’s so cute.” Kim said and looked down at the table. “Oh Nicky you’ve got a fan, right here!” Kev said “Umm thanx I guess” Nick said “O.K. I get to ask next right?” Kim asked “Yes” Chloe said “O.K. I’ll ask Nick, truth or dare?” Kim asked “Ummm... truth I guess” “O.K. do you have one night stands with girls when your on tour?” “Ahh.... well I don’t now, cuz I have a girlfriend. But I have in the past a few times. It’s not like in a mean way. I tell them this is only a one night thing and stuff.” Nick replied “Oh I see” Kim said “K seeing as it’s my turn now I ask Chloe truth or dare buddy???” “Ummm.. truth, seeing as that’s what everyone else is picking.” “O.K. hmm I have to think of something good now...Is AJ a good fuck? hahah” Nick asked “Yes I can honestly say he’s the best I’ve ever had!” Chloe said slightly embarrassed All the guys made ohhing and ahhing sounds at AJ. “See I told you guys I was great and you didn’t believe me!” AJ said and laughed “O.K. I ask Kev, truth of dare?” Chloe asked “Well seeing as everyone else has picked truth all pick dare!” Kevin said “O.K. I dare you to French kiss Kim, for two minutes.” Chloe said “O.K. will do.” Kim looked slightly worried. Kevin walked over her and she turned her chair slightly so her back was facing the table. Kevin saw how nervous she looked. “Hey don’t worry honey it’s just a game.” Kevin whispered in her ear then gently touched her face. “Thank you” Kim said They started to kiss. Slowly at first, then they got more aggressive. Kevin still had he’s hand on the side of her face. “Time” Brian yelled They both pulled away, slightly out of breath. Kim turned her chair back around to face the table. Then Kevin walked back to his spout and sat down. “O.K. it’s my turn and seeing as there’s only AJ left truth or dare bone?” Kevin asked “Umm... dare I guess” AJ said “O.K. I dare you to..... hahahaha trade under wear with Chloe!” Kevin said and started laughing hysterically, as did the others. “Fine but not in front of you guys, where do you think of these things, Kev? O.K. Come with me Chlo!” “O.K. it’s not really fair that I'm involved in the dare cuz I already had my turn” Chlo protested “Just go!” Bri said Chloe and AJ went upstairs to his room. “O.K. we’re actually going to switch?” Chloe asked “Yes we have no choice so take yours off and I’ll take mine off.” AJ said “O.K. whatever you say baby!” Chloe said They both took off their pants and then underwear. AJ was wearing boxers so it was easy for Chloe except for the fact that they were a little too big. But that was no biggie. But for AJ there was another story. Chloe was wearing black panties. They were going to be way to small for AJ. He struggled for 5 minutes to get them on. “SO how do I look?” AJ asked then laughed “Oh fabulous you should wear women' underwear more often!” “Why does your underwear have to be so damn uncomfortable, O.K. we’ll go downstairs and show them we switched then were coming back up here to change O.K.?” AJ asked “Got it, let’s go!” “Fine.” AJ said They went down stairs and everyone was laughing at the way AJ had to walk because his underwear was so tight. AJ slid down the side of his pants so that everyone could see he was wearing her underwear. Everyone laughed even more at this. Then Chloe did the same. So then AJ and Chloe went back upstairs and switched back to their normal underwear. After 5 minutes they came back down. “Well that was definitely interesting!;” Kevin said “Yeah” everyone agreed. Everyone drank their shots and continued playing the game. After about 5 rounds everyone was tried. They all stayed at AJ’s house because they were too drunk to drive. The next morning everyone went home.
