Chapter 16

Later the next night. AJ and Chloe were alone in his room. “Chloe I have an idea, it’s really weird and kinky but after you get used to it you’ll love it I swear.” AJ said and then grinned evilly. “Oh god, AJ what do you have in mind?” Chloe asked with worry in her voice “Don’t worry, trust me. Do you trust me cuz that’s the most important thing in this game.” AJ said “Yes I trust you, but what game, I don’t like the sound of this.” Chloe said “Well you are about to prove that you trust me, just remember you can stop at any time. SO are you ready?” AJ asked “Yes, I guess so, but I get to do back to you whatever your going to do to me.” Chloe said “I’m counting on that happening!” AJ said “This involves sex right?” Chloe asked “You learn quick baby! It also involves handcuffs, so get naked, hahah” AJ said “I better be able to trust you or you’ll regret it and you just happen to have hand cuffs lying aound?” Chloe said as she got underdressed “yes I do and you can trust me, now lie down on the bed.” AJ instructed “O.K.” Chloe said AJ proceeded to hand cuff her to the bed. Then he started kissing and licking her. From her neck to her feet. He kissed every inch of her body. “Wow, this is great, I never thought i’d like somehting like this” Chloe said as she moened in pleasure. “I told you you would, see if you trust me I can open your eyes to many new and wonderful experiences.” AJ said “Thank you!” Chloe said “No prob but just wait there’s more to come!” AJ said and grinned. AJ caressed Chloe’s breasts. Her nipples became hard. She moaned softly. AJ spread his legs and sat on top of her legs. He gently started to kiss and lick her inner thighs. She smiled. AJ stuck two of his fingers inside her. She moaned loudly and called out his name as she came. “Oh god, that was mazing, you are amazing! AJ this isn’t fair I feel bad not doing anything for you, let me go and I’ll try this!” Chloe said “O.K baby, glad you liked it, see isn’t trying new things great? And you were worried.” AJ said “Oh yes wow, baby that was so good, I’ve never felt anything like that.” Chloe said “See now you are absoleutely sure that you trust me right? Because I put you in such a vulnerable situation and it all turned out O.K. because Chloe trust is so important in a relationship.” AJ said “I agree baby, and yes I appreciate everything you do, I trust you completely no doubts what so ever so now it’s my turn, get naked hun!” Chloe said Aj took off his pants and boxers. She hand cuffed him to the bed “O.K. I’m not exactly sure what I’m doing so tell me if I’m hurting you or you don’t like somehting or soemthing O.K.?” Chloe asked “Yeah I will don’t worry though baby, you’ll do fine.” AJ said Chloe started kssing his chest. She moved up to his ears. She was passionately kissing his neck and face as she gently stroked his chest and shoulders with her nails. He moaned. She started kissing and biting his nipples. He smiled, he was enjoying this a lot. She rubbed her breasts across his chest. He moaned again. He became hard. Chloe noticed this. She started kissing him down there. Yet she never touched his piece. He moaned. She notice a look of half pleasure half pain on his face. “Oh god chlo, touch it, I’m going to explode” AJ said “I’m getting there.” Chloe said She grabbed a condom off the desk next to the bed. She slowly put it on him. When he thought he almost couldn not take it anymore. She positioned herself on top of him and let him enter her. He moaned loudly with pleasure. She began moving him in and out of her. He let her do his seeing as he couldn’t really do anything himself. “Faster baby, oh god this is good,...ahhh oh chlo, chloe” AJ said as he came. “Oh god that was fantastic, you sure you’ve never done this before?” AJ asked “Nope, so that was O.K?” Chloe said “O.K? O.K.? That was amazing” AJ said as Chloe unhandcuffed him. They both got under the covers and fell asleep in each toher’s arms.

Chapter 17
