Chapter 17

“Hey honey, how are you?” AJ asked Chloe as they both just woke up after their night of adventure! “I’m great, when your here beside me, so what’s the plan for today?” Chloe asked “Well the guys have to get together to do this press conference thing about the upcoming US tour, so that’s gonna take a while, it starts in like two hours I think.” AJ said “O.K. well I'll go make us breakfast then.” Chloe said “O.K. so do you want to come to the press thing?” asked “Yeah O.K., sounds good, then could we do something tonight? Like maybe with all the guys seeing as your gonna be together. And I haven’t met everyone yet.” Chloe said “all right, sounds amazing baby, you always have such great ideas.” AJ said and smiled at her damn he has the most amazing smile chloe thought. “Thanks baby!” Chloe said She got up and put a pair of shorts and T-shirt on. She went down stairs and started making breakfast. AJ also got up had a shower and got dressed. Chloe and him ate breakfast together. They both enjoyed it. Then Chloe showered and got ready. They left for the press conference. Backstage Chloe met everyone. They all chatted for a few minutes until the boys were called on stage. Chloe sat backstage and watched them on the monitor. AJ looked so fine with his leopard print hat! Interviewer: Hi and welcome today we have with us the Backstreet Boys. The end of her phrase could barely be heard above the crowds roaring applause. Boys:”Hi, thanks for inviting us, were glad to be here” Interviewer: the pleasure is ours I’m sure. SO let’s get down to it, your here to promote your new album and US tour.” Howie: yes we are. Our new album is called Millennium. Again the crowd cheered. Interviewer: Yes it appears they’ve heard of it! I’ve listened to it and I’d just like to say I think it’s wonderful. SO do any of you have a favorite song?” Kevin: Well thank you, We put our hearts into this album, as we do with everyone, but this one is more personal than the others. My fav. song is Back to your heart. Brian: Yeah we’ll Kev is a little partial to that one because he co-wrote it. My fav. song is the perfect fan because I co-wrote it and it’s for our mothers. Interviewer: Yeah both those songs are great. The interviewer and the boys chatted more about the album and the upcoming tour. Interviewer: O.K. so that’s enough about business, now you know what everybody wants to know about your personal lives! So do any of you have girlfriends? Nick: Yes I do, her name is Julia, I love you honey. The crowd hissed at their favorite backstreet boy being ‘taken’. Brian: I do too, her name is Brittany Again with the crowd hissing and booing Howie: Nope I'm single! The crown cheered at this. Some girl near the back yelled out “I love you Howie!” Howie: Thanks, I love you too! Interviewer: Ahh, that’s sweet! So what about the rest, Kevin AJ? Kevin: Yeah I also have a girlfriend, her name is Michelle. AJ: Umm... I am not seeing anyone at the moment. The crowd cheered! AJ looked down at the floor. Chloe was shocked and devested. How could he just lie and deny her presence like that on TV. The interviewer explained how the fans should be happy that the boys are happy whether they have girlfriends or not. The boys finished their interview half an hour later. They all came backstage to see Chloe sitting on the couch crying. None of them actually understood why AJ had said what he did. Chloe asked one of them if they’d take her home. Nick said he would. They guys all said their good-byes. AJ had disappeared someone where. Everyone figured he’d turn up eventually. Chloe got into Nick’s car. “Thanx for the ride, Nicky, I just don’t really want to see AJ at the moment.” Chloe said “No prob, you know he gets weird like that sometimes, but I don’t know why he didn’t say he was seeing you. But I’m sure he has an explanation, he always does.” Nick said “Yeah well we’ll see later right now I need to go home and be by myself, but enough about that, How are you and Jules?” Chloe asked “I’m good, so is Jules, you can actually start to see she’s pregnant now, I think it’s cute, she thinks she’s getting fat.” Nick said “I’m sure deep down she thinks it’s cute too, wow I can’t fathom what it would be like to have a living thing inside you that you created.” Chloe said “I know, I think about how amazing it is everyday.” Nick said “Oh well were here, thanks again for the ride, I’ll talk to you and Jules later.” Chloe said as she got out of the car. “No prob Chlo, look anytime you need to talk or anything even if it’s about AJ I'm here.” Nick said “Thank you so much that means a lot, you know that goes the same for me too.” Chloe said “yeah I know Bye” Nick said “Bye” Chloe said Chloe walked into her house. She checked the mail. She found a note. She opened it to read it and it was from AJ...........

Chapter 18
