Chapter 18

When Chloe got home, their was a note waiting for her it read: Dear Chloe; I am sure your wondering why I said what I did on the show today. I honestly didn’t mean to hurt you. I do have an explanation for what I did. Please meet me in the park near your house. The one we went to on our second ‘date’. Please Chloe I need you to come meet me. I don’t want to lose you. I love you Chloe with all my heart. AJ Chloe sat down and cried as she read the letter. AT first she was going to throw it out and not meet him. But she had a feeling deep down that he really did love he and that he meant everything he wrote. So she decided she’ll give him a chance, she could always leave if she wanted. She got to the park half an hour later. She saw AJ sitting on the same tunnel they had been on 4 weeks ago. Although now, it felt it had been a lifetime. AJ glanced over at Chloe. She could tell he had been crying. He could tell the same about her. She walked over to the tunnel and climbed on top of it so she was facing AJ. “I’m glad you came, thank you” AJ said softly “That really hurt me what you did, AJ I would have understood if none of the other guys had said they had girlfriends because your management didn’t want you to tell. But they didn’t AJ, Why? Why didn’t you tell the truth?” Chloe asked she had to stop briefly several times to fight back the tears. “I didn’t want to lose or hurt you, you mean everything to me chloe, I need you to know that, you are my world” AJ said with emotion in his voice “What do you mean you didn’t want to hurt me, you hurt me by lying AJ” Chloe said not understanding what AJ meant “Look I need to tell you something, I just need you to listen.” AJ said and looked Chloe in the eyes. “O.K. I’m listening” Chloe said “I used to date a girl named Marissa, she was the love of my life, I had never loved anyone more. This is of course before I met you and realized there was a whole new level of love I had never experienced. So we did one of those press conferences three years ago, I told everyone I was dating Marissa. Then things changed. Crazy fans would always bother us when we went out in public. The media would go to amazing lengths to get pictures of us. Tabloids would report that we were fighting and going to break up, which some of the fans loved to hear that. They hated Marissa, they would send her hate mail and everything. So eventually all the pressure got to us and we broke up. Everyday from then until I meet you I regretted having told the press that I was dating someone and who she was. Revealing that I had a girlfriend tore me and Marissa apart. I didn’t want that to happen to us. You have no idea how scared I am to lose you.” AJ looked down. “Oh god, AJ I’m sorry, I understand completely, if only i’d known. Look if you don't mind can we just forget this whole thing happened?” Chloe asked hopefully “Oh Chloe I am so glad you understand, yes I would like to just forget this whole thing happened. Let’s go home.” AJ said “Alight, sounds good to me” Chloe said AJ and Chloe walked home. Holding hands. Both were so glad everything had worked out. Both AJ and Chloe really loved one another. This relationship was the best thing that had ever happened to either of them, they didn’t want to lose it.

Chapter 19
