Chapter 19

When AJ got to Chloe’s door. They said their good-byes. They planned on meeting for dinner with all the other guys at 7 o’clock. That gave them 3 hours to get ready. AJ headed for the mall. He had a special surprise for Chloe. He went to the jewelry store. He asked to see engagement rings. The guy showed him 10, he didn’t like any of them. He wanted something amazing for Chloe, she deserved it. Finally when he was just about to leave, the guy showed him the perfect ring. It was platinum (AN: That’s like white gold). It had a diamond in the center and two smaller diamonds on either side. It was amazing. It was beautiful and fancy yet it didn’t look showy. AJ bought the ring, put it in his pocket and went home. He got dressed and ready for dinner, called Brian and Nick and told them his plan. They all thought it was great. Meanwhile Chloe got ready for the dinner. She wore the ring AJ had given her, the one that said he would always love her. She touched it gently. it meant a lot to her, she had never taken it off since the day he had put it on her finger. She was so busy daydreaming about how wonderful AJ was she was shocked when the doorbell rang. It was AJ, he looked as handsome as always. She grabbed her purse and left with him. They got to the restaurant and everyone was their already. Their were 9 of them. All of the guys had brought their girlfriends, except for Howie, he didn’t have one. They all made small talk until their menus came. They ordered. AJ asked Chloe to dance. The restaurant had given the guys a table in a sectioned off area so that no one would bother them. It was quaint and private. AJ and Chloe finally had to stop dancing when their food came twenty minutes later. Before this the other couples had danced too. Everyone ate and enjoyed their meal. At the end of the night everyone said their good-byes. AJ took Chloe to the beach. They started to walk along the shore. It was incredible romantic as the moon light was reflecting off the water. After they had walked for about ten minutes AJ finally got the nerve to ask her. He stopped walking and kneeled in front of her. “Chloe” AJ said “Yes AJ?” Chloe asked “You know I love you right?” AJ asked “Yes, I love you too baby” Chloe said and smiled. “Well, today those brief hours when I thought i’d lost you. I felt horrible. Chloe I never want to experience that again. I love you with all my heart, mind, body and soul. You mean the world to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Chloe, will marry me?” AJ asked he was on the verge of tears and she could hear the emotion in his voice. “AJ I am so touched by what you just said, I feel exactly the same way about you, never did I think I would ever find or deserve a man like you. I thank God everyday that we found each other, I will never stop filling grateful that we met each other. Yes AJ I would love more than anything to be your wife.” Chloe said this, now their were tears streaming down her face. AJ gently put his hand to her cheeks and wiped them away. They hugged each other with so much passion and desire. The moment just felt so right and they didn’t want to spoil it. “Oh yeah the ring sorry!” AJ laughed as he realized he’d forgotten to give it to her. “No prob.” Chloe said and stuck out her hand. AJ took the box out of his pocket. He took out the ring and put it on her finger. it looked beautiful. “I think it suits you perfectly honey!” AJ said “It does, thank you so much AJ, words cannot express the love I fell for you right now” Chloe said “Don’t worry I feel exactly the same way!” AJ said They stood their kissing for a while. Then Chloe shivered, she was getting cold. AJ out his arm around her and they walked back to his car. She couldn’t help glancing at her ring every few seconds. Everything was so surreal, she couldn’t believe this was happening to her. They headed back to the car. AJ drove them to his house. When Chloe opened the door and looked into his house she was pleasantly surprised...........

Chapter 20
