Chapter 21

AJ woke up first the next morning. He got up, showered then started to make breakfast. Chloe woke up and showered then got dressed and went downstairs “Hey beautiful, how did you sleep?” AJ asked “Wonderfully, you?” Chloe asked “Great, so do you want some breakfast, I made eggs and their toast and bacon.” AJ said as he grabbed a piece of toast out of the toaster, buttered it then took a bite. “Your so wonderful, you know that?” Chloe said as AJ handed her a plate with and egg, toast and bacon on it, She sat down at the kitchen table their was a glass of O.J. in front of her, She took a sip. “Yeah well I try, honey!” AJ said and smiled “yeah so I’ve heard!” Chloe said and laughed as AJ had been using that expression a lot lately. “So when do you want to have our wedding?” Chloe asked “Hmm.. how does the end of Aug. sound to you?” AJ asked. it was July now so that gave them approx. 6 weeks. “Good, AJ I’ve never met your mom, oh no, is she going to like this? Is she going to like me?” Chloe asked AJ anxiously “Don’t worry so much sweet. Yes she like you, but you still have to tell your dad the news too, why don’t we invite them both over for dinner one day actually we could order in or something.” AJ asked “Yeah O.K. sounds great. When? How about next Friday?” Chloe asked “Yeah O.K. I’ll call my mom, you call your dad.” AJ said “Umm.. AJ...” Chloe said “Yeah, what?” AJ asked “They don’t get home until tomorrow.” Chloe said and laughed “Oh yeah! Oh well we can both meet them at the airport then!” AJ said “all right, and you have to tell your friends you know!” Chloe said “Yeah we could tell Nick and Brit this afternoon, I thought maybe we could go visit them?” AJ asked “Yeah sounds good, I’ll call Brit later, thanks for breakfast by the way!” Chloe said as she took another bite of her toast. “No prob, anything for my future wife! Oh how I like the sound of that!” AJ said. AJ and Chloe finished their breakfasts. Chloe cleaned up while AJ got dressed, he had just been wearing his boxers before. Later that morning Chloe called Nick’s house. It rang twice before he picked up. “Hello?” He said “Hi, it’s Chloe” Chloe said “Oh hey Chlo, how are you?” Nick asked “I’m great, look can me and AJ come over this afternoon, we have some news to tell you guys.” Chloe said “Yeah sure, you know your welcome anytime, I just have to go pick up this crib we ordered for the baby’s room. I’m leaving in like 5 minutes and should be back in half an hour so if you wanted to come after that?” Nick said “Yeah sounds great, C’ya!” “Good, bye” Nick said and hung up the phone as did Chloe. AJ and Chloe sat down at the table together. “O.K. we have like 40 minutes before we go to Nick’s wanna start talking about our wedding?” Chloe asked “Is that what you want to do?” AJ asked her “Yes, it is, how’d ya guess!?!” Chloe asked and smiled “Oh I don’t know, baby, O.K., so what kind of wedding do you want?” AJ asked “Well, hmm... I guess I want it to be small and private, not to fancy but elegant at the same time, not to traditional but not too wacky or anything, what about you?” Chloe asked “Yeah that sounds good, like I just want to invite my brothers (The boys) plus their girlfriends, my mom, a few relatives and few other people like I’ll probably only be inviting 30 people, that sound O.K.?” AJ asked “Yeah, great, I'll do that too, probably only like 25 people or so but I'm not sure, are I'll 4 guys gonna be your best men?” Chloe said “hahha that sounds funny! But I know what you mean yeah I think so, What about you?” AJ asked Well I'd like to have Kim as a bride’s made, then I guess I’ll have four others, maybe Julia and Brit and then another friend from school her name’s Lia.” Chloe said “all right sounds good, I guess we should do this again and make like an official list.” AJ said “O.K. we can do that tonight but I guess we should go now” Chloe said and stood up, walked to door and grabbed her purse off the table. “all right” AJ said and walked out side grabbing his keys on the way. They got to Nick’s 10 minutes later. AJ knocked on the door. “Hey bone, good to C’ya buddy, come on in, you too Chloe, sorry, haha!” Nick said as he opened the door and motioned for them to come in. “Thanks” Chloe said, walked into the house and sat down on the empty couch. Nick came in and sat down beside Jules, AJ walked over and sat beside Chlo. “I hear you guys have some news to tell us?” Jules asked them “Yeah we do” Chloe said and smiled at AJ, he grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She smiled back and looked at him as if to tell him to go ahead and tell them the news. “Were getting married!” AJ announced “Wow, that’s great!” Jules said “Yeah, I never thought AJ would be the first to get married I mean I always thought it would be Bri or Kevy. Hmm.. So your gonna ‘settle down’ now buddy? haha” Nick said and laughed “Yeah, yeah very funny! Yeah so were going to have the wedding near the end of Aug. we think, wanna be one of my best men Nick?” AJ asked Nick “Sure, of course I want to!” Nick said and smiled “So Jules, will you be a bridesmaid?” Chloe asked hoping she’d say yes. “Of course, I’d be honored, wow you and AJ married, there’s gonna be a lot of disappointed fans” Jules said “Yeah, I guess but I mean if they really loved me, they’d want me to be happy and I am with her!” AJ said and turned to Chloe and kissed her softly. She smiled and kissed him back “Awww” both Nick and Julia said “Yeah, so we’ll give you both more details when we plan some more. So what have you guys been up to?” Chloe asked them both “We’ll I went to the doctor yesterday and had my first ultrasound, I'm officially 4 months and 2 weeks into the pregnancy, they also told me...” Jules grabbed Nick’s hand and squeezed it. “There’s an 90% chance it’s a boy” Jules said excitedly. “That’s great” Chloe said “Yeah, hey I’m gonna have like a nephew, well you know the equivalent!” AJ said and smiled Everyone talked for a while longer. They talked about their lives, how happy they were with the way things were working out. They talked out the wedding plans, the baby and stuff like that. A few hours later, they all decided to eat dinner together. They decided take out would be best. So Nick and Chloe went to get the food. “So do you think you and Nick will ever get married?” AJ asked Julia “Umm... I don’t know, I mean I want to but I don’t want to burden him with so much responsibility and everything he’s so young.” Julia said and smiled sadly. “What are you talking about? First off he loves you and I’m sure this wouldn’t be a burden for him and your younger than he is!” AJ said “Yeah I guess your right, well actually I know your right! So what about you and Chloe what made you decide to ask her to marry you?.” Jules said “Well, I can’t really describe it, I mean I've been thinking about it for a while now. But this morning when I thought I’d lost her, it was like wow I don’t every want to experience this again, I want to be with her forever so I decided this was the best thing to do. She makes me feel like I’ve never felt before, it’s wonderful and amazing at the same time.” AJ said and smiled as he thought about Chloe. “I’m glad you happy, AJ” Jules said “Your happy too, right?” AJ asked her “Yes actually I am, I mean I’m the first to admit that things aren’t perfect but everyday is truly better than the last. I can’t wait until I have a little baby in my arms.” Jules said and smiled warmly “That’s great, you know that were always here for you no matter what right?” AJ asked her “Yes, thank you AJ, that means a lot.” Jules said “No prob.!” AJ said and smiled, with that in walked Nick and Chloe. Back in the car with Nick and Chloe “So have you picked out any names for the baby yet?” Chloe asked Nick “Well we haven’t really decided but I like Eric, Ryan or Shawn, what do you think?” Nick asked Chloe “Those all sound very nice, my fav. is Shawn” Chloe said “Yeah, Jules likes that one too!” Nick said “Oh Nick, I wanted to thank you again for everything this morning after the press conference, it really means a lot to me that you were there.” Chloe said “It’s no prob, like I said I’ll always be there for you and AJ, no matter what, don’t hesitate to call me anytime. I’m really glad you and AJ are back and happy. AJ’s been hurt before and no one wants to see him hurt again.” Nick said “Yeah, well, I’ll always be there for you too, ya know. And I am truly happy with AJ, I would never intentionally hurt him.” Chloe said and smiled thinking about AJ. Nick parked and ran into the restaurant to pick up the food. He was back in less than two minutes. “That was quick” Chloe commented “Yeah well they weren’t busy and the food was ready.” Nick said Nick and Chloe chatted until they got home. They walked into his house. Chloe grabbed the plates and set them up on the table. Everyone sat down to eat. They stayed until late into the night. After everyone had talked about everything they could possibly think of, AJ and Chloe went home. Chloe slept at AJ’s. They had talked about it earlier and they both decided she would move in there. Seeing as she was their so much anyway!

Next chapter
