Chapter 22

***For all of you who wanted time lapses, here you go!*** ### 6 weeks later, the day before AJ and Chloe’s wedding! ### AJ and Chloe were sitting in his living room going over final details for the big day tomorrow. They had meticulously planed everything. Chloe wanted it to be as close to perfect as possible. She picked out her dress. AJ’s mom went with her. Chloe was worried about first meeting AJ’s mom but after they all had dinner together, AJ, his mom, Denise, her dad, Griffin and her. They had all gotten along well. Both Griffin and Denise were worried that there children were too young and had not none each other long enough to get married. But by the time the dinner was over they had showed that age was just a number and that they truly did love each other. Therefore after that night both parents were supportive. They didn’t really have a choice. They new their children were happy and that was all they ultimately wanted. So Denise and Chloe had done a lot of the wedding planning together. Denise was almost as excited about this now, as Chloe was. So one of their outings together had been to pick out Chloe’s dress. At first she didn’t know what she wanted. She tried on like 15 dresses, but none seemed right. Then when she tried on the 16 dress, she knew it was perfect. It was white. It had lace and beads on the top with no sleeves, like it just went to her shoulders. The skirt part was puffy, it also had a 5 foot train. They she was going to wear white satin gloves that went up to her elbows. And a veil that was, of course, white, it was made of lace and it had pearls on it. Chloe was going to wear her hair up, and then this would attach to her hair. Denise thought it all looked beautiful on Chloe. The bridesmaids were going to wear sky blue dresses. The weren’t that fancy. This way they could wear them again. The dress went to just above their knees. It was like a plain blue dress underneath with a layer of blue lace over top. AJ had gone tuxedo shopping with Griffin. It was important to everyone that everyone got along well. Seeing as they were all going to be family now. For AJ this was easy, seeing as he already knew Griffin from when they all worked on the new CD together. AJ respected Griffin, he thought he was extremely talented. Yet little did AJ know, Griffin felt the same way about AJ. AJ wanted to get a really funky tux, yet Chloe made him agree that he wouldn’t, just for this one night. He agreed. Therefore he got a black tux, with a silver vest, to go underneath the jacket. This satisfied both of them, it was classical, except for the vest, which represented AJ’s uniqueness. Griffin and the 4 best men were going to wear black tuxes, with white shirts, no ties. AJ and Griffin both looked very handsome in their outfits! They had planned to have the wedding in Orlando at a local church. then they would have the reception at a hotel ballroom. In total they had invited 50 people. None of the media was invited and they were taking precautions to avoid any locations being leaked. The food was being catered by a local company. They had done a rehearsal of the wedding yesterday and everything had gone smoothly. Everyone was excited. They weren’t going to have a flower girl or ring breaker. It was going to be semi-casual. AJ and Chloe were both slightly nervous, yet they both new this was something they wanted and it was right. They were happy to spend the rest of their lives together. In honor of AJ getting married and Julia having a baby, they guys decided, to the disappointment of their fans, to delay the tour for another 7 months. That would make Nick and Jules’ baby approx. a month and a half old when the guys left. Nick had wanted to be able to spend sometime with the baby before he left. The tour would last 2 months, then they come back home. Chloe and AJ were both tried, they went to bed, dreaming of tomorrow when there lives would be joined together forever, officially that is!

Chapter 23
