Chapter 23

The next day. AJ and the guys were all getting ready at his house. Chloe and all the girls were getting ready at a suite they had rented in the hotel were the reception was going to be. Chloe, Denise, Lia, Kim, Julia and Brit had all been spending more time together as they were planning for the wedding. Today they were all going to the salon. They all got their hair, nails and make-up done their. They went back to the hotel to get dressed. They were ready with 30 minutes left before they had to be at the church. AJ and the guys had all gone swimming in the morning. Then everyone had a shower, which took a while considering their was three showers, but only one could be used at a time. And their were 6 guys. After that, they all put on their tuxes and were ready to go. they drove to the church in AJ’s explorer, seeing as it had the most room. They got their 15 minutes before the wedding was to start. “You nervous, bone?” Nick asked “Yeah a little, but I’m more excited than nervous.” AJ answered “That’s good.” Nick said Griffin and Denise, who came from separate rooms, both met up with each other as they went to find a seat. All the other guys chatted idly for a few minutes then they heard the music play. It was now or never. AJ was the first to walk down the aisle. He was used to performing in front of people so the crowd didn’t really scare him. He smiled at a few faces he recognized as he walked slowly down the aisle. Their were a few cameras that flashed. Then Nick walked down the aisle. When he was half way down, Brian came out. Then Howie, then Kevin. The three guys stood beside each other in the front of the church. AJ stood slightly closer to the center. *15 minutes earlier, in the girls room* Chloe was making sure she had everything. They were just about to leave. “O.K. I have a blue garter belt, I have something borrowed, which is these diamond earrings from Denise. Then new, well that’s my dress” Chloe said “O.K. so you got everything?” Denise asked her “Yeah I think so.” Chloe answered They all then drove to the church they got their 10 minutes early. Denise went to find her seat. The girls chatted for a few minutes. “So are you nervous?” Julia asked Chloe “Yeah, I am excited to, but I mean there’s going to be all those people staring at me what if I screw up or start to cry?” Chloe answered “Oh it will be fine, nobody’s perfect and they expect you to cry, this is an emotional event, I'm sure some of them will even cry.” Julia said and laughed so did Chloe. “Thank you for making me feel better.” Chloe said “No problem, anytime.” Julia said With that they heard the music started to play. Kim walked down the aisle first, then when she was half way down, Lia started. Then Brittany, then Julia. There was a brief pause. the minister asked everyone to stand. They did this. Chloe slowly started walking down the aisle. She smiled back at the smiling faces. Their were a lot of cameras flashing. then she saw AJ, standing at the end of the aisle in front of the minister. He was smiling, he thought Chloe looked breathtakingly beautiful. Chloe thought she had never saw AJ looking so handsome as he did at this moment. After what seemed like forever, she finally reached him. She took her place beside him. He reached for her hand and squeezed it slightly. She smiled at him. The minister told everyone they could be seated. They all sat. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today ....blah blah blah (AN: sorry I didn’t know the rest of the words)” The Minster declared. He went on, the crowd, AJ and Chloe listened intently. “Do you AJ take this woman, Chloe Abigail Morgan, to be your lawfully wedded, wife, to love and cherish for the rest of your life? (AN: or whatever they say exactly!)” the Minster asked AJ. “Yes, I do” “Please repeat after me, I Alexander James McLean take you, Chloe Abigail Morgan to be my lawfully wedded wife.” the minister said AJ looked into Chloe’s eyes as he repeated what the minister had said. A single tear ran down her face. AJ wiped it away, she smiled at him. “Do you Chloe Abigail Morgan, take this man, Alexander James Mclean to be your lawfully wedded husband, to honor and cherish for the rest of your life?” the Minster asked Chloe “I do” Chloe said as more tears ran down her face. She could tell AJ had tears in his eyes. She smiled at him. “Please repeat after me, I Chloe Abigail Morgan take you, Alexander James McLean, to be my lawfully wedded husband.” the minister said Chloe repeated everything he had said. She had to stop a few times to gather herself. A single tear slid down AJ’s face as she promised herself to him forever. She gently wiped it away. The couple exchanged rings. The minister then announced that AJ had a surprise for everyone. He looked at Chloe and smiled. Kevin sat down at a piano in the corner and started playing. All the other guys lined up beside it, including AJ. Nick, Howie and Brian shared a mike and then AJ had a mike himself. AJ sang lead in “I Need You Tonight”. When they were done they all went back to their spots. Chloe now had tears streaming down her face. She was so impressed and happy. The Minster said the rest of the ceremony. AJ and Chloe talked whenever they were asked to. Finally after what seemed like forever but was actually only about 25 minutes, the minister pronounced them husband and wife. AJ turned and kissed Chloe passionately she kissed him back. The crowd “ahhed”. They walked back down the aisle and went to AJ’s car. They were to be at the reception in 30 minutes. They were married, they were both in complete bliss and happiness!

Chapter 24
