Chapter 24

Chloe and AJ talked in the car. They were happy everything was finally over and that they were finally married. They were both happy everything had turned out so well. They kissed in the parking lot. When they got to the hotel, were the reception was, they were the first ones there. Eventually people started coming in. They all wished the new couple happiness and all that stuff. The reception was great. Everyone seemed to have a good time. The food was good, the drinks were free and their was lots of dancing. All the other boys made speeches about AJ and Chloe. How they wished them happiness and success in the future. AJ made a speech to Chloe about how much he loved her and looked forward to spending the rest of his life with her. Chloe also made a speech to AJ. She said things like she loved and adored him and was so grateful he came into her life. Then the new couple made a speech to all the guests thanking them for coming and for the presents. All the fun lasted until 4 in the morning, when the final guest left. AJ and Chloe crashed in a hotel room. The next day they were going to leave for their honeymoon. They were going to Hawaii! (Thank you - goes out to Sam for that idea!). Chloe and AJ went home to pack. Chloe had already officially moved into AJ’s house. All her stuff had been moved their. They both packed their bag. AJ made a comment about how chloe need not bring many clothes! Their flight was in the afternoon. They went over to Nick’s to say bye before they left. They all sat in Nick’s living room. They were all chatting about what a wonderful wedding it was! Nick said he had an announcement to make. “Well, what is it nicky?” AJ asked “Well... me and Julia are going to get married!” Nick said and smiled widely at Julia “Really, that’s great, congrats!” Chloe said “Thanks, were are planning on a quickie wedding in like Vegas or something just because we saw all the stress you guys went through and we want to avoid that. So were each inviting are mom and dad and siblings to the ceremony but that’s it.” Julia said “Sounds good! wow. well that’s wonderful.” AJ said Everyone talked about that for a while then it was time for AJ and Chloe to go. They said their good-byes and left for the airport. Nick and Julia wished them well. AJ and Chloe had a good flight to Hawaii. They talked to each other in baby voices and they quoted lines from romantic movies. All the mushy things newly weds do. They talked about their future. Chloe wanted to go to university and wait at least 4 years before they had kids. AJ agreed, he wanted to get more settled in his music career waiting until things died down slightly. Maybe establish a solo career. When they arrived in Hawaii, they took a limo to the hotel. Chloe was impressed, the hotel was quite fancy. Chloe and AJ quickly took a tour of the hotel, then they changed and went to the beach. First Chloe laid on the beach and tanned while AJ swam. Then they both went into the water. They both had a lot of fun. AJ organized a romantic dinner. It was perfect. He set up a table for two on the beach. Their wasn’t anyone around. They ate dinner in the moonlight. That night AJ was laying on their king sized bed in the hotel room. Chloe walked out of the bathroom wearing a white lace and satin teddy. AJ’s mouth turned into a sly grin. She looked beautiful. She walked over, straddled behind him and started massaging his shoulders. He was enjoying this. She whispered in his ear. “I here sex gets boring once your married” Chloe whispered “Well then, he smiled coyly, we will just have to prove that wrong won’t we dear!” AJ whispered back to her, then he started kissing her shoulders and collarbone. “You bet baby.” Chloe whispered back and smiled as she was enjoying him kissing her. She started to kiss and nibble on his ears. They both explored each other’s body’s. They liked the familiarity of knowing each other so well. They both knew how to please each other. Chloe slowly peeled off AJ’s clothes. Kissing every part of his body as it became exposed. She kissed around his package, he moaned with pleasure. Then he started pleasing her. He expertly started fingering her. This was something he hadn’t tried with her. She was enjoying it immensely. Then he entered her, they made love repeatedly that night. Pleasing each other in new ways, neither had ever imagined. Their honeymoon was great. The week went by quickly. Before they knew it, it was over. They came home, both of them were nicely tanned. Nick picked them up from the airport. They told him all about their trip and how wonderful he it was. Nick said that him and Julia had taken a short trip while they were gone. Julia and Nick had gone to Las Vegas to get married. Julia was now, Mrs. Julia Carter, she was extremely happy! AJ and Chloe spent the rest of the day at Nick’s. They told AJ and Chloe about their wedding. They also talked about Nick and Julia’s baby. She was due in 2 months. They had the baby’s room completely decorated. Julia and Nick were also attending Lamaze classes. The group talked a while longer, then AJ and Chloe went home. They unpacked and Chloe started a load of wash. AJ watched T.V. for a while. Then they both went to sleep.

Chapter 25
