Chapter 25

***2 months later*** Chloe and AJ had invited Nick and Julia over for dinner. Her baby was due any day now. Chloe and Julia’s mom had thrown her a baby shower. She was very surprised and happy. She had gotten a lot of stuff for the baby. 5 minutes later their was a knock at the door. AJ went to open “Hey guys, how’s it going?” AJ said as he saw Nick and Julia at the door. “I’m good, although I can’t wait until this baby is out, every part of my body hurts! Not that I’m complaining, haha! thanks for asking though.” Julia said. “I’m good, you?” Nick asked “Great, you guys can sit down at the table if you want, Chloe said dinner would be ready like any minute.” AJ said. Everyone went to sit at the table. Chloe brought out a ton of food. They were having roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, carrots and corn and salad. Everyone ate and chatted for a while. Nick, Julia and AJ all commented on how good the meal was. AJ and Nick had just started taking away everyone’s plates when Julia went to the bathroom. She came out and said, “Umm... guys, I think my water just broke.” Julia said “Oh wow, umm should we call the hospital?” AJ asked “What’s it like, does it hurt a lot?” Chloe asked “Umm.. yeah if you could call my doctor, AJ, her number is here” Julia said and handed AJ a piece of paper from her pocket. “I’ve been carrying that number around now for the last two weeks, just in case, and umm it’s hard to describe, the pain’s not that bad, yet! It’s kinda like an intensified version of cramps you get with your period.” Julia said and walked over to the couch and laid down. AJ came back after talking on the phone. “So what did she say?” Nick asked AJ “She said how far apart our your contractions Jules?” “Umm... like 20 minutes, I guess, their kinda irregular.” Julia said as she winced slightly as one started to come one. Nick walked over and held her hand. She thanked him. “O.K. well she said wait until there 5 minutes apart then come into the hospital. She said it will take a while.” AJ said “O.K. thanks for phoning, AJ” Julia said Everyone took turn sitting, walking and comforting Julia throughout her contractions. Chloe’s turn was first. She got the easy part seeing as Julia’s contractions weren’t that frequent or sever yet, she didn’t really need much help. Chloe just timed them and got up occasionally to get her a drink or water. Nick went next, then AJ. AJ tried his best to comfort him. He would get up and walk with her. He would massage her back, get her ice cubes, hold her hand. Anything he could think of yet it didn’t seem to help. In between contractions she would be fine, thanking him for helping her. Yet as soon as the contraction came on she would yell and moan. AJ would actually wince as she squeezed his hand. Finally the contractions were 5 minutes apart. Nick drove her to the hospital. AJ and Chloe followed behind them. Once at the hospital Julia got changed and a nurse showed them to her room. Julia screamed through a lot of contractions. When they were over she would ask everyone why she’d wasted her time on those stupid Lamaze classes because they weren’t helping! Finally 19 hours after her water broke she started pushing. “O.K. now not only do I have to live through the pain but now I have to push, oh god just get this baby out!” Julia moaned, she was extremely tried. “O.K. well if you want the baby out you have to do the work so with the next contraction I want you to hold your breath and push. O.K. here comes one now, take a deep breath and push... keep pushing.. your doing great... keep going, push, push push. O.K. contractions over, you can relax now.” The nurse said. After an exhausting hour of pushing the baby was finally delivered. Much to Julia’s relief, she had never screamed that much in her life. Nick and Julia were very happy. The baby was wonderful and healthy. It was a boy. They named him Shawn Ryan Carter. AJ and Chloe were tired, seeing as no one had slept in the last 30 hours. They went home. They said they would come visit tomorrow morning. Julia held, feed and cuddled the baby for a few hours. Then she slept. Nick then got to hold the baby. He was amazed with what had happened. He was holding his son, he had helped create this life. He was slightly scared and nervous but more excited. Eventually Nick fell asleep holding Shawn in his arms. 3 hours later Shawn woke up both his parents by crying. Julia feed him for a while then he fell back asleep. The next morning AJ and Chloe came to visit. Chloe got to hold the baby first. This made her happy as she loved children and could not wait to have one of her own, yet she wanted to finish her education first. Then AJ got to hold Shawn. Chloe couldn’t help but notice how wonderful and caring he was with Shawn, she was very confident he would make a wonderful father some day. Julia was released from the hospital that morning. AJ and Chloe went home, but told Julia and Nick to call if they needed any help. Julia and Nick also went home with Shawn. To them everything was perfect! Nick and Julia tried the best they could do be great parents. They both shared the responsibility for two months. Then Nick and the guys had to go back on tour. While Nick was gone Julia and Chloe got together a lot. Chloe helped out a lot with Shawn. Both guys missed their wives a lot while they were on the road. As did Chloe and Julia miss them. Nick would call Julia everyday, sometimes he would talk to Shawn, just so he could hear him babbling. AJ called Chloe about everyday or so. Chloe was O.K. with AJ being gone. She had already started taking university courses. So that occupied a lot of her time. 2 long months later the guys finally came home. The girls and Shawn went to the airport to greet them. Everyone, especially Nick noticed how much Shawn had changed in two months. He was now 4 months old. That night the guys and all their girlfriends had dinner at a fancy restaurant to celebrate there return. Shawn stayed with Julia’s mom, who had offered to baby-sit. Everyone had a wonderful time. Things were going great for all of them.

Chapter 26
