I'll Always Love You - Chapter 1

I’ll Always Love You Mini-Prologue A story about a girl named Chloe. She is 18 years old, lives with her dad, Griffin, in Orlando Florida. Also about AJ, I'm sure you all know about him. Chloe is a senior in high school. She has two more weeks until she graduates. Her dad, Griffin works as a record producer. He’s away on business trips a lot. Through her dad she meets AJ. Then the story develops. Chapter 1 One sunny Friday morning Chloe Morgan was getting ready for school. Her dad wasn’t home he had left for a business trip to Toronto. He went on business trips frequently. So Chloe was on her own for the next 2 weeks. Chloe is in grade 12 at a local high school. School starts in 45 minutes. She sits down and eats a bagel and drinks a glass of O.J while watching MTV. “I Want It That Way” comes on. She watches more closely. She always sorta liked the BSB but ever since their new album came out she really likes them. Especially AJ you could say she’s slightly obsessed with him. She thinks he’s an amazing man. Now Chloe goes up to her room. “What to wear?” she thinks. It’s the last two weeks of school so she’s really happy. After thinking for 5 minutes she decides on a gray pair of Capri pants they go just to her knees. With a black tank top, then her fav. shoes she just bought last week their about 3 inches tall platform slides with black bottoms and a gray top. She puts her hair up into a messy French twist with a claw clip. Then quickly applies some foundation and powder, then mascara and some clear lip gloss. “Not bad” she says as she looks in the mirror for a final time. She runs downstairs grabs her keys, wallet, books and bag. She precedes out the door to get into her black jeep TJ. It’s a 10 minutes drive to school and she has 20 minutes before classes start. So far her day is going great. She gets to her locker, says hi to her friends then heads to class. By the time the lunch bell rings at 12 she’s hungry. She’s glad schools over for the day. She only has 3 classes. She loves her schedule this semester. English, biology then psychology. Psychology is her fav. subject she is considering becoming a psychologist when she’s older. Chloe sees two of her friends, Kim and Lia, sitting at a table outside the school she quickly goes to her locker then joins them. They all talk about how their day was and how their glad schools almost over. Chloe takes out a ham sandwich and an ice tea she starts eating. Then Lia’s boyfriend, Shawn comes over, so Lia leaves with him. Kimberly also has no afternoon classes. Chloe finishes her lunch then offers Kim a ride home. She accepts. Chloe gets home finally at 2:15, she had to stop off at the store to get grocery, then she had to get gas. When she gets into the kitchen she grabs and apple from the fridge and takes a bit. There's a message flashing on the answering machine. She presses play and listens.....

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