Chapter 2

The message was from her dad. Hi honey. It’s dad. How’s your day going? Just wanted to say hi. Hope your doing O.K. without me, I know you are, you always do. Anyway I have a surprise for you. Call me back around 3 your time if your home. I’m staying at the holiday Inn, the number’s 367-3776. Have a nice day, bye Chloe. Chloe finished her apple while wondering what the surprise could be. Chloe’s dad was a record producer he worked for Jive Records. “Hmmmm....” Chloe thought out loud. “Maybe I'll get to meet someone famous, that would be cool! Oh well I guess I’ll just have to wait to find out” Even though her dad dealt with singers all the time she barely ever got to meet any of them. Her dad wanted her living a normal life and didn’t want her to be too involved with his clients. She did get to meet New Kids on the block, when she was 7. But she couldn’t really remember it that well now. Also it was before they made it big, so it wasn’t the same. It was 2:45, she had 15 minutes before she was to call her dad. She cleaned the dishes in the sink that she had used at breakfast. Then she thought about what she was going to do tonight. “Maybe I’ll call Kim and we can go out to that new restaurant” Then it was time to phone her dad. He answered after 2 rings. “Hello?” “Hi dad it’s me, how are you? and what’s the surprise?” “Hold on Chloe, my day was good, what about you?” “Great” “That’s good” said Chloe’s dad Griffin. “So the surprise is I want you to meet one of my clients, he’s name’s AJ I know you’ve heard of him...” Chloe cut him off in mid sentence “from the Backstreet Boys??? That AJ???” When? Where? Why?” “Hold on” said Griffin, happy his daughter was excited. ”I feel bad leaving you by your self so much, AJ’s mom has to stay here in Toronto and work on some things so AJ would be by himself so we thought you guys could do some stuff together. What do you think?” “WOW dad that sounds amazing, so is he gonna call me or something? I can’t believe this!!” “Good I’m glad your happy, yes I told him to call you after he got home he should be getting in around 5 he thought you guys could do something tonight.” “That’s sounds awesome dad! Thank you so much!!!” “O.K.. good, now you wait for AJ to call, try and make him feel comfortable and everything, I'm sure you will so I have to go have a good night. Bye Chloe” “Bye dad, thanks again”

Chapter 3
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