Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Bring......... that was the noise the doorbell made. Damn I’m nervous thought Chloe as she went to answer the door. She opened it to find a smiling AJ. Damn did he look good! AJ was wearing a pair of faded jeans with a black T-shirt then he had a blue Hawaiian shirt undone over top. “You look nice” said AJ “You look good too” Chloe said then smiled Chloe immediately noticed the tattoo’s down AJ’s arms. She stared at them for a second. “What?” AJ asked “Nothing sorry I was just admiring your tattoo’s, I know this is really personal and stupid but can I touch them? I have this weird fascination with tattoos. One day I’m gonna find out way people get them. That sounds cool, yeah you can touch them, you don’t have to feel so nervous ya know? I already like you, so you don’t have to worry about impressing me!” Chloe reached her hand out slowly toward his arm she first touched the Japanese characters. She felt a pleasant shock of electricity go up her hand when she made contact with his skin. He to felt the same electricity. They smiled at one another. She gently rubbed her hand over the tattoo. “What do the Japanese characters mean, if you don’t mind me asking?” AJ smiled, he enjoyed talking about his tattoos he was proud of them. “ well the first one means “life” the second “love” and the third “laughter”. ”(Author’s Note: I know on real life that’s not what they mean but for this story just pretend they do!) “I don’t mean to be rude or anything but can we talk about this later I’m kinda hungry?” said AJ “ Oh sure I’m sorry Yeah I’m hungry too” “Good” They both got into AJ’s ‘99 ford explorer, it was black. They proceeded to drive towards McDonald’s. They both sat in silence until they got their. They listened to the radio and thought. AJ thought: So this is interesting. I like Chloe she seems really cool, a little nervous and scared though. Oh well I'm sure as we get to know each other she’ll relax more. She’s good looking too. I hope she likes me, but I'm pretty sure she does. I wonder if she has a boyfriend. I don’t think she does or she would have mentioned him. She makes me feel good. When she touched my arm I felt electricity. I hope this works out. Chloe thinks: This is so amazing. I absolutely cannot believe I am in the same car as AJ Mclean. I hope he likes me. I think he might at least he said he did. He’s so hot. And when I touched he’s arms I felt sparks or a tingling sensation. That was cool. He makes me feel comfortable. I was so nervous before but know I’m relaxing more that’s good. I wonder if he has a girlfriend probably, I mean he sees so many girls. But then something about him tells me he doesn’t. Oh well I will find out. I hope this works out. When they arrived at McD’s, AJ stopped in the parking lot, he then asked Chlo if she wanted to go in or go through the drive thru, she said drive thru. She didn’t want to take the chance that everybody recognized him. So they went up to the drive thru window and ordered, AJ got his usual quater pounder, fries, ice tea, no lemon. Chloe got a McChicken sandwich, fries and a diet coke. Then they drove home. They didn’t talk on the drive home. Yet it wasn’t an awkward silence each was just thinking about the other. Then they arrived at AJ’s house, or should I say mansion, it was huge. AJ could tell Chloe was impressed. They both walked in, AJ went into the kitchen to get napkins, he told Chloe to sit down and make herself comfortable. Chloe sat down at the kitchen table. She took out her food. Then took out AJ’s and placed it across the table from where she was sitting. AJ came back with napkins, he handed her one, took one himself, then put the rest on the side of the table. AJ took a bite of his burger, then looked at Chloe, “she looks so cute” he thought. Chloe then took a bite of her sandwich and looked at AJ “wow, this is amazing was all she could think”. “So how old are you?” asked AJ as he was finishing his fries. “18” she said, “Your 21 right?” she asked. “Yep, you got it”. “So are you having fun? Honestly I know this is kind of boring but I thought we could just talk and get to know each other?” “sure” said chloe “ I’d love to and yeah I’m having fun.’ They finished their food then they both moved to the couch. They sat side by side each other with about a foot between them. “Well tell me when your not, you promise cause we can do whatever you want she say something, I mean I don’t know you seem sorta distant or something said AJ “Ummm... O.K. I’ll tell you when I’m not having fun and yeah I’m just thinking about how surreal this is, me being here with you.” “Oh O.K. well relax, I'm just a relatively normal guy, like you said on the phone.” “O.K.. So can I ask you some questions AJ?” “Of course, good you seem interested now, Shoot ask me anything and I mean anything, but the deal is I get to ask you stuff next” “all right it’s a deal” they shook hands. “How long ‘s your break from the tour?” “Ummm.... I think we have like a month and a half off or something” said AJ “Where’s all the other guys?” asked Chloe “Well they all went to visit their families, but my mom’s working on stuff about the tour with your dad and a bunch of other people, so I just came home.” “I see, when did you get your first tattoo and why?” “oh good I see your into the serious q’s now, good, O.K. I got my first tattoo, a snake on my back, when I was 19. Umm I can’t really describe why I did it, I thought about it, It just seemed right” “I see, so what did it feel like?” “Well it’s hard to describe it, it hurt, I wasn’t really prepared for how much it hurt, Let’s just say I swore a lot while I was getting it done” AJ grins as he tells the answer. “What’s it like being famous AJ”? “Ahhh... it’s hard to describe. It’s kinda weird. I mean I love every minute of it. Getting to fallow my dream and passion which is music. When I’m onstage and I see hundreds of screaming fans I get like this intense rush. But someimes when I wish I could casually go to mcDonald’s without worrying about secruity or someone reconizing me. But don’t get me wrong I mean it’s flattering that the fans like me and my music. Does that kinda answer your q?” “Yeah it does that was a good answer but now I don’t know what else to ask so I guess it’s your turn AJ” “O.K.. good, hmm what do I want to know first.... what’s your middle name?” “Hannah, that was a weird question” “I know but I have this thing about middle name’s you don’t really know a person until you know there middle name” “O.K.. sounds good” “ What do you do for fun like what’s a typical day for you like” “wow that’s a good question, why couldn’t I think of these. Well a typical day, I get up, shower, eat breakfast, go to school, come home do any odd jobs like picking up groceries that need to be done, then I make dinner, talk on the phone or do homework for a while. eat dinner then surf the net, checking my mail, read or go hang out at a friend’s house stuff like that, and for fun I go shopping, hang out with friends, go to the movies, surf the net, stuff like that.” “O.K.. hmmm Now you have to ell the truth no matter what even if it would hurt someone's feelings or something like that you promise?” “yes, but you have to as well” “O.K.. I promise I will, so what do you think of me, I mean do you like me, do I live up to what you expected?” “Chloe thinks for a minute “ absolutely, I like you, and I really like your question, I hate when people play games, so yes I like you and you are everything I expected and more and from now on let’s promise, if we see each other again that is, to always tell the truth to one another?” Chloe said this feeling more and more comfortable by the second. “Of course sounds good to me and Chloe... I think we will be seeing a lot more of each other!” AJ replied and smiled. “What about you AJ do you like me?” Chloe asks with nervousness in her voice. “honestly?... yes I do, I scared you their for a second when I didn’t answer didn't I?” “yeah you did, that was evil!!!” She glared at him playfully. “ you knew I liked you, there’s something about you that draws me too you, even though I've only met you, I feel like I've known you for a while.” “Me too, that’s exactly how I feel, it was like you read my mind or something!” Chloe said now feeling totally comfortable with AJ, enjoying every minute of her time with him. “Chloe I know we’ve only just met, but what would say if I asked you out?” “AJ I’d say this.... she leaned closer and kissed him softly and sweetly on the lips” “wow... that was nice, ill take that as a yes” said AJ “yeah it was nice and yeah take that as a yes’ Chloe looked down at her watch it was 11:30. “Wanna go for a swim?” asked AJ “Umm O.K. but I don’t have a bathing suit...” “That’s O.K. Chlo, you didn’t need one.” AJ grinned evilly! “Ummm.. I’ve never gone skinny dipping before” she said with a nervousness in her voice “Relax, it’s O.K. look it’s dark out so nobody well be able to see you, I’ll go outside, take off my clothes and jump in, then you can take of yours, I'll close my eyes, promise.” “Wow” thought Chloe “Well I guess there's a first time for everything, you promise you’ll close your eyes? I’m trusting you?” “Yes Chloe You can trust me and I will close my eyes” “O.K.. I'll wait here tell me when your ready for me to come out” O.K.” and with that AJ ran out side towards the pool, he tore off he’s clothes and jumped in. “O.K.. come in” yelled AJ Chloe slowly got up went and went outside. She slowly started to take off her shirt and shoes while AJ watched her. “Hey” she yelled “ you promised you wouldn’t look” O.K. O.K. said AJ and he turned around. Chloe took off the rest of her clothes and got in the water which was actually quite warm. Chloe thought: Omigod I can’t believe I’m doing this, but something about it seems right I trust AJ, I don’t know why, but I do. Imagine what my friends would say if I told them I was swimming naked with AJ McLean!!!” AJ thought: Wow I'm surprised she agreed to do this, I wish I could have saw her naked before she got in the pool but I promised I wouldn’t look and something told me that I needed to keep my promise I don’t know why but I really like her and want her to be happy. Chloe and AJ swam around for a while then Chloe looked at her watch it was 12:00, I should go she said. Then AJ came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders, her leaned over her neck and kissed her, at first they kissed slowly but then AJ managed to turn her around so she was facing him without breaking the kiss, then he increased the intensity. Their wet skin touching each other’s. AJ loved the feel of Chloe’s body against his own. Chloe loved the feeling of secruity and safety she felt in AJ’s arms. The kiss was great, almost magical, they both thought, but then Chloe pulled away and smiled and said softly “I should go” “O.K..” said AJ I’ll drive you home. Chloe and AJ got dressed then he drove her home at her doorstep she kissed him, he was happy, she was happy. He gave her his number and told her to call him as soon as she got up tomorrow morning no matter what time it was and that he couldn’t wait for her call. She said yeah she would and she couldn’t wait to talk to him again. Then she went inside. He left to go home. Chloe went to her room. Changed into her pajamas and went to sleep, but before she fell asleep she thought about her wonderful night with AJ. “It all went so well” she thought. “I really hope AJ actually likes me cause I really like him. Even though we just met it seems like we knew each other forever. He makes me feel so wonderful” When AJ got home he got undressed and got into bed. Before he fell asleep he thought about his night with Chloe. “I really like her, I don’t know I can’t describe it, she makes me feel weird, like good weird. I don’t know, I hope it works out between us. I’ve never felt this way about any girl before. I think I love her. I know it seems ridiculous becuse I’ve only known her for a day but she’s different and I like that!

Chapter 5