Chapter 5

Chloe woke up the next day, Saturday. Took and shower then she put on a tank dress. With sandals. The put her hair in a messy bun. She went into the kitchen and got a bowl of cereal. Then as she was eating she called AJ. After 4 rings he picked up. “Whoever is calling me at this time in the morning better have a good reason for doing so!” he stated in a very groggy sleepy voice. “I’m sorry it’s just you told me to call you when I woke up, it’s Chloe by the way” “yeah I know, it’s no prob., I’ll wake up at any time to hear your voice, it’s so sweet” “Your so sweet” Chloe said in a cute voice “I know I try, hahah” laughed AJ. “So do you want to do something today?” Chloe asked. “Sure, what? How about we spend the entire day with each other? Just you and me, we’ll get to know each other really well, I want to know everything about you Chloe, I’m serious” “Wow, sure AJ I’d love to spend the day with you and I really want to know everything about you.” “O.K.. so how about hmm.. I can hear your eating breakfast now. hahah” “Yeah sorry I was eating Cheerios” Chloe said as she took another bite. “So how about I’ll eat breakfast, then I’ll come over and we’ll take a walk through the park, you have a park near your house don’t you?” “yeah there’s one about 4 minutes away so we could do that then we could come back hear and I'll make lunch for us” “O.K.. sounds Chlo, then we could go shopping and we’ll go back to my house and I'll make dinner for us” “O.K.. but I'll you sure you want to make dinner cause I could make it for you if you want” “No chloe it’s my turn to do stuff for you, so that plan sounds good right?” “yep so when do you want to come over?” “ummm... I’ll just eat breakfast then I'll come so like 20 minutes. “I’ll right AJ, I’ll be waiting” “C’ya!” “bye” AJ arrived at Chloe’s house 20 minutes later. They smiled at each other. He took her hand and looked into her hazel eyes as they walked out the door. She squeezed his hand as to say I like this. Then she locked the door and they walked to the park. They each took a turn talking about themselves. Then when they got their they both went on the swings. The park was deserted so they didn’t have to worry about AJ being recognized. Then they both sat facing each other on top of a tunnel. (Author’s Note: I don’t know if you have those where you live put their like tunnels that are big and hallow about up to your chest, so you can sit on the top or sit inside them.) They looked into each other’s eyes. They both trusted each other completely. They started to kiss. AJ moved closer to her. He started kissing/nibbling her ear she smiled, enjoying this immensely. Then he started to French kiss her. She did the same to him, they explored each other’s mouths with their tongues. Then as she got out of breath Chloe backed away. “That was really really nice AJ” chloe said smiling. “Yeah I thought so too, we should do it more often” he grinned. “W should but I’m hungry” chloe said as AJ leaned in to kiss her again “O.K.. me too, you wanna go back now?” AJ asked “yeah” “O.K..”. They walked back holding hands and enjoying each other’s company. Then a girl about 13 came up to them. She looked amazed. “Your your.... you are AJ McLean aren’t you?” “Yeah” said AJ “Nice to meet you, I assume your a fan “Yeah I’m a huge fan, If it’s not too much trouble could I have your autograph?” asked the girl. “Of course, What’s your name?” “Shelby Sanders” said the girl “Nice name” said AJ as he signed he’s name and wrote a msg. “thanks so much’ She said “No prob. Thanks for your interest!” “Bye’ “C’ya!” “That was nice AJ” said Chloe “Yeah well if it weren’t for the fans I would never be where I am so I owe everything to them” “That’s so sweet, honey” “Yeah well I try!” Then they both walked in the door of Chloe’s house. Chloe told AJ to sit down. He did. She went into the kitchen made sandwiches, fruit, veggies, onion dip and mixed up fruit punch. Then she brought the food and some plates to the table. “Is this all right?” she asked “Yeah looks great baby!” They both ate the food and enjoyed it and each other’s company a lot. Then when they were done Chloe went to brush her teeth. Then she came down the stairs. AJ brushed he’s teeth with a toothbrush Chlo gave him. Chloe went to get her purse AJ wrapped his arms around Chloe’s waist and pulled her on to the couch to kiss her. She was pleasantly surprised. She kissed him back passionately. Then he started kissing her ears and neck. She rubbed her hands all over he’s arms and chest. Then Chloe stopped she figured they should get going. “Wait!” AJ whispered. “There’s something I want to ask you and I want you to give me and honest answer, but you don’t have to answer if you don’t want” “O.K. shoot AJ” “Chloe are you a virgin?” Chloe looked at him for a second Then she whispered “yes” and looks down at the floor. “It’s O.K. you know Chloe, I respect that” You look sad or something “I’m not it’s just that your so experienced and I'm not and what’s gonna happen when this comes up I don’t know I just worry.” “Chloe do you want to talk about us and sex? You know were gonna have to discuss this one day so why not know?” “all right AJ your completely right. So do you expect sex from” chloe asked “NO of course not chlo, I understand if you don’t want to do it, but why haven't you done it up till now? I mean are you afraid or something?” “Yes I am I’m really scared and I haven’t done it with anybody until now because it never felt right, I can’t explain it. But I don’t know I feel something with you like I might wanna you know have sex with you....” “ O.K. chloe look you don’t have to feel embarrassed about this or anything you know that and hmm I’m trying to make you feel comfortable here, look sex is about trust. So.....” Then AJ pulled a condom out of his pocket. Chloe just stared at him confused. “Look” he said “I don’t think this is the right moment to talk about this, I need to think about this and I think you do too, so when you think your ready to talk about this I want you to give me this back” AJ placed the condom in her hand. She took it, looked at it for a second then put it in her pocket. “Thanx your making me feel good about this you know your so great.” “No prob. Chlo I just always want you to feel comfortable, I mean that, if your not O.K. with anything we do and I mean anything tell me no matter what O.K.?” “Yeah I will thanx AJ” “No prob. so you wanna go to the mall now?” “Yeah O.K. just let me grab my purse and we’ll go.” “O.K." They both left the house chloe locked the door, then they got into AJ’s 4x4 and left to the mall. Chloe thought: Wow, I am so lucky to have someone like AJ I mean he makes me feel so wonderful and comfortable, I haven’t felt like this around any man before. I think he might be the one I want to be my first. AJ thought: Well... that was kinda weird. Usually I’d have had sex with her already but she seems I don’t know different like I’m willing to wait for her if she thinks that’s right. I don’t know but I think things are gonna go great between me and her. When they got to the mall both AJ and Chloe shopped around together for a while. AJ bought Chloe a dress. It was black and long, it had spaghetti straps. It was made out of this satiny material. He really liked it and so did Chloe. She looked really fine in it. AJ bought himself a black dress shirt. Then they spilt up to look around the mall by themselves for a while they said they’d meet back up in half an hour. First Chloe went to the lingerie store, she bought a black satin bra and panties to match. AJ went to the florist and bought 3 red roses for Chloe. Then he went to the jeweler and bought her a ring, it was like a friendship ring not an engagement ring. He felt something very strong for Chloe he had never felt like this about anyone before. The ring was silver, she had said that that was her favorite type of metal. It had a small diamond set in it in the middle. Then he got it engraved to say: Chloe: I love you, AJ. He had never yet told her he loved her so he thought this was a good way. Then they both met up again. They went home and talked about stuff in general like the weather or the music on the radio. Chloe and AJ had a wonderful dinner that night. First Chloe showed up wearing a blue skirt that went to her knees then had a slit to mid thigh and a white shirt that went off the shoulders. (AN: the dress AJ bought her was being saved for later.) AJ was wearing a velvety type suit with a burgundy shirt. He looked fantastic. When she got their he gave her the three roses and told her to put them in a vase on the table then sit down. She did that AJ dimmed the lights, lit candles, brought out the food and they ate. Everything was wonderful. They both enjoyed every minute. As they were eating they talk about themselves, their childhood's, anything they didn’t know about each other but wanted to know. Chloe asked AJ about losing his virginity and what it was like. He explained that it had happened when he was 16 and it was kinda weird but in the end he’s do it gain the same way. AJ asked Chloe about her father and how he was away so much. When they were done the phone rang. AJ picked it up. “Hello” said AJ “Hey hun, how are you doing?” asked he’s mother Denise. “I’m great mom thanx, you?” “I’m doing good as well, look sorry AJ but some unexpected delays came up and I’m gonna have to stay in Toronto for another 2 weeks.” “O.K. is everything all right?” asked AJ “Yeah we should have everything ironed out soon.” “O.K. Mom, Is Chloe’s dad any where around?” “Yeah he’s right here do you wanna talk to him or something?” “No but I think Chloe might... hold on a sec. I’ll go get her” “Hi, dad?” Chloe asked “Hey sweetheart, how are you doing, I see your at AJ’s” “Yeah I’m at AJ’s were getting along great dad, thank you so much for introducing us, (you can hear AJ yell from the back round “Yeah thanks Mr. Morgan) oh and I’m doing well, you?” asked chloe “Great but like Ms. Mclean said we are going to have to stay here for another 2 weeks” “Oh O.K. dad, well I miss you and hope your having fun” “I miss you to Chlo and yeah were having fun so I’ll see you when I get back, Bye” “Bye dad.” Then Chloe hung up and went to set beside AJ on the couch. She looked into his brown eyes, it was like she could see into him. She leaned over and kissed him, he was slightly surprised yet he slowly deepened the kiss. Then after a few minutes. Chloe pulled away. “Are you O.K.?” AJ asked “Yeah I’m fine, I’m great actually!” Chloe took out her purse looked in it for a second then pulled out the condom AJ had given her. “Here” she said “O.K. so does this mean you want to talk about sex now?” “Yes” she said as she looked him straight in the eye. “AJ I don't know exactly how to start this but I just have to say something so if I could just say and you listen then you can say whatever you want” “Of course baby, I’m listening, I’m always listening, don’t forget that.” “I know honey, O.K..... I’ve thought about it a lot while I was getting ready to come over here and I think I want to have sex with you, that is if you want to have sex with me, but I'm scared, really scared. Everyone talks about how sex makes your relationship different, well I don’t want ours to be different I like it the way it is, Also what if we start you know majority making out and change my mind or something, what if something embarrassing happens and I do something stupid, What happens if I got pregnant, Is it going to hurt, sex I mean? And AJ the most important thing I wanted to tell you is I don’t mean to make things awkward or anything but.... I love you, she looks down at the floor, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone else.” AJ just looks at her for a minute she looks scared or something yet she also looks so pure and innocent. He reaches out his hand to her chin and pulls up her hand so that she’s looking into his eyes. “Chloe Hannah Morgan I love you too” She looks at him with disbelief and smiles uncontrollably, he smiles back and reaches into his pocket and pulls out the ring. He puts it on her finger, it fits her perfectly. “Chloe this is a friendship ring, No matter what happens between us I will always love you and you’ll always have a place in my heart.” They both hug. “O.K. back to your concerns about sex, Yes I want to have sex with you, but I don’t want that to be a factor in your decision you need to decide for yourself if ready , don’t be scared or nervous I know you think that’s crazy but no matter what happens I’m still me and your still you, I’ll love you no matter what your decision or what happens, At any time no matter what Chloe if you want to stop I’m OK with that just tell me, it doesn’t matter if were both naked and you want to stop it’s OK, You won’t do anything stupid that’s almost impossible, look I'll talk you through it if you want. Hmmm... about you getting pregnant look despite our precautions if that happened I would support you, you need to know that I’d be here for you and the baby, I can’t say it’s something I would want but that doesn’t matter I'd still be here for you. As for sex hurting to tell you the honest truth, chances are it will hurt, 4 out of 5 girls I've talked to said it did, but the good news is that after your first time it won’t hurt anymore it will be enjoyable. But if it hurts too much or something Chloe we can stop, remember that. So does that answer everything?” “AJ you are amazing, I couldn’t ask for more in a man than you, I’ve made my decision I want to sleep with you but not tonight, tomorrow, I have to go to the doctor first, but you know how people get uptight and nervous I want it to be relaxed and stuff O.K.?” “Of course Chlo, look if I do anything that makes you nervous, just tell me so do you want me to come with you to the doc tomorrow?” “Would you mind?” “Not if that's what you want” “O.K. I’ll make he appt at 1.” “all right” “Hey Chlo do you want to stay here tonight, I mean we wouldn’t have sex we’d just sleep beside one another” “Yeah O.K. AJ sounds like a great idea to me, can I borrow one of your shirts or something?” “Of course” AJ and Chloe went upstairs. Chloe borrowed one of AJ’s shirts and slept in that, AJ slept in his boxers. They both kissed for a while and gently stroked each other's faces and hair. Chloe fell asleep first AJ watched her sleep for a while before falling asleep himself, she looked so cute, he thought.

Chapter 6