Chapter 6

Chapter 6 The next morning Chloe woke up first. She looked over at AJ he looked so peaceful sleeping. Yes she thought this is the man I want to be my first at that moment she had no doubt about her decision She got out of bed carefully as not to wake AJ. She went downstairs and looked around he’s kitchen to find something for breakfast. She made scrambled eggs, hash browns and toast. She poured two glasses of orange juice. Then just as she was getting herself a cup of coffee AJ came downstairs. He looked at her and smiled. “Wow” he said “You made all this for me?” “Yep” she replied “Now come here and eat it’s getting cold, plus it’s already 11:30, I have to shower and go home to change before my doctor’s appt at 1.” “O.K. I'll drive you home if you want, then I can drive you to the doc’s then I thought we could go play tennis or something?” “Yeah sounds great, remind me I'll bring a change of clothes so I don’t have to go home again afterwards” “All right” They both ate their breakfast together. Then AJ got ready and took chloe home. He sat on her couch and watched T.V while she showered and got dressed. AT 12:30 they were ready to go. AT 12:55 they arrived at the doctor’s. Chloe sat down and started reading a magazine she was nervous. Then 10 minutes later she was called to go in. She looked at AJ, he smiled at her reassuringly and told her everything would be OK. She was in the doctor’s office for half an hour. First her doctor examined her, then she prescribed her birth control pills and told her she needed to be on them for three days before they became effective. They talked some more about Chloe’s health and how she was doing. Chloe liked her doctor. She made her feel comfortable. Chloe’s doc offered her condoms and told her to be safe. Chloe took them thanked her for everything and walked out. AJ looked at her with uncertain, trying to figure out if everything was OK. Chloe just smiled at him. Then they stopped off at the pharmacy before going home. Then she changed into shorts and a T-shirt. AJ and Chloe played tennis. AJ won all three games, but the last one was close. Though Chloe didn’t mind losing that much.

Chapter 7