Chapter 7

The next week went by quickly. Chloe went back to her semi normal life. She would get up and go to school in the morning then she’d go to AJ’s at night. They’d take turns making dinner and a few times they went out. On Friday AJ picked her up from school and took her to the country, there he set out a picnic, it was very romantic. They kissed on the grass. Friday at around 4:00 o’clock AJ’s phone rang Chloe picked it up, which she did all the time now because AJ was in the kitchen doing something. It was Brian and Nick. Chloe said hi to them and talked for a while then passed the phone to AJ. AJ was glad to hear from them. They decided to do something tonight. They'd' all have dinner at AJ’s house then sit and talk about how the last 3 weeks have been for them. Brian and Nick were gonna bring their girlfriends as well. Chloe and AJ cooked dinner together. All 6 of them ate dinner in the kitchen. When they were done AJ, Brian and Nick did the dishes. The girls went in the family room to talk. Nick’s girlfriend’s name was Julia and Brian’s girlfriend’s name was Brittany. Chloe, Julia and Brittany got along well. They were all very nice to one another and liked each other. They talked about how they met each of their boyfriends and stuff like that. In the kitchen the guys talked about their girlfriends and how their lives have been since they last saw each other 3 weeks ago. Afterwards everyone gathered in the family room to watch a movie. They watched “The breakfast Club” everyone liked the movie. Afterwards everyone was going to go home but Nick suggested they play truth or dare. Everyone agreed it was a good idea, yet Chloe looked at AJ with a little worry on her eyes.

Chapter 8