Chapter 8

Chapter 8 AT first everyone just chatted about unimportant stuff. Like their fav. bands. Fav. movie. Fav. food, stuff like that. Then they started playing the game. “O.K. since it was your idea you go first Nick” said Brian “O.K. hmmm... who should I ask O.K. Chloe since I don’t really know you that well I’ll ask you, truth or dare?” Nick asked and smiled “Ummm... truth I guess” “O.K..... Have you and AJ had sex yet?” Chloe turned red and looked at AJ, he smiled and told her quietly that everything was OK and just to just answer the question “No we haven’t” she said Everyone kind of looked at AJ in surprise. Usually he sleeps with all he’s girlfriends by now. “Now it’s your turn to ask someone Chloe” said Nick “O.K. ummm... AJ” “Wait” Brain interrupted her “ new rule your not allowed to ask your g/f or b/f so Chloe you have to ask someone else” “Fine” she said “ since you made up that rule Brian I’ll ask you, truth or dare?” “Um.. dare I guess” “OK umm.... I dare you to go swimming in AJ’s pool” “Oh that’s easy” Brian laughed “Naked” Chloe said and grinned. “Um... I want truth” said Brian changing his mind. “No you picked dare so you have to stick with it.” “Fine I will but you guys can’t look” “O.K. we won’t look. Just go do it” said Nick Everyone waited while Brian took off he’s clothes in the backyard and got into the pool, then he came out dried himself off and came back in the room. “O.K. It’s my turn to ask now then” Brian said. “Go ahead” said AJ “I’ll right I’ll ask AJ, truth or dare, buddy?” Brain looked at AJ “Dare” said AJ “OK, I dare you to French kiss Julia, for two minutes” said Brian AJ looked at Chloe with uncertainty, knowing she wouldn’t like this. “It’s OK” whispered Chloe “It’s just a game, right?” “Right” said AJ relieved she wasn’t mad. AJ slowly walked over to Julia, he could tell she was also nervous. “It’s O.K.” AJ whispered in her ear “It’s just a game this doesn’t mean anything right?” “Right, thanx AJ” replied Julia AJ gently touched her face then started kissing her, she kissed back. Brian kept time. At the end of two minutes AJ pulled away and looked at Julia. She smiled slightly. Then he walked back to his seat. He could tell Nick looked a little pissed off. Julia looked at him and smiled, as if to say relax, it’s just a game and the kiss didn’t mean anything. “O.K. now it’s my turn” AJ said “ Ummm Nick, truth or dare?” AJ said. “Ahhh.... truth I guess” Nick said “OK .... Have you ever gotten a girl pregnant Nick?” AJ asked “Umm...” Nick looked at the floor, he looked at Julia she looked at him. “It’s O.K.” she whispered to Nick. “Yes” Said Nick “Julia??? Are you pregnant?” AJ asked her with disbelief “Yes, I am” she whispered “Congratulations” Chloe said to her “Thank you” she was smiling now “So your happy about it? what about you Nick?” AJ asked “umm I can’t say we planned this but now that I’ve had time to accept it, I’m happy about it” Julia said “Yeah me too, I’d first I was mad and sad but now I’m excited.” said Nick and smiled “That's good” said Brian “So how far along are you Jules?” Chloe asked “2 months” she replied “I’m kinda tried guys, maybe we should get going?” Brian said looking at Brittany. “Yeah me too we should go” Brittany replied. Brian and Brit left. Jules and Chloe talked about her pregnancy for a while then Nick and Julia left. AJ and Chloe cleaned up for a bit, then they sat on the couch and talked. “That was a surprise about Jules” said Chloe “Yeah I know, wow, well I'm glad she’s accepted it and is happy about it now. I never would have imagine Nick would have a baby first” “Yeah, it seems surreal, I couldn’t imagine being pregnant now at 18, but I think if it happened I would accept and be happy about it....eventually.” “Yeah, me too I guess, you know I think one day your gonna make a great mother Chloe, I mean that you know.” “Yeah thanx AJ that means alot, I really hope I will do a good job rasing a child, it’s really important to me, I want a child or children someday, you?” “Yeah me too, I think I want two or three children probably two.” “Think your ever going to get married AJ?” “Yeah I would like to, you know settle down in a few years then have kids.” “Me too, and AJ I think you’ll make a wonderful father, your really supportive and caring yet fun at the same time and easy to talk to, I really hope you never change!” “Thank you Chloe, you are such an amazing woman, that means a lot to me too.” “Thanx, you too, I mean amazing man, haha, AJ lets go to bed now, I’m tired” Chloe stated “Yeah me too” AJ replied Chloe and AJ went upstairs and went to sleep.

Chapter 9