Chapter 9

The next morning they got up. AJ made breakfast for Chloe and himself. They both got ready then they went to the movies. They went home. Then AJ told her he wanted to get a tattoo done. She was surprised at first she didn’t want him to because she knew it would cause him pain and she didn’t want to see him suffer like that. Yet eventually she decided that if that’s what he wanted, she was happy for him. Then AJ asked her if she had ever thought of getting a tattoo, She said she had thought about it but she was scared it would hurt a lot. AJ told her that she was right it did hurt but in the end it was worth it. Chloe thought about this, maybe she did want a tattoo. She always thought she’d like a butterfly on the small of her back. She went with AJ to the tattoo parlor. It was different than how she thought it would be. It was very nice actually. There were lazy boy chairs in their! AJ sat down in one and a guy came over to him. AJ introduced the guy as Billy, he was the one who had done all of AJ’s other tattoos. AJ told Billy he wanted a 69 around his belly button. Chloe knew this was his favorite number. AJ laid down and pulled up his shirt. Chloe asked him if he wanted her to leave. He said no if she was comfortable here than she could stay. Billy drew an outline with marker of the tattoo onto AJ’s stomach. Then he began filling it in with the permanent tattoo pen. It was like a really fat marker that had 4 different chambers in it for ink. Then it had a needle at the bottom of it. AJ looked uncomfortable as Billy did the tattoo. Yet so did Chloe, seeing him in pain like this. He would swear occasionally under his breath. It took about 20 minutes for him to finish when he was done he rubbed some green gel onto AJ’s tattoo. AJ told her it was to soothe it and prevent infection. AJ thanked Billy. Then Billy asked Chloe if she wanted anything. She looked at AJ. He told her it was her decision and not to think he was pressuring her or anything. Chloe decided she would get a butterfly on the small of her back. She laid done on her stomach on the chair. Billy and AJ asked her if she was sure she wanted this because it was permanent. She said yes she wanted this. She asked AJ if he’d hold her hand. He said yes of course and that it did hurt so don't be embarrassed to cry or scream or anything. She said thank you to AJ and that he was making her feel a lot better. Billy pulled Chloe’s shirt up her back slightly. Then drew an outline of the tattoo on Chloe’s back with marker. He used a mirror to show her what it looked like. She said she liked it so he started filling it in. Chloe was surprised how much it hurt. She squeezed AJ’s hand a lot and asked him how’s he’d gotten like 10 tattoo’s when it hurt this much. AJ said it gets better after a while you get used to it. Chloe had tears in her eyes and was about to let them fall down her face when Billy said he was doen. Thank god thought Chloe. It took about 15 minutes. Then he put the green gel on her tattoo which actually made it feel a lot better. Then her and AJ went home. Chloe and AJ were sitting on the eating lunch when Chloe looked at him with a serious face. “Look AJ, I’ve been thinking a lot and I decided I want to make love with you. I thought maybe we could do it tonight because the more I think about the more nervous I get and I kinda want to get it over with.” Chloe said. “O.K. if that’s what your sure you want. Then yeah we can do it tonight, do you want to do it here?” “Yeah” Chloe responded “all right, do you wanna go get ready at home or anything while I make dinner?”AJ asked “Yeah I need to get some stuff so I'll go home and come back around 7ish?” Chloe said “Sure sounds great, hey Chloe you know I love you right? ”AJ asked “Yeah I know” Chloe smiled “I love you too” Chloe put her hand up tp AJ’s face and brushed it slightly then the kissed breifly. Chloe went home got changed into the black dress AJ had bought her, she brought one of the condoms that the doc gave her in her purse. Then she watched TV and thought about her decision until 6:45, she left feeling confident this is what she wanted. She got to AJ’s just after 7. Seeing as she had stopped off at the floweriest before she get there. She handed him one white rose. He was surprised but happy. He asked her what it was for. She said she wanted to thank him so much for being the great guy he is. He said that there was no need to thank him because he feels lucky to be dating Chloe. He took her and and led her to the table. It had candles and their was backstreet boys music playing faintly in the background. It was I’ll never break your heart. The lights were dimmed. Chloe commented that AJ looked very handsome I his suit, it was purple. AJ said that Chloe looked very beautiful in her black dress that he had bought her. They ate dinner and talked about their dreams. What AJ would do if he didn’t have his music. How Chloe hoped to be a psychologist one day. Then when they were done AJ kissed her lightly on the cheek he took her hand and moved into the bedroom. There were candles there too and faint music, “I wanna make love to you” By Boyz to Men was playing. They started kissing more intensely and passionately. Chloe moved onto the bed she was sitting on her knees. She took off AJ’s shirt . He unzipped her dress and it slid off onto the floor. Chloe was surprised how well this was going seeing as she had no idea whether or not she was doing this right. Aj was making her feel very comfortable which she was extremely grateful for. They were both lying down next to each other now. Chloe was rubbing her hands up and down he’s chest while he was nibbling on her ear and neck. She was actually enjoying this, which surprised her slightly. She began kissing and nibbling AJ’s chest and nipples. He smiled, he was enjoying this a lot. She took off his pants. Then he took off her bra. He smiled at what he saw. He lightly touched her breasts. Both were enjoying each toher’s bdy’s alot. Then off came her under wear. Chloe reached down to take off his boxers. She felt his erection. He moaned with pleasure and anticipation. She took off his boxers now they were completely naked. They were kissing feverishly now. Their hands touching evey inch of one another’s bodies. Chloe looked into AJ’s eyes. AJ asked her if she was sure this was what she wanted. She said yes. She rolled over. AJ rolled onto top of her. As he did this she whispered to him to take it slow. He said he would and she could say stop whenever she wanted. They kissed more. He gently moved her hips under his. He entered her. She felt a sharp pain flow throughout her body. Her entire body tensed. She moaned quietly. AJ looked into her eyes and could tell she was in pain. He kissed her softly in an attempt to dull it. He began thrusting himself in and out of her. Eventually after the pain wore off, it felt good. She smiled. AJ was moaning with pleasure. Then he looked exhausted and finally he collapsed beside her as he came. They looked at each other both glistened with sweat. Chloe looked at AJ and asked her if that was O.K. He said not to worry that she was wonderful. AJ asked Chloe if she wanted to talk about what had just happened she said that they could talk about it tomorrow morning seeing she knew he was tired. He fell asleep. Chloe looked over at him. He looked amazing. Chloe was happy. She was glad everything worked out like it did. She was confident she had made the right decision.

Chapter 10
