Mark On My Heart

Emily slammed her locker shut.

“Fuck, I hate school!” she cried, as she sat down on the floor in the hall and cried. Luckily not many people walked down that hall. Emily had just started university 4 months ago, but she hated it. She didn’t know what she wanted to do, but she felt pressured into going to university right after high school. All she wanted now was to take the year off and figure it out. It sounded like a great plan she would work, see what she liked and disliked, maybe travel a bit, it would give her the time she needed to figure out what she wanted. It was hard to study and read chapter after chapter of boring textbooks when it had no point because she had no goal to strive for. Little did she know what the next year held for her. It would open her eyes to a whole new world she had never even dreamed existed, it would test her strength, trust, independence and love.

“Hey, honey, what’s wrong?” When Emily’s best friend Natalie came walking down the hall to see her best friend crying on the floor, she was concerned.

“Nothing I’m fine, thanks” Emily responded as Natalie lent her a hand to pull her up onto her feet,

“Oh your fine eh? Well I don’t usually sit crying on the floor when I’m fine, You really have a weird way of expressing your self their Emmy!” Nat joked

“O.k so I wasn’t fine but I’m O.K., now that your here, are you ready to go?” Emily asked her friend. It was 2 pm and they were done school for that day!

“Yeah” Natalie replied. The two girls walked to Emily’s car and headed home. They were very excited about that night.

“So what are you going to wear!?” Natalie asked excitedly. After a long week, it was finally Friday, and for the two girls this friday was very special, for they had tickets to a Backstreet Boys’ concert.

# 6 hours later #

After carefully getting ready, the two girls had finally arrived at the concert. The show was great, they even got to go backstage after it was over. Let’s just say Natalie had a few connections, through her father. After the initial hysteria of fans back stage had died down Nat and Emily actually had a chance to talk to the boys. At first they all talked together but eventually AJ and Emily went off together and so did Natalie and Nick.

“So your going to school?” AJ asked Emily, as he grabbed a drink from the fridge. They were both setting in a lounge type area behind the arena where the show had been held.

“Yeah, I’m not really sure what I want to do but I thought I’d try it for a while” Emily replied.

“You want a drink?” AJ asked

“Sure” Emily replied. AJ handed her a Pepsi, she held the can in her hand for a second, savoring the cool feeling against her fingers, then she slowly took a sip.

“So kid, ya wanna have some fun?”AJ asked

“What kinda fun?” Emily asked back, smirking.

“The “I got one night to rock your world in a way that you’ll remember for a damn long time’ kinda fun!?!” AJ tried to say it in his “Mr. Sexy’ voice but ended up laughing by the end.

“I’m game, I just have to say bye to Nat, then we’ll go?” Em asked, while thinking that no matter what happened she definitely would remember this night for a long time.

“You sure your up for this kiddo, and how old are you by the way?” AJ asked her.

“Yeah I’m cool with this and I’m 19 by the way, so your safe!” Emily replied, acting cool and detached but inside she was panicking. The man she had adored from afar for months just asked her to sleep with him.

Emily and AJ said their ‘goodbyes’ to Nat and Nick. Then the two headed to Emily’s house. Conveniently her parents were away for the weekend. The two headed up to Emily’s room. AJ started kissing her, gently at first, then the passion increased. Emily was into it, but he could tell she was hesitating. He hoped his suspicions would not be confirmed. All he wanted was a nice fuck, no commitments, no attachments, nothing. Little did he know at the time what he was in for, the ride of his life!

AJ ran his hand under the back of Emily’s shirt, while he caressed the side of her face with his other hand. As he nimbly undid her bra, she moaned slightly. He was good at what he was doing and he’d definitely done it many times before. It was like a well praciticed dance, even if his partner wasn’t a great dancer he knew how to cherograph the show so that they worked well together.

AJ turned to face Emily, he looked deeply into her eyes. He may have only wanted sex from her, but he also knew how to make sure that was exactly what she wanted too. He’d been ‘loving and leaving’ women for months now. Sure, there were things he missed about being in a relationship, the love, trust, companionship and intense intimacy that even the best one night stand could never give him. But of course there were things that he loved about not having a steady girlfriend, the freedom, now matter how much he’d loved a woman in the past eventually he began to feel ‘tied down’, it was sad but true.

AJ McLean had had girlfriends before, he never used to use women like he did now. But about 3 years ago he met a woman he thought was the love of his life. He thought he would marry her and spend the rest of his life with her. When that turned out not to be the case, when he realized he really didn’t love his ex anymore and that she didn’t love him, he was crushed. At first he thought he would never recover, that he would never be capable of loving another woman like he loved his ex. He had given his ex girlfriends so much, including his most precious commodities, his time and his heart. Yet when she stopped reciprocating that love, it tore him apart. He didn’t know if he would ever love someone again. That’s why he started having one night stands, by now it had become a habit that was hard to break. He never expected that Emily, who was one of dozens of fans he’d met backstage and ended up sleeping with, would forever leave a mark on his heart.

Chapter 2
