Chapter 2

Emily began to take off his pants, she slowly unbuckled his belt, then undid the button and pulled down the zipper, all the while her hands were shaking, she prayed AJ didn’t notice. The truth was she was a virgin, she’d also never given head before. But this was AJ McLean, she knew she had to ‘give it up’ eventually, her viriginity that is. She just wished it would be with a man she loved and who loved her. She admired AJ McLean but didn’t know him at all, none the less she had decided that she would go through with this. She thought afterall, how many times do you find the man of your dreams, a fucking backstreet boy in your bedroom? People have one night stands and engage in loveless sexual acts all the time, well she could do that too, couldn’t she?

All AJ had to do was shift his hips slightly and his pants fell to the floor. He lightly squeezed Emily’s shoulders as he took 2 steps forward and brought her with him, there bodies pressed tighly together, for a moment they just stood like that. Emily could feel him breathe, the sensation was wonderful, for those few seconds, she totally forgot the fear and anxiety she was experiencing.

Together they walked to the bed, while kissing each other passionately. AJ removed his hands from her lower back and started unbuttoning her shirt, before Emily had time to think it was on the floor. Emily pulled AJ’s shirt over his head and threw it across the room.

AJ sat down on the edge of the bed, after taking off his boxers. Emily had stopped for a second to look at him naked, he seemed just as comfortable without clothes as he did with them. AJ looked at Emily then looked at the floor. She got the hint quickly and lowered herself so that she was on her knees, facing him. She took a deep breath and quickly mentally reminded her self that she could do this and that it would be O.K. She scooted closer to him. She slowy stuck out her tongue and ran it ever so lightly over his ‘head’. Then she blew gently over the wetness. AJ moaned with pleasure. By now AJ had both his hands tangled in her hair. He drew her closer to him. She opened her mouth and his member slid in. She did nothing for a second just trying to get used to the odd feeling. AJ thrust his hips slightly at which point she began to suck and periodically she made a swollowing motion. Before she had time to think or prepare herself, AJ came which much more force than she had anticipated, she swollowed, partly out of instinct but alos becuase she thought AJ would like it better. She was right.

After AJ orgasmed he lay back on the bed, partly to rest for a minute, but also to think. He had just discovered that previous to what he had thought Emily was not sexually experienced. So now he wasn’t sure what to do, he was pretty sure she was willing to sleep with him, but he also didn’t want to really deal with the fact that is was her ‘first time’. That would be far from the emotionless sex he had anticipated. He thought for a while and eventually settled that he would give her oral and see how that went.

“Stand up” AJ commanded Emily, who not knowng what to do was still on her knees. It was such a weird feeling she was experiencing not feeling at home in your own room. Emily did as she was told. AJ got up off the bed and walked towards her. They started making out, he slowly unbuttoned her pants, he could feel her body stiffen as his fingers grazed the skin just below her navel. He pulled the pants off her hips and let them fall, then he guided her to step forward and out of them, he lowered himself to his knees, she shivered. He pulled her panties off slowly, then lightly blew, the warm air hit her most private part and she moaned.

“Lay down, please” AJ instructed. Emily did as she was told, as she lay naked on her bed she rubbed her hands against the sheets to dry her damp palms. AJ made his way to the end of the bed, he knelt to the floor and grabbed Emily’s ankles pulling her to the edge of the bed so he could work his magic.

“You ready honey?” AJ asked in his ‘sexy as hell’ raspy voice.

“Uhh... yeah” Emily said reluctantly, then took a deep breath, she tried to swollow the immense anxeity she was feeling, being so exposed to a man she didn’t even know and about to engage in something she hadn’t done before.

“You all right? Scared?” AJ asked, he thought he could just forget the fact that Emily was inexperienced but now that her legs had started shaking he felt really sorry for her, even though he was very sexually experienced now, he did remember the nervousness he had felt when he had his first sexual encounter, he only imagined that it was 10 times worse for Emily.

“Nah, I’m fine, sorrry” Emily replied, thinking all the while, could he tell how scared she was? How she had no clue what or how she got herself into this?

“You know, we don’t have to do this, you don’t have to do this, especially the whole act that your cool with everything that’s about to go down, yet your shaking legs seemed to have given you away.” AJ responded

“I’m sorry” Emily answered

“Don’t be sorry, just don’t fake things, it’ll get you in trouble sometime.” AJ replied