Until I Met You Brittany, Caitlyn and Emily were in Emily’s car on their way to a Backstreet boys concert. They were all excited, they all liked the BSB, especially Emily who adored AJ McLean. Yet was mature enough to realize he was just a person. Just then the radio announced a contest. “Radio Announcer: Hey Backstreet Boys Fans, how ya doin’ tonight? You guys on your way to the concert tonight? It’s sure to be a rockin’ show! How would one of you lucky fans like to win backstage passes? Well all you’ve got to do is call in and tell us who your fav. boy is and why.” “Oh my god! Let’s call in guys, wait who' going to talk, how about you Em? Your the one with the fav.” Caitlyn said excitedly. “O.K. I guess, can I use your cell, Brit?” Emily asked her friend “Of course, here you go.” Brittany handed her phone to Emily. Emily had already pulled the car over so she could phone. She dialed, it was busy. So she dialed again. It was ringing. “It’s ringing, guys, it’s ringing!” Emily said anxiously. “Hello, your on the air, what’s your name?” the radio announcer asked “My name’s Emily” Emily said a little surprised she had actually gotten through. “Hi Emily, So you want to win backstage passes? If so tell me who your fav. BSB is and why?” The announcer asked her. “O.K. my favorite Backstreet boy is AJ McLean. I think he is an astonishing man. He is caring, honest and humble. Not to mention sweet and funny. I can’t really describe why I adore him it’s just the sum of all his wondrous qualities make him so cool.” Emily answered, anxious to know if she had won “O.K. that sounds great, well guess what Emily, you won backstage passes, now you can tell AJ exactly what you told me. Congratulations, stay on the line so we can give you details. And now in honor of the concert tonight here’s “As Long As You Love Me”” The Radio announcer said as he started to play the song. Emily stayed on the line and got all the details. She was to see the security guard after the concert, tell him the password and she would get in. Her friends were jealous, but they knew she was the biggest fan out of them and deserved this chance. Just then they arrived at the arena. The girls got out of the car and found their seats. They were all excited about the concert. 30 minutes later it started. Everyone enjoyed themselves. Especially Emily who couldn’t wait to get backstage with AJ. They all had a blast at the concert. Cait and Brit were going to take the bus home, so Emily could drive home after the meeting as they didn’t know how long it would last. The girls said their good byes at the exit. Then Em walked over to the security guard she was really nervous. “Hey Can I help you?” The security guard asked “Umm... yeah, I won this radio contest and they told me to go to the security guard and tell him the password which is 47.5 fm plays the best music now.” Chloe said with nervousness in your voice “Well congrats on winning, you can come in, just walk straight down this hallway and you’ll see a room that says “stars” on the door, just walk in and it might be empty but you can sit on the couch and the guys will be there in like 20 minutes. First they shower after the concert then they do a meet and greet with those who have backstage passes, but there's too many people in their now, so they’ll come see you after that.” The security guard explained to her he had to stop once to tell someone who was trying to sneak backstage to go away. “Thank you!” Emily said she was very excited yet nervous, she was going to meet the guys, just her! She walked down the hallway for about 3 minutes until she saw the room. It had a purple door and a sign that said “stars”. She knocked, no one answered so she let herself in. No one was their. Their was a couch against the wall. With a reclining chair in the corner and a love seat against the other wall. Then their was a table with a awhile bunch of food on it. Also a TV and play station and a bow with a bunch of movies. The room was quite fancy compared to how she thought it would be. Just then she heard a knock on the door........... She got up and opened the door. “Hi, umm who are you” the woman at the door asked as she walked in the room and grabbed a drink. “I’m Emily, I won this radio contest, then the security guard said I should come back here and wait.” Emily said “Oh, Hi Emily, sorry I didn’t mean to sound rude before, but we get a lot of crazy fans who try and sneak into places where they don’t belong, I'm Denise McLean, it’s nice to meet you, the guys should be here in 10 minutes.” Denise explained. “Hi, wow, your Denise, umm.. I don’t know if this is appropriate to say but I'm probably never going to meet you again, so I just want to say I’ve never meet your son, but I think he’s amazing and you must have done an excellent job raising him, thank you.” Emily said “Hmm... thank you so much, no one’s ever said that to me before. You seem really nice, how old are you?” Denise asked Emily “I’m 17 almost 18.” Emily answered. “Oh, I see, so AJ’s your favorite backstreet boy?” Denise asked her, Emily blushed slightly. “Yeah, I don’t know what it is about him, it’s just the sum of all his wonderful qualities make him seem so desirable. He’s very talented, as you must also be!” Emily answered shyly. “Thank you, again. You seem very intelligent and articulate. Oh I’m sorry, do you want a drink or food or anything help yourself, the guys will probably take it all so if you want something you should get it now.” Denise said as she grabbed a sandwich to go with her drink. Denise liked Emily she didn’t know why but she did. Emily grabbed a diet Pepsi. “There's something about you, you seem very genuine. If you want I can arrange a meeting just between you and AJ, if you want.” Denise said through bites of the sandwich. “Seriously? That would be wonderful!” Emily said as she couldn’t believe what was happening. “Alright, I’ll go get him, then I'll bring him back here, introduce the two of you then I'll leave and you guys can talk. Just to warn you, you seem very nervous, AJ’s just a guy you know don’t think he’s better than you or something.” Denise said trying to calm Emily. “O.K. Thank you so much.” Emily said. Denise left to get AJ. Emily sat their and thought. Oh no, what if I can’t think of to say? Oh well I’ll deal with that if it happens. Just then the door opened.... “Hello” AJ called into the room, just to warn whoever was in their that he was coming in. “Hi” Emily said extremely nervous, he looked even better in person! Denise was standing at the door with him. He walked in, grabbed an apple, chips and an ice tea. “AJ, this is Emily, Emily this is AJ” Denise introduced the two. AJ walked over to Emily who was sitting on the couch. He shook her hand and gently kissed the top of her hand. Sparks ran through Emily’s body, the moment AJ’s lips touched her skin. Then smiled at her. He sat down on the couch opposite her. “Guys, I’m leaving to go see the other guys, so you guys talk and stuff and I'll be back later, come find me if you need anything.” Denise said they left the room closing the door behind her. “So, How did you get in here?” AJ asked as he took a bite of his apple. “Well, as my friends and I were driving to the concert, we heard a contest on the radio and I ended up winning. So I got to come backstage.” Emily said as she watched AJ chew his apple. “I see, congrats, so what did you have to do to win the contest?” AJ asked “Well, actually I had to say who my favorite BSB was and why.” Emily said “Oh, so what did you say?” AJ said and smiled anxious to here her answer. He liked her despite the fact he didn’t even know her. There was something about her eyes, the way she looked at him in awe. “Well actually, this is kinda of embarrassing, but it’s you, I mean my favorite Backstreet boy is you. I think you are amazing. Even though I had never met you I felt like I knew you. It’s just something about you that’s so wonderful.” Emily said embarrassed at what she’d said. “Wow, thank you that’s very flattering so I have one more question then you can ask me whatever you want, I mean anything! So what do you mean you felt like you knew me? You don’t feel like you know me now?” AJ asked Emily “Well, I mean now that I’m face to face with you things change, It’s like I realize I don’t really know anything about you.” Emily said “Oh I see well, maybe tonight we’ll change that!?!” AJ asked/said and smiled at Emily very flirtatiously. “So, I can’t believe I’m actually talking to you, this is so surreal. Well, what’s it like being so famous, I mean people adore you, your so coveted people watch your every move and want to be with you, yet at the same time your so untouchable?” Emily asked “It’s weird, I mean, I love it. But occasionally, I would just like to be a normal guy or a while. I miss being able to go shopping or to Mickey D's without screaming girls following me. But it’s all always worth it the second I step on stage. It’s such a rush, I'm the happiest when I’m entertaining people. The fact that I have the power to make so many fans smile, it’s surreal, like you say.” AJ spoke intensely as he thought about his life and his fame. “I know this is really personal but can I touch your tattoos? Sorry, I have this weird thing with tattoos.” Emily asked “Yeah, of course.” AJ said and smiled as he took off his shirt. “Wow” Em commented as she saw his abs. She reached out her hand and touched the AJ tattoo that was written in tribal on his arm. Sparks of electricity went through her body again as she touched his skin, yet this time he felt the same. “Thank you for letting me do that, so what was it like getting them done? Did it hurt, well I guess of course it hurt, but what did it fell like?” Emily asked “Well, when I got my first one I was kinda scared. I didn’t know what it would be like. So the guy first started I was like this hurts... a lot, but then after like a minute your body releases endorphins which dramatically dulls the pain. So then it’s not bad, it’s a really unique kinda indescribable feeling, kinda warm like electricity going through the area.” AJ said as he thought about his first tattoo, that was a while ago yet he remembered it like it was yesterday. “Wow, sounds intense, I don’t know when this is going to be over but before it is I just want to thank you for this experience, I truly think you are amazing, and I will be eternally grateful for this opportunity.” Emily said not really sure what to say next. “Well, thank you to, you to seem like a wonderful person, I want to get to know you better, do you have a few hours?” AJ asked “Umm.... yeah, this is fantastic, I can’t believe it.” Emily said “Good, oh how old are you by the way?” AJ asked “I’m 17 almost 18.” Emily replied “Oh I see, well you know your so much closer to Nick’s age and he doesn’t have a girlfriend maybe you should go out with him.” AJ said “What? I’m not here because I want to date a Backstreet boy, AJ. I’m here because I want to get to know you and I’d like you to know me. I’m not a toy you can’t switch me with one of your friends. Maybe I should go.” Emily got up to leave. “Wait, That was a great answer, you see I needed to test you some how to make sure you weren't just into me being famous and you just passed, sorry but we get a lot of girls who only want to know us because of our fame.” AJ said “Oh thank God, for a second I was really worried you weren't who I thought you were, look I like you for who you are not for what you do, No one could have heard of you tomorrow and I’ll still think your wonderful.” Emily said relieved that AJ wasn’t for real about what he said earlier. “Thank you, that means a lot to me. So how does McDonald’s sound? Sorry it’s my fav. but you probably already know that, and we gotta order in sorry about that to.” AJ said and smiled “Don’t worry about it, yes I know your favorite is McDonald’s and ordering in will just be more fun anyway!” Emily said and smiled, wow AJ was great. “You know what?” Emily asked “What?” AJ asked “Well I had this whole your amazing mind set before I even met you but you definitely lived up to that and surpassed it.” Emily said blushing slightly. “Thank you, your not s bad your self, babe.” AJ said and put his arm on her shoulder, as he had just got up and was motioning for her to so the same. Wow AJ called me babe! Emily thought. They both got up and left the room. AJ walked down the hall and Emily followed him. He stopped at another doorway. “Hey Mom, my and Emily are going to McD’s and then back to the hotel, k?” AJ asked his mom. How cute, Emily thought, he was still asking his mom’s permission despite the fact he was 21 years old. “Yeah, sure honey, who’s car are you going to take?” Denise asked “ahh.. we can take mine if you want?” Emily said “Yeah O.K. were taking Em’s do you want anything?” AJ asked. Emily, adored the way he said ‘Em’. “No, it’s O.K. have fun!” Denise told her son. “We will” AJ said and flashed her that killer smile! AJ and Emily walked to the parking lot. “O.K. my car’s just over here.” Emily said as she unlocked the doors. AJ quickly stepped beside her and opened the door for her. “Wow, thank you! I’m impressed, do you want to drive?” She asked AJ. “No, it’s probably better if you do.” AJ said as he walked to the passenger’s side. They both got in and out their seat belts on. Emily thought this was so amazing being so close to AJ and doing such a normal activity with him like going to McD’s! Emily drove them to the restaurant. “Drive thru?” Emily asked AJ “Yeah, sounds good.” AJ said “SO what do you want let me guess value meal #4 (whatever the number is in real life) with coke and ice tea?” Emily asked him. “You got it, very good!” AJ said and smiled as he took out his wallet. “Ahh, it’s O.K. I'll get it, I feel I’ve gotten so much out of your music I owe you this at least!” Emily said and got out her purse. “O.K. whatever you say, thank you but I’m getting the next time, hun.” AJ said “Next time?” Emily asked slightly surprised. “You just wait!.” AJ said and smiled. They got to the drive thru and Emily ordered. They waited a few minutes then got their food. “So where to?” Emily asked. “umm.. your place, is that O.K.?” AJ asked “Sure, just excuse the mess, I would have cleaned more had I have known this would happen.” Emily said and laughed softly. “No problem.” AJ said. They arrived at Emily’s house 20 minutes later. Throughout the drive they talked about common stuff like their interests. Emily got out of the car and let AJ and herself into the house. She turned on the lights. “No one’s home?” AJ questioned “Nope, my parents went to the cabin this weekend.” Emily replied. “Oh I see.” AJ said as he put the food on the table. They both sat down and ate their food. AT first they made causal conversation. Then they got into more interesting questions “AJ can I ask you something kinda personal?” Emily asked “Sure, shoot.” AJ said and smiled as he looked Emily in the eye. “What’s it like being so famous, I mean to have thousands of girls scream your name, to be able to make an arena full of people happy with the sounds of your voice?” Emily asked “Wow... It is absolutely amazing, AJ spoke intensely, I am the happiest mad when I’m on stage, I love it. I cannot explain the rush you get, it’s just something you need to experience first hand. It’s like a food, let’s say a pear. I can tell you a pear it green on the outside and cream colored on the inside, it’s firm, it’s juicy and it’s sweet, but you still don’t really know what it tastes like until you take a bite.” AJ said “Wow.... that does sound amazing” Emily said “It is, so anymore questions?” AJ asked “Yeah, what was it like when you got your first tattoo?” Emily asked “Well... at first I was very nervous because I didn’t know what it would be like, so first they out line the design with marker so you can see what it would look like. When they did that I was trying to be all tough, like oh I can handle this, then they start the tattooing pen and it makes this buzzing noise which is slightly startling, they when they first tough it to your skin, it hurts.... a lot. So I'm thinking, ah oh how can I handle this for an hour, but after about 3 minutes the pain subsides because your body release endorphins which dulls the pain a lot. So it’s still really uncomfortable and certainly not pleasant but it’s not as painful as everyone thinks.” AJ said and looked at his right arm, to the cross tattoo, he then pointed out that that was the first one he ever got. “That must be intense, I would be too scared to get a tattoo although i’d like one, I have this thing with pain, I like to avoid it at all costs.” Emily said and laughed. The two talked a while longer actually it was like 3 hours, eventually the conversation drifted towards sex. “What was it like your first time AJ?” Emily asked, she was slightly embarrassed. “Hey, I told you you could ask anything hmm.... it was unique and I won’t forget it, I was 16 and it was with this girl I didn’t love but eventually we got more serious so I’m lucky it worked out so well. It was awkward it was kinda in a rushed situation but I’d do it again the way we did it, I don’t regret doing it then.” AJ answered, Emily was impressed by how honestly AJ spoke. “So what was it like your first time, Em?” AJ asked her “Um... I’m a.... virgin.” Emily answered slightly embarrassed. “Don’t look like that.” AJ said “What?” Emily asked “You look embarrassed or something, why is that?” AJ asked “Well it’s just that you’ve had so much sexual experience and I’ve had none.” Em answered “But that’s O.K. it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” AJ said looking her directly in the eye as he spoke. “Do you have a girlfriend?” Em asked AJ “No, you got a boyfriend?” AJ asked “No. Why are you looking at me like that?” AJ asked as Emily started at him lustfully. “I’m wondering what it would be like losing me virginity to you.” Emily said “Haha well then why don’t we find out.” AJ said through laughter, surprised at what she had said “O.K.” Emily said “Oh I’m sorry, I thought you were kidding, you seriously want to sleep with me?” AJ asked her looking deep into her eyes. ‘Yes” Emily said with intensity staring right back at AJ. “Wow, you didn’t seem like the type, you understand that this is a one night thing right? I’m leaving tomorrow” AJ said “Yes I know I don’t seem like the type I cant even believe it but this is something I want and yes I understand this is a one night no commitment thing” Emily said “O.K., if your sure because there's no going back once you've done this.” AJ said he needed to make sure Emily was positive with her decision. “Yes I know, I’m ready.” Emily and AJ went upstairs to her room. They both thought wow, this si weird yet both want to do this. They slowly put their arms around each other. Emily was trying to savor every moment she could not believe she was about to do this. She and AJ started kissing. He slowly slipped his tongue in her mouth. She started messaging his tongue with her own. AT this point they were both passionately kissing. Both were getting turned on by the other. AJ hands had already slipped down to Em’s ass. Emily was stroking the side of AJ’s neck and his back. AJ slowly started to take Emily's shirt off. He looked her in the eye as to get permission to continue she nodded her head. He then took of her pants. Both articles of clothing fell to the floor. Both AJ and Emily were already starting to breathe heavily. Emily took off AJ’s shirt. She began kissing his collar bones and his chest she slowly worked her way down his body eventually reaching his belly button and the tattoo. She gently ran her fingers over it. The she started kissing and licking it. He started moaning in anticipation. While she was kissing she started to take off his pants. He threaded his hands through her hair and massaged her shoulders. Both were enjoying the experience. Eventually AJ’s pants and boxers made their way to the floor. Emily just started at him for a few seconds. She then started kissing him around his erection, he moaned slightly. Then she went down on him. Slowly putting him in her mouth. He began thrusting his hips. He bite down hard on his lip just as he came. His orgasm was wonderful. He had many yet this one was intense to say the least. Emily stood up not sure what to do next. She just looked at him slightly. AJ instructed her to lay down on the bed. She did so. Emily was nervous, having never done this before. “You O.K.?” AJ asked Emily in a ragged hoarse voice. “Yeah, sorry I’m kinda nervous.” Emily replied “It’s O.K., relax baby, you still want to do this?” AJ asked her he had now completely recovered from his amazing orgasm. “Yeah, I still want to thanks.” Emily said. AJ started to kiss and nibble her ear. She moaned, it felt good, it felt right. Even though she was about to make love to a stranger she knew, she felt this was right. AJ moved lower kissing her collar bones then nibbling and sucking on her nipples, she moaned slightly louder at this. AJ then proceeded to stick two fingers inside her. He had to stop momentarily to let her get used to this. Then he began thrusting them in and out. She started to moan his name. This experience was new and wonderful, AJ was making her feel this. Then Emily came. It was an inexplicable feeling, very wonderful, worth waiting for. AJ let her regain her composure slightly. He then positioned himself between her legs. He kissed hr face and ears for a minute while waiting for her to recompose herself. “You sure you want this Emily?” AJ asked her seriously. “Yes” she said in a ragged voice. “This is going to hurt you know?” AJ informed her “Yeah I know” She said in a weak scared voice “Don’t worry the pain will be replaced with pleasure after a while you just have to get through the initial stage.” AJ said “Yeah O.K.” Emily said “O.K. so you ready? Emily nodded. O.K. take a deep breath and hold on to my waist” AJ explained. Emily did what AJ told her. Then AJ, as gently as he could, plunged himself inside her. She gasped in pain. AJ could feel her hands squeeze his waist as the pain surged through her body. Her whole body tensed. Eventually the pain subsided. Ironically enough it turned into pleasure. Immense pleasure. Emily screamed AJ’s name before she came, even harder then before. AJ then collapsed beside her when he came. After they relaxed for a while. Emily spoke. “Was that O.K.?” Emily asked “Yes, honey, it was amazing. Was it O.K. for you” AJ responded “Yes, after that first part it was great.” Emily said, still amazed at the pleasure she had just experienced. “So what were those first seconds like?” AJ asked, he hadn’t been with that many virgins, he always wondered what it felt like for a girl. “Umm... it hurts it’s very brief but it kinda feels like a knife plunging into you.” Emily said “Wow, that sounds painful and this is for a girl who said she liked to avoid pain?” AJ asked and laughed slightly trying to break the tension of the situation. “Yeah well it was definitely worth it baby, thank you for this for everything, I will never forget you or this experience it means so much to me, I still can't believe any of this is happening.” Emily said “Emily you don’t need to thank me, I enjoyed and wanted this to, I also will not forget this, you may think I’m just saying that but I’m not.” AJ said. Then he kissed Emily passionately and looked at his watch. It was 4 o’clock. “Emily I need you to know that I must be back at the hotel at 8, were leaving then.” AJ warned Emily. “AJ what would you think of me getting a tattoo?” Emily asked. “Well, I think it would be cool, but you need to decided that for yourself, it’s something that will last the rest of your life you need to be sure it’s something you want and you can live with forever.” AJ said “Yeah I the want one, will you come with me?” Emily asked “Of course, you wanna go now?” AJ asked “Sure but I have to get dressed.” Emily said. She had a showered then got dressed as did AJ. They left for a tattoo parlor an hour later. Emily was quite nervous not knowing what this would be like. “You scared?” AJ asked her. “Yeah” Emily replied “Don’t worry it will be O.K., what design are you going to get?” AJ asked “Umm... a star on my lower back, it will always remind me of you!” Emily said and smiled as did AJ. AJ and Emily arrived at the place. They walked in. Their were a bunch of pictures of tattoos on the walls. The place was small, their was only two rooms were the tattoos were done then their was a front room. Emily told the tattoo artist, John, what she wanted. He took her to one of the rooms and told her to lis down on her stomach. She did this. AJ followed her and was sitting on a chair beside her, he held her hand. John explained to her everything that was going to happen. He then commented on AJ’s tattoo’s and how nice they were. AJ thanked him. So John lifted up Emily’s shirt and drew the design on her back. It was a small blue star, about 4 inches across. He then started to tattoo the design on. Emily tensed slightly with the pain as she squeezed AJ’s hand hard. He gently rubbed her face, instructing her to take deep breaths and that it would all be over soon. About 3 minutes later she had gotten used it and the pain had dulled. 15 minutes later it was all done. John showed her what it looked like using a mirror. AJ told her it looked great. Emily went to pay John yet AJ paid him for her. Emily thanked him. The two went out for coffee in an empty coffee house, The two talked for an hour and a half. They talked about their experience over the last 24 hours. Both of them had managed to fall in love with he other in such a short amount of time. Emily and AJ then went back to Emily’s house. AJ said he needed to be alone for a little while. So he sat at the kitchen table, while Emily went to her room to find something special to give to AJ. Half an hour later the two left for the hotel. When they got their Emily briefly met all the other guys in the lobby. Fans weren’t a problem seeing as it was still early. The backstreet tour bus waiting out side. Everyone walked towards it, everyone got on except AJ and Emily. By this time Emily had tears streaming down her face knowing this may be the last time she saw AJ, the love of her life. AJ also had tears in her eyes. “AJ I know you have to go, and I realize I may never see you again, but I hope that isn't the case, I love you honey, I love you more then I’ve ever loved any other man. You mean so much to me. I hope you are happy and lastly I will never ever forget you Alex. Here.” Emily said through tears. Emily handed him a ring. It was a silver band. She had one that was the same. She wore it on her thumb. She placed it on his middle figure, it fit wonderfully. “So you’ll remember me.” Emily said. AJ held her hand in his and kissed it. “Thank you, here. AJ handed her a letter, I want you to take this and don't read it until you get home. When you get home I want you to make some coffee, get some cookies sit down, relax and then read the letter. I love you, don’t forget that!” AJ said with intensity in his voice. He turned to stare deeply into Emily’s eyes. He gently wiped away her tears, held her close, like he would never let her go and kissed her with passion and fire. He then turned to her and said C’ya around. He walked onto the bus. Emily stood their and watched the bus pull away at this point she was sobbing. She stood their and waiting until she couldn’t see the bus anymore. Then she got in her car and went home. She did what AJ said. Half an hour later she was sipping a cup of coffee and taking a bite of a cookie. She opened the letter. My Dearest Emily; So do you miss me yet? haha, that’s what I figured. I miss you too. I will never stop missing you because you will always have a place in my heart. I will never ever forget you or a second of the time we spent together. Maybe one day we will see each other again, but for now we must be apart. So how are the cookies? (Emily laughed, their good AJ, she thought) So I hope and I need to believe that your happy Emily, please be happy. I don’t want you to feel sad that were apart, I want you to be joyous and celebrate what we had together. Emily that night was amazing. You are amazing. So I must end this now. But here is something to think about, the next song I sing, I'll be singing it for you! Peace and love! AJ (bone daddy!) P.S. Tomorrow when you wake up that tattoo will be sore, take an ice pack from the freezer, put a towel on your back, take a deep breath and then hold the ice their for five minutes, do that three times a day and you’ll be all set! Emily reread the letter 3 times, she then folded it and put it on the counter. She went up to her room and slept after all she was exhausted from not sleeping in the last 24 hours. That day she dreamt about AJ! THE END So comment and feedback PLEASE!?!


Email: chloe350@hotmail.com