The First Time

Julia walked out the backdoor and drove to the beach. The beach was 10 minutes away from her Orlando home. She loved the beach and went their often, especially when she needed to think. And tonight was one of those nights. Her boyfriend had just broken up with her. The reason: she wouldn’t sleep with him. She was sad at this. Not for the fact that he’d broken up with her as they had only been going out for a month. But their was something else that was troubling her. You see she was ready to lose her virginity only not to him. She wanted her best friend. AJ McLean. They had known each other since AJ had moved next door to her when he was 6. Julia had just turned 4. At first they didn’t like each other thinking each one had “cooties”! Eventually they got over that phase and became best friends. You see Jules and AJ had a very rare relationship. They both treasured it immensely. Jules didn’t know what she would do without AJ, and AJ without Jules.

Jules was their when AJ had his first crush! She was the one who gave this lucky girl a note telling her to check the “yes or no boxes” if she liked AJ or not. Julia was their when that same girl decided she didn’t like AJ anymore. Julia was their when AJ had his first real kiss, his first date, the time he had lost his virginity she was the first and only person he’d told.

AJ had been their for Jules when she fell off her bike and scraped her knee, or when she went in the hospital to get her tonsils taken out. He was their for her first heart break and he was the one she’d run to when she had any news to tell.

They talked to each other about anything and everything. Even through the amazing success of the backstreet boys, AJ was still their for Jules whenever she needed him.

Jules arrived at the beach. She turned off her car and slipped the keys in her pocket. She had spent many hours at this beach most of them had been with AJ. You see whenever he had a problem he would come to this beach. In fact he was here now. Julia spotted him sitting alone his bare feet covered with sand.

“AJ, hey, what’s wrong?” Julia asked him

“What makes you think something's wrong?” AJ asked grinning slightly.

“Well the only reason either one of us comes to this beach is when we need to think about something, so what’s on your mind?” Jules asked him

“I broke up with Emily, she just couldn’t take us being apart so often with the tour and everything.” AJ said sadly.

“Oh I’m sorry baby” Jules said as she slid her arm around AJ’s back. He put his hand around her and squeezed slightly.

“It’s O.K. I’ll get over it, so what are you here for?” AJ asked as he stared into the water, the waves crashing against the sand. The beach was very beautiful especially at night. The moon glowed down on the water which reflected it back.

“Tyler broke up with me” Jules said, a single tear fell down her face.

“Oh honey, it's O.K., why?” AJ asked her

“I wouldn’t sleep with him.” Jules replied

“Oh, baby, it’s O.K. he was a bastard then anyway, your better off without him.” AJ said lightly rubbing her back trying to comfort him.

“AJ, there's something else” Jules said, struggling to keep her composure.

“what is it honey?” AJ asked her, his face so close to her own.

“I don’t know how to say this so I’ll just say it... I want to... sleep with you.” Jules said nervously waiting for his reaction.

Their was a long awkward pause between the two. Finally AJ spoke.

“Baby, are you sure you know what your saying, or are you just saying this cause your feeling hurt and vulnerable?” AJ asked her.

“No, I know this is what I want, I love you AJ with all my heart I don’t know when it happened but it did and that is why I wouldn’t have sex with Tyler I want my first time to be with you, I know that you don’t love me like I love you but I don’t want my first time to be awkward and pressured I want it to be with my best friend, I want you to teach me what to do AJ.” Jules said

“Jules you know I love you too, your my best friend and I cherish our relationship with all my heart and I don’t want to ruin it, you have no idea what you mean to me. Your first time is something you will remember the rest of your life, I need to know your sure about this.”

“Our relationship wouldn’t be ruined I promise, yes I’m sure about this AJ, please, I need to know how to... please a guy. I want you to show me.” Julia said nervously

“Jules if you are absolutely sure you want this then we can do it, actually I love you too, I mean more than in just a friendly way.” AJ said, Jules was very relieved at him saying this. She leaned in and kissed him, he returned the kiss with intensity. Their tongues massaging one another’s and exploring the other’s mouth. AJ pulled away after they had made out for 15 minutes.

“Jules this is the last time I'm going to ask this, are you absolutely sure you want this?” AJ asked her, looking deeply into her hazel eyes.

“Yes, AJ I know for sure I want this, but I don’t really know what to do.” Jules said worried about his reaction.

“It’s O.K. baby, I'll teach you.” AJ said

“Thank you AJ for doing this it means a lot to me.” Jules said smiling.

“You know no matter what happens I’ll always be their for you right? And that you can always trust me?” AJ asked her

“Yeah I know, and I’ll always be here for you AJ. I’m scared AJ, I mean I know I want to do this with you, but it’s going to hurt right?” Jules asked, she felt so vulnerable at that moment. AJ sensed it too, pulling her closer to him and squeezing his arms tightly around her. She rested her head on his chest.

“Yeah, I’m not going to lie to you baby, this is going to hurt, but only briefly. This will be the only time it ever hurts baby, I will try to make it as painless as possible, but it will definitely hurt. And I know your scared honey, but quickly the pain will turn into ecstasy” AJ said

“all right AJ, thank you for being so honest.” Jules said as she turned her head and started kissing his chest

He turned to face her. They continued making out. AJ slipped his hands under her shirt. Gently unclasping her bra and pulling it from her body and tossing it onto the sand. She pulled his shirt over his head. She started kissing and nipping at his nipples. He moaned gently in response to the pleasure she was giving him. He kissed along her jaw and down her neck and lightly nibbled on her ear. Then he took her shirt off, massaging her breasts in his hands. He then proceeded to suck on her right nipple, she moaned in response to this. He then gave the same attention to her left.

“Am I doing this O.K.?” Jules asked worried that she do something wrong.

“Yes, baby, now unbuckle my belt and take off my pants.” AJ instructed her, as he stood up so she could do this. Jules stood up and slowly started unbuckling his belt, she then took off his jeans, then his boxers. Jules just stared at his erection for a moment, wondering how that was ever going to fit inside her.

“I can guess what your thinking Jules and don’t worry, relax, the more relaxed you are the easier everything will be. Now take it in your hand, gently, and rub it up and down, oh god, yeah like that wow, ahh your doing this really well you sure you’ve never done this before?” AJ asked in a low raspy voice due to the feelings surging through his body

“I’ve read about this honey, but are you sure I'm doing O.K.?” Jules asked

“Yeah your doing great oh god, mouth, put it in your mouth.”

Jules slowly licked the tip, then began thrusting him in and out of her mouth, he soon came, he moaned out her name. Jules swallowed all that he gave her.

“Now’s it my turn to pleasure you honey” AJ said as he laid Jules down on the sand. They were both naked at this point. AJ was leaning over top of her with his weight resting on his elbows. She shivered slightly with nervousness.

“Don’t worry baby, this part will feel really really good!” AJs aid as he began kissing her neck and chest then slowly moving his way down to her breasts. She moaned with pleasure. Eventually AJ made his way down to her center. She shivered in anticipation.

He sucked, licked, kissed and teased her. His mouth working magic between her legs. His thumb massaged her clit. He felt her body tense. She screamed out his name as she came. Her first orgasm and AJ had given it to her. The pleasure washed over her body, it was like nothing she had ever felt before.

AJ resumed his stance over top of her body. His weight again resting on his elbows. He gently spread her legs with his own. He entered her slowly as if to test her readiness. She started bucking her hips, searching for more. AJ still held off.

“Jules, are you ready?”

“Yes, AJ” she knew what he was going to do she bit her lip and closed her eyes in anticipation of the pain she was about to experience. AJ still maintained his position barely in her, giving her a chance to get used to him.

“Open your eyes, baby, Jules did this looking deeply into AJ’s beautiful eyes, O.K. take a deep breath and count to three..... here we go” AJ said. In one long thrust he entered her and took what she had wanted him to have: her virginity. Jules moaned out in pain. AJ could see it in her eyes. She started to struggle against him wanting the pain to subside, but AJ kept thrusting in and out of her. Quickly her pain was replaced with pleasure. Extreme pleasure, it was like AJ filled her completely, it was a completely new sensation which she was enjoying. AJ felt her walls tighten around him and with one final thrust she came. He captured her scream in long passionate kiss. AJ came soon after calling out her name in passion and lust. They both collapsed beside one another. Sweat forming on their faces. After they had had a few minutes to catch their breath and compose themselves, AJ was the first to speak.

“Are you O.K.?” He asked her

“Yes I’m wonderful, OMG AJ that was amazing thank you so much, did I do things O.K.?” Jules asked

“Yes, you too were wonderful.” AJ said

“I’m going to remember this for a long time, thank you again so much, I love you AJ” Jules said

“No need to thank me, honey, and I love you too!” AJ said and smiled. Jules head was resting on his chest. AJ had his hand draped over her abdomen.

“Baby?” Jules asked

“Yes, sweetie?” AJ asked

“When can we do this again?” Jules asked and smiled.

“Oh god, I’ve gone and created a monster!” AJ said and laughed.

