The Wedding

This is a story about a girl named Natalie, who is dating is about to get married to AJ.

“You ready Nat? The wedding’s going to start in 30 minutes.” Her best friend, Becca, informed her.

“Yeah, I’m as ready as I’m ever gonna be, is AJ around somewhere?” Nat asked as she checked her make-up in the mirror.

“Yeah, he’s in the next room, with all the other guys, do you want me to give him a message or something?” Rebecca asked

“Yeah, could you ask him to come here?” Nat asked

“But your not supposed to see him before the wedding...” Becca complained

“I know but could you please just tell him to come see me.. please just do it O.K.?” Nat pleaded

“Yeah O.K. whatever you want, are you sure your O.K.?” Becca asked

“Yeah, I’m fine just get him, thank you so much for everything!” Nat said and hugged her best friend.

“No problem, ill be right back with AJ.” Becca told her

*Nat’s thoughts*

I love AJ, but do I want to marry him? I mean I want to marry him, but does he want to marry me? What if he regrets this? I don’t want to do that to him. I can’t do that to him. I really need to talk to him.

*AJ’s thoughts*

So what does Natty want? I thought I wasn’t supposed to see her before the wedding. Oh well I should go see her. What if she finds out I’m nervous about this? Should I tell her, what if I make her nervous? All right bone, man you can do this, just go see her, tell her everything will be O.K. and then walk down that aisle. Everything will be O.K., because I love Nat I know everything will be O.K.!

“yeah?” Nat called out as she heard a knock on the door.

“It’s me baby.” AJ said

“Oh, well hi, it’s great to see you, thanks, wow... you look great!” Nat opened the door to let AJ in and then was actually surprised by how great he looked in his tux.

“You look... you look absolutely beautiful Natty!” AJ said as he saw her in her wedding dress. She looked like he had never seen her before. She was normally very beautiful yet today, in that dress, he couldn’t describe what he felt for her.

“You wanted to see me?” AJ asked his fiancee

“Yeah, could you sit down?” Nat asked

“Sure” AJ sat down on the bed, Nat sat across from him so she could see his face.

“AJ, are you scared about this?” Nat asked him seriously.

“The truth?.... Yeah I kinda am” AJ responded.

“Me too, AJ what if this isn’t right? What if we regret this one day, what if we end up in divorce?” Nat said in a very worried voice.

“Look, do you love me Nat? Don’t think about 30 years from now, don't think about the wedding, think about this moment. Do you love me right now, at this moment?” AJ asked her looking deeply into her eyes.

“Yes, I do” Nat replied

“Well isn’t that enough? You know what, say heaven forbid, we do end up in divorce 20 years from now? Guess what we’ll have spent 19 years madly in love with one another. I think that’s worth it baby.” AJ said as he held her hand in his own. She was bordering on tears as was he.

“Yeah, you always know what to say to make things right AJ, I love you with everything I have, my mind, my body, my heart and my soul. And your right, if one day this stops working out so perfectly, I will still be grateful for this love we have. It is amazing, you are amazing.” Nat said and then grinned.

“What are you laughing at honey?” AJ asked curious to know why she was laughing at such a serious time.

“”I’m just remembering the day we met and our first date and everything else we’ve been through together.” Nat explained

“I remember that...

Chapter 2
