The Wedding - Chapter 2

AJ was had just turned 22 when he meet Nat actually it was his birthday. She was 18. Nat was sitting at home checking her e-mail while lisenting to the radio, that Friday afternoon. She had just gotten home from school an hour earlier. She was slightly depressed to be back at school, Christmas break had just ended. It was January 5, the day she made the phone call that would change her world so dramatically!

“Why do I always get so much junk mail!” Nat whined. “No I don’t wanna know how to lower my mortgage rates! I don’t even own a house. How do this people get my e-address” Nat wondered this aloud. She stopped talking to her self when somehting she heard on the radio caught her ear.

“Do you like the Backstreet Boys?” The radio annoucer’s voice boomed. “Yeah well I thought you did, well we have the contest for you, If you can phone in and be the 10th caller to tell me when AJ McLean’s birthday is, you will win somehting big, trust me it’s somehting great! So start dialing!” And now’s here’s “Back To Your Heart” on the nation’s music radio station, 184.3”

Nat had been listening intently the whole time. She decided to give it a shot and phone in. She dialed the number, very nervous about the whole thing, the line was busy.

“Danmit!” She thought aloud. She hung up the phone, then quickly pressed re-dail. Busy again.

“O.K. one more time she thought as she quickly hung up the phone and pressed redail again. To her surprise it started ringing. “Hello, 184.3” The radio annoucer’s voice came on the other end of the line

“Hi” Nat replied shyly “O.K. baby, do you knwo when AJ Mclean’s birthday is? Cuz guess what?” The DJ asked

“What?” Nat asked, throughly shocked she had actually gotten through.

“Your caller ten, so what’s the answer?” The DJ asked again

“Ahh, he’s birthday is January 9.” Nat replied

“Woo hoo, you got it girl! Pack your bags, baby cuz you’ve one the trip of a lifetime!” The radio annoucer said excitiedly

“wow, thank you so much, where?” Nat asked, still in shock

“To Orlando, you are officailly invited to AJ McLean’s exclusive 22 birthday bash!” The radio annoucer practically yelled.

“OMG, thank you so much, when do I leave?” Nat asked

“well that’s up to you, stay on the line and i’ll explain it to you off air, amke sure you don’t hang up all right?” The annoucer asked.

“O.K. thank you again, so much!” Nat excalimed.

“No problem, and now here’s “The Chemicals Between Us’ By Bush, Enjoy!” The radio annoucer said, then played the song and went to talk to Nat off air.

“O.K. first we need some info from you, what’s your name?”

“Natalie Appleton”

“O.K. Nat what’s your home phone number and how old are you?” The annoucer asked.

“it’s 586 - 4854 and I’m 18” Nat said “Perfect! All right I have to get back to annoucing but I’ll call you as soon as my shifts over and tell you all the details all right? Oh my name is Brett. That should be at around 6” Brett said.

“O.K thank you!” Nat said, they both siad goodbye and hung up.

Nat couldn’t wait unti. he phoned back and she found out all the details. She was going to AJ’s birthday party! Their was only one problem with that: school! OH well, she was sure her parents would let her miss a few days for this opportunity that she would probably never see agin. She diled her beast friend Becca’s number to tell her the news. Only 3 more hours until she found out all the details of this amaizing prize she’d won She still couldn’t believe it. She had idealized AJ for the past year and a half. She thought he was an amazing man! ........

Chapter 3
