Chapter 3

Becca was just as excited as Nat after she had phoned her and told her all the details. No that she had many. She was just making dinner, baked chicken with spaghetti, when the phone rang. Her heart skipped, she suspected it was Brett, seeing as it was 6:15 and he said he would call around this time. After she took a deep breath she picked up the phone.

“hello?” Nat said

“Hey, this is Brett, you know from the radio.” Brett said

“Oh yeah, I kinda thought it would be you so..” Nat was anxious to know about what she had won.

“O.K. I assume you really want to know about your prize so I'll just get to it: here’s the deal, you get two tickets to AJ’s birthday bash in Orlando. Seeing as you live in NY, we’ll fly you to Orlando and you get a 5 day stay in a hotel. Now whether you use those 5 days is up to you, seeing as I assume your going to school.

“Yeah I am, so when do I live?” Nat asked

“O.K. well the party is on Friday night, it’s starts at 8, so you could live Friday during the day or Thursday night whatever you want then if you left Friday you could stay until Wednesday or you could go home sooner whatever you want, oh by the way I'll be going with you and whoever you chose to be your guest to cover the party for the station, so just tell me when you want to go and leave and I'll get you the tickets.” Brett said

“Already, that’s wonderful, so I don’t know when I’ll leave, when do I need to decide by?” Nat asked

:Doesn’t matter you just need to be their before 8 Friday night, oh yeah you also get 1000$ spending money so if you want you can buy new stuff their for the party or you can buy souvenirs whatever you want. How about you call me if you need more info and when you want to go, the sooner you could decide the better, all right?” Brett asked.

“Sure, all right sounds great, thanks again.” Nat gushed.

“No problem, C’ya!” Brett said then they both hung up.

Nat couldn’t wait to tell her parents about the contest she had won. She just prayed they said she could go. She phoned becca again and told her the new details she had just learned. And of course, becca being her best friend she invited her to come with her to Orlando. Becca was also super excited. They both hung up saying that they would tell they parents and phone each other back later that night with details.

3 days later

“I can’t believe were going to Orlando! I’m so excited, I’m so glad our parents said yes!” Becca exclaimed.

“Yeah, I know, AJ McLean, here I come and guess what I’m sure the other guys will be their, you got your camera?” Nat asked her best friend

“Of course, yeah I know I'm really looking forward to seeing Brian.” Becca said as they boarded the plane.

“Uh, hey guys I’m still here ya know, you don’t have to ignore me so much!” Brett said, as he had just watched the two girls chat excitedly for the last 40 minutes.

“Sorry, Brett, so where are our seats?” Nat asked. “Well, of course their in exec right, here” Brett pointed out. “Only the best for OUR contest winners!” Brett said “Oh that’s great!” Becca said

3 hours later they landed in Orlando, they all had a great flight, enjoying the perks of executive class seats! Soon they were at the hotel.

“O.K. guys here are your room keys, you guys have separate rooms yet their adjoining. So you can have them as one big your or two regular rooms whatever you want and I'll be in the room next to your guys’ O.K.?” Brett asked “Sure, sounds great, oh when can we go shopping?” Nat asked.

It was Friday morning and both girls still didn’t know what they were going to wear to the party that night.

“You guys can go shopping whenever you want I rented a car and it’s in the parking lot, so why don’t you go check out your rooms get kinda settled and they I'll take you to the mall.” Brett offered.

“all right sounds perfect so how about we meet you down here in like 20 minutes?” Becca asked

“O.K. c’ya!” Brett said.

Both the girls went into their hotel rooms for now they were going to leave the door that adjoined the rooms open. Brett went into his room.

3 hours later they had gone shopping and now were back in their rooms getting ready for the big party. Both girls were very nervous. It was 3 o’clock so everyone had about 3 and a half hours to get ready seeing as Becca, Nat and Brett were going out for dinner before the party. Each girl showered and they did their make-up and hair. Then put on their new outfits. They had 15 minutes to spare! Becca was wearing a silver skirt that went to her ankles and black platform sandals, she had on a black slightly off the shoulder long sleeve shirt. It was plain except for a silver star in the middle. She had her hair up with a few pieces falling around her face. She looked great. Natalie was wearing a flirty black dress. It was about 4 inches above her knees, it had spaghetti straps and was made of a satiny material. The back also had cris crossing straps, so it showed off her great back which she had been working out a little longer to achieve! She dusted some silver dust on her shoulders and neck so she glowed subtly. She was also wearing a pair of strappy sandals. She had her hair up like Becca’s with a few curls falling out. Her make up was very simple and classic but looked wonderful. She wanted to make the best impression possible when she meet AJ seeing as it would probably be her last!

Both girls walked into the hallway of the hotel exactly at the same time that Brett was walking out of his room.

“WOW” Brett said in a low growl. Both girls laughed and blushed.

“You look pretty good your self their Brett” Becca said

“Thank you, so you girls ready?” Brett asked them both

“yeah, as ready as we’ll ever be!” Nat exclaimed

“all right, let’s go!” Brett told them.

An hour later everyone had finished their meal. Everyone enjoying it thoroughly. Everyone got to know each other a little better so that was cool. Both girls thought Brett was pretty interesting. Brett paid the bill seeing as it was paid for by the station then they left the restaurant and headed for the party. They arrived at the party at 8:15, the place was already buzzing.

They walked into the club were the party was being held. The first thing both girls saw was a huge banner across the far wall saying “Happy Birthday AJ!”. Then they saw about 50 people on the dance floor bumping and grinding to the DJ music. The girls and Brett found an empty booth and sat down. Brett went to the bar and ordered the drinks. Brett had a beer. Becca had a rum and coke and Nat had a strawberry daiquiri. Then Nat saw the man she had been obsessed without he past year and a half. AJ McLean seemed to be walking straight toward them! Nat was extremely nervous as she pointed him out to Becca.

“Hey Bone, how are ya?” Brett asked AJ in a friendly voice.

“I’m great, this is MY party how could I not be great!?! So who are these two lovely ladies you’ve brought?” AJ asked mentioning to Nat and Becca

“Oh well this is Nat and that’s Becca. Nat won a contest to get here. She’s a huge fan of yours!” Brett said. As Nat’s face turned bright red.

“Well I’m glad to hear that! How are you both? Oh hey Bri, man come meet these wonderful people!” AJ called out to Brian who had just walked by.

“Hey, I’m Brian, how you guys doing tonight?” Brian asked as he stopped to talk to the girls and Brett.

“We’re great, thanks, I'd just like to say I’m very honored to meet you and Happy Birthday AJ!” Nat said to AJ.

AJ reached down gently grabbed Nat’s hand, bringing it up to his face to kiss. “The pleasure’s mine, honey. Wanna dance?” AJ asked her.

“I would love to!” Nat exclaimed, she was still slightly in shock from the whole situation. The feel of AJ’s lips on her hand was incredible.

AJ and Nat walked out onto the dance floor while Brett, Brian and Becca continued talking. Brett had known the boys from the time he’d interviewed them when they were in town. He’d also meet them backstage more then a few times.

On the dance floor: AJ cautiously put his hands around Nat’s waist. He was normally very outgoing with girls but he had just meet Nat 45 seconds ago and didn’t want to go too fast! Nat responded by slowly putting her hands on his shoulders. He squeezed her waist slightly as to tell her everything was O.K. They danced to “Angels” by Robbie Williams. It was one of Nat’s fav songs.

“So are you having fun so far?” AJ asked, he had to whisper this right into her ear as the music was very loud.

“Yeah I am, I’ve only been here for 20 minutes and already I’m dancing with the guest of honor!” Nat said. Her knees were weak at the feeling of AJ’s breath on her ear. She shivered involuntarily. He squeezed her waist again. And pulled her slightly closer, now they could feel each other’s bodies against one another’s.

“You look great, you know!” AJ complimented her.

“Thank you, so do you, then again you always look great.” Nat said as she stared directly into his deep brown eyes. It was like she could see his soul. It was the most unique and incredible feeling she had ever experienced.

“Flattery can get you anywhere baby, you wanna get a drink” AJ asked knowing the song was all too quickly coming to an end, yet he didn’t want to leave her as he thought he may never see her again.

“Sure, I’d like that” Nat said as she slowly pulled her body away from his because the song had ended.

they both casually stolled off the dance floor to the bar, half way their AJ slowly slipped his hand into hers. She gently squeezed it, to show him she was into what he was doing. They smiled at one another. They went and sat down at her table. They were both surprised to see Becca had left and she was dancing with Brian. Nat could see she was smiling and whispering in his ear. Both girls were having the time of their lives.

Chapter 4
