Chapter 4

AJ and Nat sat at the table for about 30 minutes sipping their drinks and talking casually. All of a sudden Nat realized she hadn’t gotten AJ a present.

“OMG, AJ I didn’t get you a present, I’m so sorry!” Nat said embarrassed at what she’d done.

“You know what, you being here is one of the greatest presents I could get, don’t worry about it, sweetie!” AJ smiled at her, she had a very genuine and honest quality about her.

“So how long you here for?” AJ asked

“Umm.... 5 days I think.”

“You want to do something one of those days?” AJ asked her

“I would love to, when?” Nat asked

“How about tomorrow? I could pick you up at your hotel, then we could go for a walk in the park and a picnic?” AJ asked her, she was smiling.

“Sure, sounds great!” Nat exclaimed

“O.K. I'll pick you up at 10:30 O.K.?” AJ asked

“Alright, thank you for everything AJ, you have no idea how much this night has mean to me and how I'll remember it forever!” Nat said

“There's no need to thank me honey, and maybe one day I’ll find out what this meant to you, I want to know you, I want to know what you think what you feel what you dream, do you want that?” AJ asked

“Yes AJ, more than anything, this is all a little unbelievable.” Nat said

“Yeah well, you’ll believe it when you see me at your door tomorrow.” AJ said.

Just then AJ was called away it was time to go open presents then they were going to serve cake.

AJ opened all his presents. While doing this he would go up and hug and thank everyone for the gift. Then everyone had cake. It was O.K., AJ and Nat didn’t have anytime to talk for the rest of the party as AJ had to “mingle”. Though he did spot her just before she left and they talked briefly.

“So I see your leaving and you weren’t even going to say good-bye!” AJ said in a mocked hurt voice.

“Well you looked busy and I thought I’ll just see him tomorrow right?” Nat said

“Of course honey, I’ll see you at 10:30 just like I said before, oh and wear something casual!” AJ said

“all right, will do, thanks AJ, enjoy the rest of your party!”

“I will thanks, have a nice night, and thanking for coming!” AJ said as he slowly moved closer to her gently kissing her cheek good-bye. Nat smiled then leaned in again and kissed AJ on the mouth. It took him a second to realize what she had just done but then he kissed her back eagerly. The kiss lasted 25 wonderful seconds until she pulled away.

Nat left with Brett and Becca. AJ watched her walk about thinking he could easily fall for her. He was looking forward to their date tomorrow.

The party continued for AJ and the rest of his guests, while Nat went back to the hotel. Becca kept asking her about AJ, but Nat just wanted to go to sleep so she could dream about AJ and their date tomorrow. She was very excited.

Nat woke up at 8, the next morning. She quickly jumped into the shower then throw on her clothes. Did her make-up and hair. Becca and her ordered room service for breakfast. Nat had pancakes, her favorite. While the girls ate they talked about the party the night before. Becca was very excited for Nat and couldn't believe she was going out with AJ! Nat commented on how she had seen Becca and Brian dancing. Becca blushed. She said that he had given her his number and she was supposed to call him today. Now Nat was also excited for Becca. Nat had just finished brushing her teeth when she heard a knock at the door. She walked over knowing it was AJ. She opened the door and was pleasantly surprised at what she saw!

Chapter 5
