Chapter 5

AJ stood their smiling slightly. He was happy to see her again. He was holding a single rose in his hands. He was wearing black baggy pants and a blank sleeveless shirt.(like in the IWITW video).

“Hey, Natty, how are you today?” AJ asked as he handed her the rose, she took and went to put it in water in the ice bucket as it was all she had for a vase.

“I’m great now that your here, AJ, thank you so much for the rose it’s beautiful!” Nat exclaimed

“Not as beautiful as you!” AJ said and grinned “You are such a flirt AJ McLean!, So you wanna to go now?” Nat asked “Yeah, all right, and yes I am a flirt and proud of it!” AJ said as Nat walked out the door with her purse and the hotel key which she shoved into her pocket. She was wearing her favorite pair of flare jeans, with a black tube top and a black cardigan. Her shoulder length hair was down. AJ thought she looked wonderful. She stunning or anything but it was this look she had in her eyes and the way she spoke which drew AJ to her. He was falling for her hard and he barely knew her!

The couple left the hotel and walked to the park. Their they strolled through the park for 2 hours. Watching the owners and their dogs play Frisbee, the kids playing on the swings, other couples kissing in the grass. The day was beautiful and wonderful for both AJ and Nat. They talked about a lot of things that morning. How AJ had gotten into the music industry, the ups and downs of his career. What Nat did, which was go to school. They talked about their dreams for the future and how AJ was living his dream. Eventually they stopped at this cafe in the park it was small and quaint where they could look at a lake with the ducks while eating outside. Nat ordered a chicken Caesar salad which was one of her favorite foods. AJ ordered a chicken burger. After lunch they walked through the park for another half hour, only this time they held hands. Then AJ took Nat back to her hotel room. Both AJ and Nat thought they knew other a lot better after their day together. Both liked each other a lot, Nat was living a dream getting to meet the man she had idealized for the last year. AJ was getting to meet someone who liked and respected him for him not because he was a backstreet boy, not to mention the fact that Natty was cute, friendly and funny!

While talking intimately at Nat’s door, AJ leaned in to kiss her. He brought his hand up to her face. When she quickly jerked away.

“What? Oh I’m so sorry, what did I do?” AJ asked apologetically, confused as to why she had acted so scared and shocked, while he had moved his hand towards her face.

“I’m.. I’m sorry.... it was just kinda sudden and I was kinda startled and... ah ... I'm sorry” Nat stammered.

“It’s O.K. Nat, look I can tell something is wrong, what is it?” AJ asked concerned about her.

“It’s a... it’s nothing.. look AJ I should go... “Nat said

“Look” AJ said lightly grabbing Nat’s arm, she flinched and backed away when he touched her. “I can tell there's something wrong can you please tell me what it is? I know we haven’t know each other that long but you can trust me you know that right?” AJ said

“Yeah, ahh all right I’ll tell you but don’t blame me when you don’t like me anymore, maybe you should come in side.” Nat said, she opened the door and walked over and sat down on the bed. AJ followed her, sitting beside her on the bed. “”Look no matter what, nothing you could tell me would make me stop liking you, believe me!” AJ said trying to reassure her. “O.K. Umm.... I don’t know how to start this so I’ll just spill... my last boyfriend, he used to ahh... a single tear fell down her face, AJ gently wiped it away, again she flinched at his touch. hit me.” Nat said, worried at his reaction

“Oh... shhh Nat it’s O.K. I’m here, how could anyone ever do that to you?” AJ asked as he tried to comfort Nat, he was shocked that anyone could ever hurt her on purpose.

Nat laid their sobbing while AJ held her close to him. She couldn’t help but remember the last night she had spent with her ex, Dave.

“Where were you?” Dave asked her, he was furious she hadn’t been home, he called her that night from work and she wasn't their waiting for him. like he expected so when his shift was over he raced home to find her. He expected her to be home for him, no matter what. He had told her repeatedly she was not to go out unless he gave her permission.

“I just went... to the store.. we needed some milk.” Nat said shaking from fear she knew what was about to happen, he would beat her for not obeying him. Dave slapped her across the face, she stumbled backwards due to the impact.

“I’ve told you how many times you are not to set a foot outside this house until I say it’s O.K.” Dave screamed at her, she was sobbing. He swung his fist, it connected with the left side of her face. She yelled put in pain and fell to the floor. He kept kicking her until, she blacked out.

She woke up the next morning. In the same place she had fallen to the floor last night. Their was blood caked to her face and in her hair. Her whole body ached and it hurt to breath. She slowly crawled to the phone and called her best friend Becca. Becca came over and took her to the hospital, this was the third time this month she was forced to go to the hospital because of him. Finally she saw the light and realized Dave didn’t really love her and that he just wanted to control her. She realized she needed to get out.

The nurse had told her she had had a concussion and was lucky to be alive. He had broken two of her ribs, she had a black eye and multiple cuts and bruises on her body.

That day she left Dave, he was furious but for some odd reason had left her alone after that, maybe he had found someone knew. She didn’t know or care. That had been four months ago.

Nat told AJ this story. He cringed in disgust. No one deserved what she had gone through. He was impressed at how well adjusted she seemed after surviving all that.

“Could we not talk about this anymore?” Nat asked AJ, she really didn’t want to relive those memories anymore.

“Of course, you hungry, it’s already 7?” AJ said, neither of them had realized it was so late, they had spent the whole day together.

“Yeah actually” Nat said

“Well you wanna get something to eat?” AJ asked her, hoping she’d say yes.

“Sure, but I just wanna call Becca first and see what she’s doing, she said Brian told her to call him” Nat said hoping AJ would say that Brian had maintained her best friend’s name. “Oh yeah, Bri, told me about that well if they don’t have anything planned maybe we could go out together?” AJ asked

“Sure that sounds great, let me call her O.K.?” Nat said

“all right, then I’ll call Brian” AJ added

Nat called next door to Becca’s room. She had called Brian, they had played basketball this afternoon and were planning to go out for dinner tonight, Becca was excited she liked him and thought that he also liked her. Nat asked her what she thought of going out with her and AJ, she said sure, but she’d have to call Brian. Nat said that AJ was going to do that, so why doesn’t she get ready and come over to the next hotel room whenever she’s ready. Becca agreed

AJ called Brian. He said he’d loved the idea, he suggested they get room service. AJ agreed. Brain said he’d meet them in the room in half an hour.

Nat got changed, while AJ watched TV. Eventually Brian and Becca got their. They had ordered pizza and Pepsi. After a while everyone started to get bored. AJ suggested they play truth or dare. Becca protested, she said it wasn’t really the kinda game you played with strangers. AJ said that was perfect that it would let everyone get to know another way better. Everyone agreed. although some reluctantly. Since it was his idea AJ asked the first question.

“I say we play it with only truth cuz dares are too inconvenient in a hotel room. O.K. Becca?” AJ asked her with a grin on his face, glad he had gotten his way. Nat was laughing at his goofy look.

“O.K.” Becca said

“All right, we’ll start off easy, how long have you known Nat?” AJ asked, Becca was relieved at the question.

“Oh O.K. I have known her for 5 years ever since grade 7.” Becca replied

“Oh cool, O.K. your turn to ask the question now!” AJ said.

“Umm... AJ, because it was your idea to play this game...”

Everyone asked each other some basic question to start out with, Such as what’s your favorite food, turn ons, offs and so on, eventually they came to the sexual questions.

“AJ what’s your fantasy?” Nat asked

“Ahh.. not that I really wanted to share this with the whole room but it involves handcuffs, whip cram and ice cubes!” AJ said and smiled at Nat. “O.K. your turn to ask a question now AJ” Becca said.

“Hmm... O.K. Brian umm... hahah what’s the kinkiest sex you’ve ever had?” AJ said this and laughed.

“AJ! your a prick you know that! O.K. fine it was with someone who shall remain nameless, anyway it was 4 months ago with my last girlfriend and it involved bondage and domination and i’d never really done it before but it turned out to be amazing, but I think we should end this game now, it’s late.” Brian said as he remembered his past girlfriend and the experiences they’d shared.

“Yeah, that’s a good idea, it is late, but this was really fun guys, I definitely feel I know you people better!” Becca exclaimed

“Yeah all right we should get together again” AJ said

The group exchanged good-byes, Becca walked back to her room after talking to Brian and lightly kissing his check. Then AJ was about to leave. Him and Nat stood at the door to say good-bye, He leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips, but she deepened the kids. As to let him know, despite her past she felt comfortable with him. Then she whispered in his ear.

“Maybe we could experiment with that fantasy of yours one day, baby!” She whispered in his ear, her lips brushing his ear. He looked at her in disbelief then left, he smiled all the way home.

Chapter 6
