Chapter 6

3 days later

“Baby I can’t believe you have to go in the morning” AJ whined as he lay on Nat’s hotel room bed, she was in his arms, her head resting on his chest.

“I know, me neither, but AJ I swear the last 5 days I’ve been here, I’ve had the most wonderful time of my life, thank you so much for that, I will never ever forget you” Nat said she was close to tears at the thought of leaving him, it seemed crazy, they had only known each other for 5 days but she loved him and he loved her.

“I will never forget you wither, Nat! I mean we could call each other and write and I could visit you when we go on tour, we can make this relationship work, Natty, you make me so unbelievable happy, you’ll never know Nat, but from the moment I saw you sitting at my party, the way you looked the way you walked, ahhh... baby, you had me even then!” AJ sighed remembering the night they’d first met.

“AJ, I know you don’t wanna hear this but I think it’s best if we didn’t see each other after tomorrow morning, I mean you have your life here and I have my life in NY, your a superstar and I’m still in high school, you have hundreds of girls throw themselves at you everyday you could have anyone especially on tour so I don’t want to make you feel limited and stop you from enjoying yourself when you are on tour, I just don’t think it would work, you have no idea how much I would like it to work, but baby, I'm trying to think of you here, I don’t wanna be a drag on your social life, do you understand?” Nat could barely say all this as the tears slowly slid down her cheeks. AJ gently wiped them away with his thumb.

“You make it sound like I’m just putting up with you, Nat I love you! I know it would be hard maintaining a long distance relationship but baby we can do it, I want to do it and I know deep down past what you just said you want it too!” AJ exclaimed

“Your right, but can we not talk about this anymore I just want to enjoy every last second I have with you until we see each other again” Nat said as she gently started kissing his chest.

“Mmm I thought we’d never get to this part, ahh... ohh.. your good at this!” AJ moaned as Nat moved from his chest to each of his nipples, sucking, gently biting and licking both of them, then she moved up to his ear lobes, doing the same to them.

“all right, your turn, baby.” AJ said this as he gently flipped Nat off of him and on to the bed as he towered over her, his lags straddling her own. He started kissing her lips, gently getting his tongue in on the action. He licked her upper lip then slid his tongue in her mouth, massaging her tongue with his own. Nat moaned into his mouth, turning him on even more. He then started kissing along her jaw and then nibbling her ear, he gently started sucking her neck, he was about to leave his mark when she stopped him.

“AJ don’t do that, sorry but I hate hickey’s their a sign of possession and I don’t want to look like I'm owned, sorry honey, I love you and all but, could you please move your kisses elsewhere? hehe” Nat said

“Of course baby, your wish is my command!” AJ whispered against her skin, sending shivers throughout her body. He then started kissing around the neckline of her shirt, slowly unbuttoning it. After the third button he stopped and looked her in the eye. She smiled, she knew he was asking her permission before he went any further. She smiled at him, he had this incredible way of communicating without words, the gestures he uses, his facial expressions, they all were worth hundreds of words. AJ then continued unbuttoning her shirt, he gently slipped it off her shoulders. She started unbuttoning his shirt, soon it joined her shirt on the floor. Nat reached her hands behind her back to undue her bra but AJ gently took her hands into his own and moved them back into her lap. He then reached behind her and undid her bra, at that moment they both had a wonderful feeling sweep throughout their bodies. A feeling that told them that this, what they were doing, were about to do, was right, it was right, it was perfect and it would be wonderful. Their chests pressed against one another’s while AJ hands quickly undid the clasps of her bra. Then he took the bra off of her gently letting her breasts fall. He just looked at her for a moment, wanting to savor every second of the time he had with her. Wanting to make this the best night of her life! Nat moved her mouth towards AJ’s chest. But he stopped her.

“Uhh, honey?” AJ asked

“What, what did I do something wrong?” Nat asked

“No of course not, but don't you remember, it’s my turn to please you, so lay down already, haha!” AJ commanded

Nat did what he said. AJ straddled his legs over top of her again. He started kissing her chest. Then gently, slowly taking her right nipple into his mouth. She moaned slightly, in anticipation of what was to come. He started sucking, kissing, nibbling and biting, her nipple. She was loving this, then he moved to her left nipple bestowing the same attention on it. Then he slowly, torturously slowly kissed and licked his way down her stomach, stopping at her navel, dipping his tongue in and out of it. He arrived at the hem of her jeans. He then undid the first button and then the fly. He got up from over top of her and walked to the end of the bed. He gently started pulling on the button of her jeans to get them off her, she lifted her hips to help him. Soon they were on the floor. Then with Nat’s help he took off her panties. They were yellow, she knew that was his favorite color. He glanced up at her smiling devilishly, she just laughed, god how he looked amazing!

Nat went to get up from her lying down position on the bed. But AJ stopped her, he gently out his hand on her chest making her lie back down.

“Hey, wait baby, it’s still your turn, stay their, and hold on cuz here we go honey!” AJ said and smiled as he started to kiss his way down to her center. He then quickly stuck his tongue inside her, twisting and turning it, thrusting it in and out. Nat moaned in pleasure and initially in surprise. She had never felt anything like this, just then he started massaging her clit with his thumb. Just when she thought she was about to experience her release AJ took his tongue out, she whimpered in disappointment. But then he took her clit onto his mouth, sucking it, nibbling it and biting it, just like he had done to her nipples earlier. Nat literally screamed out his name as she came.

“Oh my god, AJ!” Nat yelled It was the most amazing, raw, pure, animalistic, passionate orgasm she had ever experienced! She just laid their breathing heavily in pure bliss until AJ spoke.

“baby, you O.K.?” AJ asked in his oh so sexy, deep edgy voice.

“I am in heaven!” Nat whispered, still out of breath. AJ just chuckled.

“I aim to please hun!” AJ said

“And you certainly achieve that, AJ you have no idea what you just made me experience. That was the most pleasurable, amazing thing I have ever experienced, I’ve heard you were good but I never thought you were THAT good!” Nat exclaimed.

“Well thank you!” AJ smiled

“Oh that was my thank you, this will be, stand up!” Nat got off the bed and AJ stood in front of her, just like she had ordered. She took off his pants, then his boxers. She just stood their for a moment admiring his erection!

“Sit, on the bed, baby!” Nat ordered

“Yes mam!” AJ saluted her. He was very comfortable with his nakedness. Nat liked this, it made her feel comfortable.

AJ sat on the edge of the bed. Nat kneeled before him. Looking deeply into his eyes! He looked at her smiling, she was so beautiful! Then she adverted her eyes towards his package, which was conveniently at her mouth level! She started kissing him, she started at his navel. Dipping her tongue in and out of it just like he had done to her. He groaned! Then she traced his ‘69’ tattoo, with her tongue. After what seemed like and eternity to AJ, she started licking his ‘head’. She, kissed it, nibbled it and sucked it, AJ groaned and moaned the entire time. Then she quickly took him into her mouth, scraping her teeth lightly along his penis as she went. She deep throated him, then he thrust his hips, he would thrust into her mouth then out. With one last long, hard thrust he came, Nat sucked him dry. AJ moaned out her name in passion and pleasure!

“Someone’s done this before, and damn their fuckin’ good at it!” AJ said, in his low, raspy voice which was even raspier now that he was still recovering from his orgasm.

“Hey, in the words of a wonderful man, and I quote: “I aim to please, hun!” Nat said then laughed, as did AJ.

“Oh yeah, you wanna see amazing? You just wait baby!” AJ said this then lifted Nat on to the bed. He quickly got on top of her, resting his weight on his elbows, which were resting on the bed on either side on Nat. He spread her legs with his own and positioned him self between her legs. He looked up into her eyes. Again asking consent for what they were about to engage in. She smiled at him, he was so wonderful, every action he did was so perfect. He showed so much respect to and for her, like no man had ever done before. Nat was enthralled with this and with him!

“If your asking if I want this, hun, I do very much so AJ in the only words I can think: fuck me! NOW” Nat said in a low growl.

“Yes mam! god I love it when a woman knows what she wants” AJ also said this in a low growl, Nat just smiled and relaxed, excited about what she was about to experience! AJ slowly placed the tip of his penis inside her, she moaned slightly, then he quickly and forcefully thrusted himself completely inside her. Both people moaned, to be inside one another, so close, so intimate, it was so perfect, so right. Both of them knew this, AJ thrusted himself in and out of her eventually developing a nice quick rhythm, Nat helped him with this, moving her hips in time with the rhythm. Nat held onto AJ tightly, as they both looked into each other’s eyes. Their was passion, their was lust but most importantly their was love, and both of them saw all this in the other ones eyes. In that brief, lust and loved filled moment Nat knew that he was the one, she trusted him completely, which was a knew feeling for her. She felt secure and safe being held in his arms. With one last hard thrust both of them climaxed, screaming out each other’s name.

For AJ despite the previous and many partners he had had in the past, this was the best, most wonderful, special and enjoyable sex he had ever had.

For Nat it was also the best sex she had ever had, but more importantly it was inspiring for her. She had learned to trust and love another man completely, something she had never done since Dave. See he had taken those emotions and feelings away from her. After being with him, and being treated the way she was, she thought she would never be able to love wholly again. But AJ, he gave that ability back to her. She knew that he would never hurt her intentionally, at that moment laying in his arms, sweat beaded on their foreheads, their breathing ragged, she felt absolutely content, and that was marvelous feeling, one she wanted to hold on to forever!

