Chapter 7

*8 hours later* AJ and Nat were at the airport early the next morning. Nat’s flight would be leaving in 20 minutes. Brett and Becca were just about to board the plane. Nat stayed to say good-bye to AJ privately. “AJ, I love you so much! No matter what happens I’ll never ever forget you! I need to thank you for everything you’ve done for and given to me, yet thank you doesn’t seem like enough, but I cannot express my gratitude, admiration and love for you in any other words! Oh, I got you this, so it will remind you of me!” Nat said through tears that were now openly falling down her cheeks.

“Honey, it’s O.K. please don’t cry, Thank you for the gift, I got you one to: here, but don’t open it until your home, like your sitting on your couch, with a drink in your hand, I know it’s a long time to wait but just do it for me O.K.?”

“Yes, of course whatever you want!” Nat replied, as AJ handed her a package, she put it in her purse.

“Nat, I want you to know that I feel exactly the same way about you as you feel about me! Don’t ever doubt my love for you, cuz it’s definitely there! And don’t you think that this is the end, cuz we will make this is just a beginning for us because Nat you make me so happy, and you evoke these feelings and emotions in my that I never knew existed. “ AJ said with tears now rolling down his face.

“This is the final call for flight 284 to NY, I repeat the final call for flight 284 to NY all passengers should be on board” A voice came over the announcement system.

“You should go now” AJ said, Nat and AJ embraced, holding each other as close as they could. Then AJ kissed her lightly and gently pushed her forward out of his arms. She just stood their for a moment memorizing his face, then she left for the plane walked on and didn’t look back, she knew this was how it had be or she would never leave. AJ didn’t take his eyes off her until she turned the corner. He then sat down in one of the airport lounge chairs and took out the box she had given him. He opened it slowly, wondering what was inside. He saw a beautiful ring. It was plain silver band. It had: AJ I love(a heart) U Always! inscribed on it. AJ slipped it onto his finger, knowing he wouldn’t be taking it off anytime soon. What really surprised him about her gift to him was how similar it was to what he had given her!

After a flight which seemed to last forever Nat finally arrived home. She was greatly to Becca who had left her alone during the flight she really needed the time to think. Finally she arrived home. She realized her parents were out when she walked into her house. For that she was greatly. She slowly climbed the stairs to her room dropping her luggage on the bed. She would deal with it later. Then she walked to the bathroom and took a look in the mirror. Gawd she looked awful. She had mascara running down her cheeks and her whole face was red and blotchy from crying, but at that moment she could care less. She washed her face and brushed her teeth. That helped a bit. She then walked downstairs into the kitchen made herself some hot chocolate and got a cookie. She sat down on the couch. Just like AJ had wanted. She then took the package he had given her and opened it. Inside she found a small black box. She opened it. Inside was a ring. It was very similar to the one she had given AJ. She wondered if he was wearing his ring now. Her ring was a silver band with a small diamond in the center. Then inscribed on the inside was: NA + AJ 4ever. Nat began to cry again as she read the inscription in the ring. It was beautiful. Then she found a letter. She opened it slowly. Then she started to read it as she took a deep breath and a sip of the hot chocolate.

My dearest Natalie; Miss me yet??? hahah I thought so! I miss you too, baby. I will never stop missing you until your back in my arms. You are my world. I know we’ve only known each other for 5 short days, but to me it felt like a life time. I’ve never loved someone as much as I absolutely unconditionally love you. Until I met you I never knew love could be so joyous. Everything seemed to flow with us like we connected instantly. I need you to do something for my honey. I want you to go to the park. Your park, I bet your wondering right now, how does he know about my park? well hun, Becca was a wealth on info about you! mhhaaa (evil laugh)!!! So go their at 10 o’clock and sit on the swings, just humor me baby and please go. Well your probably about done your hot chocolate now. Always remember no matter what happens I will never forget you, and I will always treasure the time we spent together, no matter how limited. I love you for the bottom of my heart. AJ

Nat was crying openly now. It he continued to amaze her every second of every day. He was 9000 miles away and he continued to do so. She took the letter upstairs and placed it in her drawer. She knew she would want to reread it often. She think fell asleep in her clothes on her bed. She was exhausted.

The next morning, Nat woke up to the smell of bacon cooking. She changed out of the clothes she had slept in and headed downstairs to see her mom and dad sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. They greeted her enthusiastically.

They ate and talked for over an hour, about her trip. She excitedly told them all about her trip, as much as she had enjoyed it she had missed her parents. Luckily for her they had always had a fairly good relationship. Especially with her mother who she could talk to about anything. She was very grateful for this, as she knew many people didn’t have such a good relationship with their mother’s.

Nat also told her parents about AJ. Her mother was thrilled. Her mom had known about Dave and what Nat had gone through with him. So Nat’s mom was thrilled she found someone knew who had made her so happy if only for a short time. Her mother suggested that Nat go visit AJ on Spring Break, Nat thought that was a great idea.

It was soon 9:50, Nat left for the park. Why she was even going she had no idea. But if AJ wanted her to go then she would. It would due her good to get some fresh air and revisit the park that had been one of her favorite places as a kid. She arrived at the park. It brought back some wonderful memories. She walked to the swings and sat down. She swung gently for around 5 minutes. When she had the surprise of her life!

She saw AJ walking towards her! She jumped off the swing and ran into his arms, almost knocking him to the ground. He had a smile from ear to ear. Nat had tears running down her face.

“OMG AJ What are you doing here???” Nat cried.

“I thought I’d surprise you, I missed you too much baby! And I have the next month off so I thought if it worked out and you wanted me I could stay here for a while!?!” AJ stated

“Oh I would love that! Ahhh I love you!!! This is the best surprise I've ever had, your the best you know that right?” Nat asked

“Yeah well I try, honey!” AJ laughed


AJ and Nat spent lots of time together. AJ met all of Nat’s family. Which everyone of them loved him! Actually by now they had a routine down. Nat would go to school in the morning, then AJ would pick her up, they’d go out for lunch and then do something in the afternoon. Both of them had loved every minute together. They were more in love now then ever.

AJ and Nat were lying in her bed the last night of his stay in NY.

“Oh god AJ I’m going to miss you so much. I thought maybe if your on tour I could come see you in march, like on spring break, that’s not that far away only like 2 weeks and we get two weeks off this year so that would be good right baby?” Nat asked as she ran her hand up and down his chest, she then rolled beside him and started kissing his nipples, then she sucked and nipped at them he moaned lightly.

“Mmm... yeah baby that would work but, ahhh could you stop that for a few minutes I kinda want to ask you something and I really can’t talk when your doing that, ahhmmm” AJ moaned.

“ O.K., if you insist, I’ll stop” Nat said giving a fake pouting face.

“Oh don’t you worry I’ll let you get back to that in a minute, but trust me you’ll like this idea.” AJ said

“all right, what is it baby?” Nat asked

“Well you know how you have spring break in like 2 weeks? Well the guys and I have to go one tour in a week, in Europe, and provided it’s O.K. with everyone I was wondering if you wanted to come with us for the two weeks your on spring break? You’d get to see me, you’d get to see Europe, see the show from backstage? what do you say honey?” AJ asked her hoping she would say yes.

“Oh AJ.. I’d love to, wow! I can’t believe this, well I’d have to make sure it was O.K., and you'd have to ask the guys, what if they don’t like me?” Nat asked all of a sudden worried.

“Excuse me? How could anyone not like you, you’ve already met Brian, so you know he likes you and I'm sure the rest of the guys will love you, of course not as much as I do though!” AJ laughed.

AJ and Nat worked out all the details. AJ left the next day, which was sad for everyone yet it would be only two weeks until Nat got to see him again and go to Europe! The next two weeks passed slowly for Nat, it seemed as if school lasted for ever and the afternoons were so boring now that she didn’t have AJ to hang out with! Eventually the time did pass and she and AJ went to Europe, all the guys liked her and she quickly got settled into touring life. It was great! AJ and her were getting along amazingly!

Eventually time passed. Nat went back to school for the next 2 months until the end of the year. She then graduated. AJ attended her graduation. The whole school was shocked and surprised that he was their with her. That summer the backstreet boys went on tour for the final leg. This tour was back in Europe. Nat went with them again. The final show was in Paris. After the show, like always AJ was greeted in his dressing room by Natalie.

“Hey baby, the show was great as always, your last one wow, what are you guys going o do now that your done touring?” Nat asked him as she slid beside him on the couch.

“Well I thought WE could fill that time pretty well, what do you think?” AJ asked her.

“Sounds fantastic” Nat replied.

“Yeah, come with me?” AJ asked her.

“Of course, you know I’d go with you anywhere, but where are we going?” Nat asked

“Do you trust me?” AJ asked her.

“Yes, I do, more than I ever thought I could” Nat replied

“O.K. well then I’m going to blind fold you and this is going to be a surprise, but it’s a good surprise, you’ll like it!” AJ said excitedly.

“all right” Nat said hesitantly.

AJ blindfolded Nat and lead her to his rental car, which he helped her inside, then they drove to a hotel. It was gorgeous. He lead her up to the pent house which he had arranged to book for the night, he had also had his and her stuff taken to the new hotel previously. He took her out on to the balcony, you could see the whole city below, with the lights and the moon shining down it was beautiful. AJ took Nat’s blind fold off and she gasped as the beauty of the scene.

“AJ how did you do all this I mean are stuff is already here?” Nat asked

“I have my ways baby, but their is a really important reason I brought you here, I wanted to ask you something.” AJ told her seriously.

“O.K. what is it honey?” Nat asked.

AJ got down one knee, and took a black velvet box out of his pocket.

“Natalie Jordyn Appleton I love you with all me heart, mind, body and soul, I want to spend the rest of my life in happiness with you, will you marrying me?” AJ asked her with emotion in his voice.

“AJ.... I.... You are... oh I love you so much and yes of course I would love to marry you!” Nat said with tears flowing down her face.

AJ and Nat got married the following summer. It was a beautiful ceremony. That is after Nat and AJ both got over their fears of marrying one another.

They honeymooned in Hawaii, going their on a private jet. On the jet:

“Ahh AJ.. maybe we shouldn’t do that here” Nat said as AJ ran his hand between her thighs.

“Why not baby?” AJ asked continuing to kiss her

“Well what if one of the pilots walks in?” Nat asked

“They won’t, trust me!” AJ said

“all right, well if you say so! But I get to give the orders this time!” Nat then proceeded to kiss along AJ’s jaw.

“All right, whatever you say Mrs. McLean!” AJ said, enjoying her presence and her actions.

“Oh how I like the sound of that, O.K. take off your pants!” Nat instructed her new husband.

“Yes Mam.” AJ did as he was told, then while he was standing Nat slid off his boxers. She started kissing around his package. He moaned, falling backward slightly, Nat then pushed him down into his chair. She then went down on him. First kissing him lightly then darting her tongue in and out of his belly button and tracing his 69 tattoo. She then put the tip of him in her mouth lightly sucking and biting. She licked the beads of pre cum off his head. She then slowly, inserted him into her mouth, AJ moaned loudly with intense pleasure and a mix of pain. Then AJ was rewarded for patiently waiting when Nat deep throated him. He thrust his hips, Nat’s mouth responded as she would run her tongue and teeth up and down his shaft as he thrusted himself in and out of her. Soon he came, Nat sucked him. He let his body go limp on the seat. He had this incredible feeling of joy and contentment running through his entire body. He closed his eyes and just enjoyed the feeling. Then he opened his eyes to find Nat seating beside him.

“You O.K. their buddy?” Nat asked

“Oh I am better than you’ll ever know, I love you so much Nat, but now it’s your turn.” AJ said in his deep raspy voice.

AJ proceeded to kiss Nat’s face and neck. He then took off her shirt and bra. Kissing, licking and sucking her nipples. She sighed with pleasure. He then kissed down her belly. She stood up so he could take off her pants and underwear. She then sat back down on the seat. AJ kneeled in front of her, with his face level to just below her waist. He spread her legs. She trembled with anticipation. He started kissing her inner thighs, then moved up. He slowly thrusted his tongue inside her. He continued thrusting his tongue in and out of her, while he rubbed her clit with his thumb. She was just about to come when he moved his tongue out of her and moved his mouth into her clit. Biting, sucking and licking it. This took Nat over the edge as she came intensely. He licked all of her sweet juices. They both put their clothes back on and slept for the rest of the flight. They wanted to enjoy every second of everything, right now both were spent, so they would continue their wedding night when they arrived in Hawaii.

