Chapter 2

“Hey AJ?” Talia asked slightly uncertain.

“Yeah, hey Tals, I’m so glad you called, how are you?” AJ replied, his voice sounding slightly rough.

“I’m good, how are you? Did I wake you, I’m so sorry!” Talia replied.

“Yeah I just woke up but don’t feel bad, it’s wonderful hearing your voice. So you want to do soemthing today?” AJ asked.

“Ahh.. yeah O.K. let me just check something, O.K. so it’s 2 p.m. now, I have to work at 3 until 11, you want to do something after that or is that too late?” Talia asked. “No that’s fine! So how about I pick you up from the restaurant and take you home you can change out of your uniform and we could go see a movie or something?” AJ asked

“Alright, that sounds great! So I’ll see you at 11, I actually can’t wait AJ” Talia replied.

“Me neither, baby.” AJ replied

They both said there good-byes and hung up. Talia showered and got ready for work. She arrived at the restaurant 10 minutes early. She talked to a friend for a while then got to work. Her shift passed quickly seeing as she thought of AJ the entire time. He came and drove her to her apartment. She changed and they headed to the movies. They saw “3 Kings”.

They then went to the same coffee shop as the night before.

“So did you like the movie?” AJ asked.

“Yeah I did, I thought it was really good, you?” Talia replied.

“Yeah I liked it too, wow, movies is something people often fight about and were agreeing already, I think this is a good sign!” AJ said and smiled.

“I agree, definitely a good sign.” Talia replied. The couple talked about the movie and there days for a few hours. The AJ drove Talia home. The went through the same routine at the door as the night before only this time the kiss lasted a little longer. And this time AJ said he would call her!

The two dated almost 5 times a week for the next month. Except Talia was taking things slow and AJ was complying. One day after a dinner date AJ asked Talia if she liked to stay over at his house. Talia thought about it, she had never even been there never mind slept there. But she decided she wanted to. So they went to her apartment and she packed some stuff and then they drove to AJ’s place. Talia was first taken aback by it’s size, it was huge. Then the decor, it was very eclectic, it definitely screamed ‘AJ’! After lying on the couch together casually talking and sipping drinks. Turned so she could see AJ’s face as opposed to how her head was on AJ’s chest before.

“Hey AJ” Talia asked quietly

“Yeah, what is it honey?” AJ asked, lightly breathing in the wonderful scent of her hair, it smelt like apples.

“Remember the first night we meet and we were sitting in the park and you said how you thought I’d been hurt before?” Talia asked him.

“Yeah, I remember and you said you didn’t want to talk about it?” AJ said.

“Yeah, well I think you should know something about that, it’s important, now I understand if you never want to see me after I tell you this or if you kick me out or stop loving me, it’s O.K.” Talia said nervous about how AJ would react to the information she was about to give him.

“Talia, nothing you could say right now would make me stop loving you and you know that I do love you, right with all me heart?” AJ asked her.

“Yeah, I know and I love you too AJ, you may never know how much.” Talia replied a tear falling down her cheek. AJ wiped it away.

“Don’t cry baby, just tell me what it is your so worried about, I’m sure I’ll understand.” AJ said and smiled.

“O.K. well you know how I used to live in LA? Well my need for independence was not my only reason for moving away from LA, There was someone there that I couldn’t... I couldn’t see... anymore, he’s my ex-boyfriend, but he... he...oh god I can’t believe I’m telling you this but he .. raped me and now.... I'm pregnant.” Talia said with difficulty as really bad memories flooded her head. Tears were now streaming down her face.

“Oh god, that’s horrible how could anyone do that to anybody? Especially you? Why didn’t you tell me this before? How far along are you?” AJ asked with concern as he held her in his arms and slowly rocked her back and forth.

“I didn’t know how to tell you AJ, I mean it’s not really something you mention in casual conversation, I didn’t know how you would react, and I’m 4 and a half months pregnant. Oh god AJ I don’t know what to do, I’m sorry I really don’t mean to dump my problems on you but I’m not ready for this!” Talia cried.

“’s O.K. Talia, your not dumping your problems on my I want to do anything I can to help you, god knows you've listened to my ramble on for hours it’s about time I listen to you, you’ll get through this Talia, We will get through this” AJ responded, he spoke passionately.

“ We? AJ you don't need to help my with this, you have your whole life ahead of you, your career, I can’t tie you down with this, it’s my problem and I will deal with it.” Talia said.

“Talia you don’t seem to understand that I truly do love you and I want to help you with this, it’s not tying me down, it’s something I want to do.” AJ responded.

“How’s this going to look in the media? ‘AJ knocks up some chick’ I can see the headline now!” Talia relied.

“Don’t worry, people know the stuff in those papers aren’t true, don’t worry everything will be fine, but have you been to a doctor hear, I mean about the baby?” AJ asked her.

“ No, I don’t know any doctors here.” Talia responded.

“Well how about I ask my mom for the name of hers? We could make an appointment and go together, that is if you want me to come?” AJ asked

“I would love for you to come, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to and could you not tell your mom the whole story about me, just not yet, it’s too hard, I’ve only ever told 3 people.” Talia replied.

“You mean all this time you've been going through this all alone Tals, I’m so sorry.” AJ said.

“AJ it’s not your fault, but I love you so much for caring the way you do.” Talia replied

AJ and Talia then went upstairs they slept in AJ’s bed, for Talia it was perfect, unlike her last boyfriend AJ wasn’t pressuring into anything she didn't want to do, he just held her in his arms until, she fell asleep. And then she felt wonderful when she woke up to AJ holding her and lightly kissing her forehead.

“Honey, you should get up soon I made an appointment for the doctor’s in and hour.” AJ told her.

“Oh, thanks baby, I would have called later, O.K. well I’ll go shower.” Talia replied.

Talia got ready and dressed while AJ made breakfast. They both ate it quickly. Then they hopped into AJ’s 4x4 ford explorer and drove to the doctor’s office.

“You nervous?” AJ asked

“Yeah, I am” Tals replied softly.

“Don't worry it will be O.K. I’ll be there with you the whole time” AJ said, just then the receptionist called Talia in to the doctor’s office. AJ followed her. The receptionist weighed her and measured her height. Then she took her into the examination room, she told Talia to take off all her clothes and put the hospital gown on, then to lie on the examining table. The receptionist left, telling the couple that the doctor would be in in a few minutes.

“Do you want me to leave while you change?” AJ asked, they had never seen each other naked.

“No, it’s O.K. could you just turn around though?” Talia asked.

“O.K. no problem.” AJ replied and turned around. Talia then changed into the gown and hopped onto the table, which was slightly difficult seeing as the gown didn't attach in the back so she had to try to keep her self covered somewhat.

“O.K. you can turn around now AJ” Talia said from her position lying down on the table.

Just then the doctor walked in.

“Hi my name is Dr. Shuana Smith, what can I help you with today?” Shauna asked, as she sat down on a in her chair at a desk, glancing at Talia’s file.

“I’m pregnant” Talia replied

“O.K. so your here for a prenatal exam. Have you had any before? How far along are you? Do you know?” The doctor asked her.

“I’m four and a half months pregnant and I’ve never had any prenatal care.” Talia replied

“O.K., well I’m just going to examine you now, then we’ll do an ultrasound so we can make sure everything O.K., Seeing as you've never done this before I’ll tell you everything I’m going to do before I do it” Dr. Smith said.

“O.K. thank you” Talia replied.

“No problem, is this your boyfriend? He can come sit over here beside you if you want to hold his hand.” Shauna said and smiled at them both. AJ replied that he was her boyfriend and then moved beside her, he sat down in a chair. He lightly grabbed Talia’s hand and she squeezed his.

“O.K. I’m just going to place your legs in the stirrups then I'm going to feel your belly so that I can feel the baby’s shape and positioning.” Shauna said then did both things.

“O.K. now I'm going to insert an instrument called a speculum into your vagina, then I will open it, that will enable me to take culture samples, and perform some routine tests. O.K. now I'm going to put it in so take a deep breath and try to relax your muscles things will go a lot easier that way, it will be uncomfortable and will sting at first but it won’t be extremely painful.” Dr. Smith said this then performed it. Talia squeezed AJ’s hand and took a quick sharp breath as her vagina started to sting, she then opened the instrument which stretched her walls further, Talia let out a small moan at the uncomfortableness of the procedure. After that everything went rather smoothly, most things were uncomfortable but not painful. The doctor then performed the ultra sound. Both Talia and AJ were amazed seeing her baby moving on the screen. It made everything seem so real. Talia cried watching the baby on the screen to think that there was a baby growing and developing inside her. She became more excited about having the baby, as did AJ. The doctor left to evaluate the test results while Talia got dressed. Then the doctor came back in and said everything was normal, her baby was perfectly healthy, and that she should come back in a month for another check up. She also lent Talia a book about pregnancy, so that she could eat better and take the best care of herself and her baby. Talia and AJ both thanked the doctor and left. AJ drove Talia to his house.

“So what do you want to do today?” AJ asked her

“Well I wanted to just curl up on a couch and read this book, wow, it’s so surreal, there’s is a human life growing inside me” Talia replied and smiled.

“I know, it’ so amazing Talia, I can’t believe you thought I would react badly to this.” AJ told her.

“Yeah well I wasn’t sure, this is the only and most positive thing that came out of my relationship with my ex-boyfriend, Greg.” Talia replied sadly as her mind reeled with memories of him.

“You know if you ever need to talk about him or anything I’m here, and if you ever want me to kill him, I’m here for that too!” AJ added and laughed.

“Yeah O.K. thanks honey!” Talia said and laid down on the couch with the book.

“Do you mind if I read that book with you Tals?” AJ asked and smiled at her. He laid down beside her and rubbed his hand over her belly. You couldn’t really tell she was pregnant but you could feel it. Talia was happy AJ wanted to be so involved in her pregnancy. She was overjoyed, it was the best thing that could come out of such a bad situation. Her and AJ laid on the couch reading the book for an hour and a half before Talia fell asleep, AJ got up and made her lunch and set the table. Talia woke up and ate her lunch quietly with AJ, she thanked him for everything he had done for her. She couldn’t stop thinking about how grateful she was to him for everything.

2 months later

AJ and Talia were still together. And getting along better than ever if that was possible. AJ was in the studio recording some songs with the guys. Talia was working at the restaurant still and going to school. She now frequently slept at AJ’s place, He was considering asking her to move in with him, but he had not found the right opportunity. AJ was lying in bad reading a book on pregnancy when Talia walked in. She was wearing a negligée. He let out a low whistle.

“Well someone looks fabulous what’s the occasion?” AJ asked her as he put the book done and got up out of bed.

“I thought maybe tonight we could make love” Talia replied nervously.

“What made you decided this, I mean why tonight?” AJ asked.

“Because I love you and trust you more than anyone I have ever known. I want to make you as happy as you make, I want to know what it’s like to make love with someone I love!” Talia replied honestly.

“O.K. Talia I love and trust too, more than you’ll ever know, but I need you to know whether or not we have sex tonight I will still love you and I am happy with you, I don't want you to feel you need to sleep with me cause that’s what I want, I want you to do what you want.” AJ said.

“I know AJ, and thank you, this is what I want, I need to feel you inside me!” Talia replied.

“Your 100% sure?” AJ asked her

“Yes, I am!” Talia replied.

AJ started by kissing Talia. They both kissed with passion and desire. Then he slowly slid the straps of her negligée off her shoulders, the garment feel to the floor. Talia blushed self consciously as she was now 6 and a half months pregnant and that was very visible. She took off AJ’s shirt and he undid his pants and then pulled off his boxers. AJ then kiss down Talia’s body, she moaned with pleasure and excitement. AJ gently lowered Talia onto the bed. Now that they were both naked, they started kissing each other with frenzy. AJ kissed down her chest, stopping to suck on each of her nipples, he then kissed his way down her belly and stopped at her womanhood. He flicked his tongue over her clit, she bucked her hips at the stimulation and surprise. He then suck, licking and kissed her inch of her womanhood bringing her to the sweetest, most intense orgasm she had ever experienced. Both their breathing was ragged and quick. He then positioned himself between her legs, spreading her legs wider with his knees. He looked deeply into her eyes and asked her once more if she was sure she smiled and said yes. He entered her slowly. The both moaned in pleasure. Quickly AJ found a rhythm they were both comfortable at. Talia orgasmed first, then the clenching of her walls around his manhood brought AJ to his orgasm. He collapsed on the bed beside her they both just lay in each other’s arms in silence while they regained their composure and enjoyed the feelings that were surging through their bodies.

“So was that O.K.?” Talia asked

“O.K.? that was wonderful, wasn’t it wonderful for you? I didn’t hurt you or the baby did I?” AJ asked worry suddenly filling his voice.

“No of course not, yes it was wonderful AJ, I can confidently say it was best I’ve ever had” Talia said quietly.

“You mean you haven’t.... since the rape?” AJ asked, shocked.

“No and I was a virgin before the rape.” Talia said

“So this was your first real time?” AJ asked her.

“Yeah” Talia replied.

“Oh baby, I would have made it more perfect if I had known” AJ said sadly.

“Oh AJ this was perfect, I could not have imagined it any better, I love you so much!” Talia said smiling.

“I love you too Tals” AJ replied as they both fell asleep, holding each other.

Chapter 3
