Until I Met You - 2!

It had been two years since Emily and AJ had seen each other. In that time they both went on

with their lives, they didn’t call or contact each other in any way. AJ kept touring and making

enormously successful albums with the Backstreet Boys and Emily went to university and

lived her life day by day, it was just the way she liked it! It wasn’t like they wanted to forget

what happened, not in the least, for both of them the night they had shared was magical, a

memory they would cherish forever. They knew it had been just a one night thing, calling or

writing would just confuse things. Well one night, things dramatically changed for Emily, she

saw AJ again. But not only that, this time he brought a friend!!!!

Emily had just finished writing her Eng. literature paper for university. She was glad to be finished and wanted to celebrate. She ran upstairs to her room, as she tore off her jeans she glanced in the mirror at the star tattoo on her lower back. Memories of that night over 2 years ago briefly flashed through her mind. AJ McLean would always have a palce in her memories and her heart. She finished looking in the mirror and then threw on her favorite little black dress. She quickly pulled up her hair into a French twist, dusted her face with make-up, grabbed her purse and headed out the door. She arrived at the bar 15 minutes later, it was busy but not packed she got in within 10 minutes. She sat down at the bar and ordered a drink.

“Strawberry daiquiri please” Emily told the bartender her order. She was sitting by herself on a high black stool at the bar. She scanned the room, the lights were spuratically flashing and dance music was blaring from the speakers.

“Here ya go hun!” the bartender answered and handed her a tall glass, rimmed with sugar and a strawberry.

”thanks” Emily answered and took a sip. It was good, cold and sweet on her tongue. She was glad to be out after her long day of classes. She momentarily closed her eyes and just let herself relax and get into the atmosphere

Emily was just taking the last sips of her daiquiri when she noticed him, at least she thought it was him. Even though she hadn’t seen him in two years and the bar was dark she would know him anywhere, it was AJ!

She quickly got up out of her chair to follow him wherever he was going, it turned out he was headed for the bathroom. She couldn’t catch him before he went in so she stood outside the door to the men’s bathroom waiting for him to come out, and 4 minutes later he did!

“AJ?” Emily called out just above a whisper

“Yeah....” he stopped and stared at her for a minute, unsure of who she was. “Emily?” AJ asked, he had been with many girls while he was on tour, but none of them had gotten a tattoo to remember him by!

“Yeah, oh god, how are you?” Emily asked, excited that it was him.

“I’m great, how are you?” AJ asked.

“Well now that your here I’m wonderful!” Emily said and smiled coyly, she wanted him....bad!

The two sat at the bar for 20 minutes catching up on small talk. They talked about their lives and how they’d been in the last two years. They also talked about what they remembered most about the night they had spent together, the intense connection they had shared. Eventually AJ said he had to get back to his table because he was here with someone. He also suggested that Emily come with him, so she did. She got to the table and who was sitting there? None other than Kevin Richardson. The three talked for a while, then it happened: the invite!

“So I think were going to head back to the hotel room now , you wanna come?” AJ asked Emily.

“Both of you are heading back.... together?” Emily asked, she wanted to be certain of what she might be getting herself into.

“Yeah, look you totally don’t have to but remember when we were together the first time and I asked you if you trusted me, I would take you on the ride of your life?” AJ asked and Emily nodded her head,

“Well, I can do that again tonight.... only now you have to trust both of us!” AJ said seriously, he’d done the threesome thing many times before he just didn’t want Emily to do it if she was unsure.

“Alright, let’s go” Emily said with a slightly shaky voice, she was excited, scared and nervous all at once.

“O.K. Kev, go get the limo will ya? We’ll be right there.” AJ said and turned his attention towards Emily, he took her hands and then pulled her close to him in an embrace. They both just stood their for a second and sighed. Emily had missed the feeling of being in AJ’s arms.

“You sure you want to do this?” AJ whispered in her ear, the vibrations of his breath sent shivers through her body, she realized then how much she’d missed him and despite what she had convinced herself of, she still wasn’t over him.

“Yeah, I think so” Emily replied.

“You’ve never done this before right?” AJ asked her still holding her close.

“No, I haven’t” Emily replied and closed her eyes, she inhaled the wonderful scent of AJ’s cologne and rested her head on his shoulder.

“O.K., well you remember the night we were together?” AJ asked her.

“Every second of it, how could I forget!” Emily replied and smiled at the memory.

“Well tonight is going to be like that, just wait and you’ll see, but if at any point you really want something to stop, no matter what it is or who’s doing it to you just tell me and we’ll stop, got it?” AJ asked her seriously.

“Yeah I got it, thank you AJ” Emily softly spoke in his ear.

The two then left for the limo. 20 minutes later they arrived at the boys hotel. It was extremly fancy, with marble floors and a foutain in the lobby. It was decorated in a very bold expensive looking style, yet it was still classy. The boys were in town for the next three days on tour. They got to AJ’s room. he opened the door and gestured for Emily to walk in first. All she could see was the darkness, then Kevin followed behind her and tunred on the lights, the room was spectacular. The bed was huge, king size, it was placed in the middle of the room, in front their was a sitting area with a table and four chairs, then off of the side of the room their was a balcony that out looked the enitre city, it was late and the moon was shining down on all the buildings. AJ walked in last and shut the door.

The three sat down at the table in the corner, AJ could sense Emily’s hesitance with the situation, figuring she didn’t know Kevin. So he decided the three of them should play a short game of truth or dare, before the actually ‘events’ occurred.

“So Emily, I’ll start with you, what’s your most embarrassing moment or situation?” AJ asked her while he took a sip of his beer.

Emily thought for a moment then took a large gulp of her beer, “I would have to say tonight would be my most embarrassing time.”

“Why?” Kevin asked, his voice deep, and slightly filled with concern.

“Well, first of all, I’m about to throw myself into a compromising position with a stranger and then AJ, it’s not like were best friends, so I'm basically worried, nervous, excited and scared about tonight’s events, all in one!” Emily replied, her face red.

“Emily stand up!” AJ commanded.

“What are you doing?” Emily asked.

“Just wait and you’ll find out, now come over here” AJ instructed and Emily followed. Emily stood in the open space between the bed and the table, AJ stood about 2 feet behind her.

“Fall backwards” AJ instructed.

“What? Why?” Emily questioned.

“Look, you trust me right? Well fall backwards and I'll catch you, it’s like a little test to prove my trust then you’ll do it with Kevin” AJ replied. Emily did it she fell back into AJ’s arms, for a second she experienced a wave of panic that she would fall to the floor, but then she realized she really did trust AJ and she knew he wouldn’t let her fall. Then she did the same thing with Kevin, it was weird to be in the arms of a stranger, Kevin turned her around so that she was facing him, he pulled her close to him for a hug. The two just held each other and got accostumized to each other. Then they kissed, it was a slow simple kiss. Afterwards Emily knew she’d be O.K., that this night it would be O.K., chances are it would be a hell of a lot better than O.K.

“I say we do this in a 3 step process, you and Kevin get together, me and you get together and then we all get together, any objections?” AJ asked smiling devishlishly, Kevin and Emily shook there heads.

“Alright, let the fun begin!” AJ yelled, before he turned down the lights and turned on the c.d. player so that their was music softly playing in the background. Then AJ went and sat down in a chair in the corner

Kevin and Emily just looked at each other for a second.

“You ready for this? You know at any time we can stop right?” Kevin asked her.

“Yeah I’m ready, thanks for being so great about this, I mean I’m sure this is a lot slower than how you usually go about this kinda thing, so thank you for taking it slow and being so nice and everything.” Emily replied quietly.

“Your welcome, Em, but just so you know, I haven’t had great experience in this, it’s AJ who’s the king of this kind of thing, I’ve only done this twice and it’s never been with him.” Kevin replied.

“Well, that actually makes me feel better” Emily replied but was cut off by Kevin who' lips captured hers, in a very sensual kiss, they made out for a few minutes then Kevin started unzipping her dress, it fell to the floor, Emily quickly took off Kevin’s shirt revealing his well defined upper body. She then undid his jeans and he kicked them off, Kevin undid Emily’s bra and she slid off her panties then she removed Kevin’s boxers. They both just stood there for a minute, admiring each other’s beautiful bodies. Then Kevin wrapped his arm around Emily’s body and pulled her down onto the bed. They kissed each other feverishly with passion and desire, they both caressed each inch of each other’s bodies, finally Kevin entered her in one quick motion, she inhaled sharply, slightly surprised by his boldness. After a few seconds she got used to his size, she started thrusting her hips to meet his, they quickly found a rhythm that pleased both of them, they were moaning loudly, sweat glistening off their bodies, eventually Emily came, her rythmical contractions pushed Kevin over the edge into ectascy. They both just laid there for a while, enjoying the pleasure surging throughout their bodies but also thinking what other events would go on that evening. Ten minutes later Kevin got up and traded places with AJ. He looked at her and smiled. It was the kind of smile that made everything else going around Emily just fade away. Emily was nervous and scared but when she looked at AJ’s smile and deeply into his big brown eyes she knew no matter what happened it would be O.K. The two fooled around far a bit, AJ could tell Emily was anxious. He told her to position herself in the middle of the bed so that she was kneeling on the bed, her back facing him. Emily did this slowly. AJ got off the bed and retrieved a tube of something from the bathroom.

“You ready Emily?” AJ asked his voice raspy with passion and yet still it was also filled concern.

“Yeah” Emily replied.

AJ massaged Emily’s shoulders, he could tell she was tense and maybe the best thing to do was just get it over with so that she could relax and realize that the pleasure she will eventually feel, will far out weigh the pain. He massaged her ass, rubbing the contents of the tube on it. The stuff was ‘ice-hot’ something which was usually used for muscle soreness. It made your skin feel cold and then really warm all in a time frame of about 2 minutes. Emily was enjoying it. AJ slowly dragged his finger down her crack, she tensed immediately.

“Shhh.... baby it's O.K., trust me honey, it will hurt, a lot, but not for that long” AJ whispered in her ear as he kissed down her back. He continue pressing his finger into her until he was about up to his first knuckle, he figured she was as ready as she was going to get. He positioned himself in front of her tight hole. She took a deep breath. He entered her extremely slowly, with just the tiniest bit of him inserted into her. She gasped, she could feel the burning, stretching pain. “It’s O.K., shh... the more you relax the easier this will be, I know it hurts, it will all be over soon, now I want you to push, like you want to push me out” AJ instructed her, she did this and as he continued kissing down her back he entered her about an inch further. She closed her eyes and reached backwards to squeeze his waist.

“AJ, I can’t do this, oh god, it hurts too much” Emily whispered to him so that Kevin couldn’t hear.

“Shh.. honey it’s almost over, I promise baby, after this part is done and all three of us get together it will bring you to a state of ectascy you could only dream about, now keep pushing” AJ consoled her. He entered her further, by this time a single tear had slid down her cheek, finally he couldn’t take it anymore and he went in all the way, Emily threw her head back in pain and her body shook.

“It’s O.K., it’s almost over, relax baby, you know I would never hurt you more then I needed to, don’t move” AJ wiped away the tears from her cheeks. The discomfort continued to surge through her body. After approx. 2 minutes AJ went to pull himself out slightly.

“AJ, please, don’t” Emily cried, even it hurt to have him in her she knew it would be worse when he moved.

:I have to baby” with that AJ pulled himself out almost completely and then thrust himself back in, by now the pain had started to subside, it was also joined by pleasure. Emily moaned in response to his thrusts. But AJ could tell she was hesitant.

“Let go baby, I'm right here with you, just relax and let go and the pleasure will come” AJ whispered in her ear as he continued thrusting himself in and out of her. Soon afterwards Emily took a deep breath and AJ could feel her body relax completely, a low seductive moan escaped her lips as she let herself experience the pleasure AJ was giving her. Seconds later she came, the sweet rush of orgasm waved throughout her body. AJ came shortly after that, as her body tensing and relaxing around him pushed him over the edge. AJ slid out of her and laid down beside her.

“So what did you think?” AJ asked her.

“That was definitely different AJ, you sure know how to introduce me to new things!” Emily responded smiling at him as she ran her hand through his damp hair.

“So you liked it right?” AJ responded

“Yeah I did at the end, thank you so much for being so nice, gentle and patient about all this” Emily thanked him with deep sincerity in her voice.

“Your welcome Em, I’m so glad you enjoyed it, I knew if you trusted me you would not regret it” AJ replied and smiled as he inched closer to her, now their mouths were only centimeters apart.

“So you ready for part 3?” AJ asked her and grinned.

Chapter 2

Email: chloe350@hotmail.com