Chapter 2

“So you ready for part 3?” AJ asked her and grinned. She could feel his warm breath on her lips which was driving her crazy! “Yeah I’m ready!” Emily replied and smiled then she glanced over at Kevin who was watching the couple intently, Emily motioned with her hand for him to come over to the bed, he quickly got up and joined them.

“You ready for this?” AJ asked Kevin

“Yeah, let’s go” Kevin replied with a smile on his face, he was slightly nervous but very excited and extremely turned on from having watching AJ and Emily together.

“You ready for this?” Kevin asked Emily

“Yeah, I think so!” Emily replied.

“all right, so who wants which ‘side’ of me?” Emily asked

“Well seeing as I already have had the pleasure of your backside why don’t we let Kevin try?” AJ looked at Kevin waiting for his response, then at Emily to see if she was O.K. with that.

“all right” Kevin replied

“O.K.” Emily said, slightly worried, she had gotten through it with AJ because he was being so nice and gently, she wondered if Kevin would be the same way. AJ instructed Emily to lie on her back in the center of the bed. AJ started to get things going by leaning over Emily and kissing down her neck and the side of her face while he spread her legs apart with her knees, giving access to Kevin, so he could eat her out.

While AJ continued to kiss suck and lick her face and neck Kevin did the same thing to her womanhood. Then he started to thrust his tongue in and out of her while his thumb rubbed back and forth across her clit. Emily was in heaven. The pleasure she was receiving from the two men was pushing her over the edge. With one last thrust of Kevin’s tongue, Emily fell freely into ecstasy, her hips bucked as the warmth spread quickly over her skin.

“You liked that baby?” AJ asked, his voice so sexy and raspy

“Oh god yes!” The sound of AJ’s voice was making her sake in anticipation of feeling him inside of her. Emily smiled up at him.

“O.K. come here” AJ kneeled in the center of the bed, and Emily faced him, AJ motioned for for Kevin to position himself behind Emily, he did this. Emily tensed slightly as she felt Kevin start pushing himself into her. This was it. She was about to do something she’d probably never do again with two of the most handsome men ever. This was incredible wonderful yet also incredibly scary! Kevin pushed himself further inside her, now he was about 2 inches in. He was massaging her shoulders in an attempt to relax her, he could feel her body was tense and he knew everything would go a lot smoother for everyone if she just relaxed. Emily just started wide-eyed at AJ who’s eyes were no more than 5 inches from her own. AJ kissed her neck gently and ran his hands up and down her belly and breasts.

“Emily, let your head fall back onto my left shoulder, Emily did this, and stared into Kevin’s intense green eyes, baby, I know this is really uncomfortable for you right now, but if you could just relax and let go, everything would go a lot easier, and the faster we get this part over with the faster the good part will come, and trust me the good part is really really good, Emily moaned, partly from pleasure, the sexiness or Kevin’s voice and the way AJ was ever so lightly kissing her inner thigh and partly from the pain of having Kevin inside, so I’m going to push in further now, I want your to push back, like you want to push out, the same thing you did with AJ, and if at anytime you want to stop say something, O.K.?” Kevin whispered in her ear, his plan seemed to be working as he could feel her let herself relax just a little but the more he spoke.

“all right and thanks Kevin, I really appreciate it” Emily whispered back. Kevin brought his lips to hers and kissed her passionately. Then he began to push into her again and she pushed back. Both of them could feel her stretching around him to accommodate his size, Emily gasped and moaned as she felt the burning and stinging pain.

“Kevin, I’m sorry but could you stop for a second” Emily asked

“Of course! Don’t be sorry” Kevin replied, he just remained still about half way inside her, he then rubbed her shoulders, in an attempt to ease her pain.

“O.K. this hurts just as much, so keep going.” Emily commented.

“O.K. Emily, I’m just going to push in quick, it’s going to hurt like hell for like 3 minutes but I think it will be better the pain will be over sooner that way, so I’m going to hold onto your waist and I’ll squeeze it just before I go in so then I want you to take a deep breath then push out like before, O.K.? You ready?” Kevin told her.

“Yeah” Emily replied nervously. Kevin placed his large hands around the side of her waist and squeezed. The he pushed the rest of the way inside of her, he felt bad as he could feel the way he was stretching her.

“Fuck!” Emily yelled and gasped at the intense discomfort she was feeling, before it had subsided AJ had entered her, she moaned from the two intense and opposite things she was feeling. Then AJ started thrusting in and out of her slowly and signaled to Kevin to do the same. Emily could feel her pleasure mounting quickly. She had never felt anything remotely close to this, it was almost indescribable. Both men were thrusting in and out of her, quickening their pace with every thrust, they were also both kissing and sucking the side of her neck. Emily’s body shook as her walls contracted in the most intense and pleasurable orgasm she had ever experienced. She couldn’t even support her own weight so Kevin held her up from behind. Emily screamed out both men’s names while wave after wave of delight surged through her. Kevin and AJ came at the same time as Emily’s walls contracting around them pushed them both over the edge. Both men then slid out of her and all three of them collapsed on the bed.

“You both O.K.?” AJ asked, he rolled over and kissed Kevin on the lips, Kevin moaned and smiled, then he kissed Emily.

“I’m fantastic, Oh god, that was incredible! I can’t thank either of you enough!” Emily replied.

“Yeah, I’m great too, thanks guys!” Kevin said.

They all just held each other for a while until their breathing had returned to normal and they could move again. Emily was the first to move, she got up and said she was going to take a shower, as she was sweaty and their was already cum that had dried on her inner thigh.

AJ took the time to write Emily a note, but before he got up off the bed, he kissed Kevin passionately once again.

After AJ had finished his note to Emily he slipped it in her purse which had been dropped 2 feet away from the door after they first arrived. Both Kevin and AJ got dressed.

‘So this is it?” Emily asked, knowing full well the answer was yes. Now Emily, Kevin and AJ were standing in Emily’s driveway, the limo was waiting on the street it had driven them from the hotel and was shortly going to take the two boys back their to gather their stuff and then head to the bus.

“Yeah, but hey, you’ll always have the memories right? And you have both are cell and pager numbers so you can call us anytime day or night and I mean that, I’d love to hear from you sometime Em! Maybe one day we’ll see each other again, you never know” Kevin spoke looking deeply into Emily’s eyes, his thumbs brushed across both her cheeks and wiped away the tears that were now falling down them. He pulled her close, first kissing her forehead, then her chin, then her left cheek, then her right and finally his lips connected with hers, and for those brief seconds it was magical! She knew now that their was no ponit in her being sad that Kevin and AJ were leaving. Of course she’d miss them, but importantly she was happy for the time they had had together and the experiences they had shared. Kevin was right, she’d always have the memories.

Kevin walked back towards the limo, opened the door and got in. AJ was left holding Emily in his arms

“So this is it kid, we gotta say good-bye again, you know let’s not make this harder than it is, I’m going to hug you, then kiss you then I'm going to turn around and leave in the limo, I think it’s easier that way, what do you think?” AJ asked her

“O.K., but AJ just so you know everything I said to you the last time we said good-bye still applies today, only 10 times stronger, you will always have a place in my heart no matter what Alexander James McLean, I will always love you” Emily spoke intensely then smiled. AJ pulled her into a hug, they just stood their rocking together in each other's arms for a few minutes then he placed his hands around her face, they looked deeply into one another eyes, they kissed, slowly, sweetly, each trying to savor every second, trying desperately to remember every detail. Then the time came AJ turned and walked away. Emily stood their on her drive way for 10 minutes, trying to get over the shock of everything that had happened to her that night and day. While looking for her keys Emily spotted the note in her purse, immediately she knew who it was from. She got in, grabbed a glass of wine, walked to her bedroom, took off her clothes and hoped in a warm, soothing bath, she began reading the note:

My Dearest Emily; I don’t know what to say to make this easier. All I can think of is how I love you and I will always, always have a place for you in my heart. You may think that your just another fan, but you know your not. Your one of the most special people I’ve ever met. (O.K. so that last sentence wasn’t very grammatically correct but you knew what I meant!) I’m thinking about you right now, the way you grip the sheets with one hand and grab my shoulder with the other hand just before you come, the way you sip your drink, taking time to savor the flavor and most of all the way you were willing to trust me. For that I thank you so much! Please don’t ever stop trusting, when your unsure just think of last night and go with what your heart tells you. So Emily, I hope we meet up again, you should call me sometime, you know I would always be glad to hear from you. So I hope you had the time of your life last night kiddo! I wish you much happiness. Here’s to the wonderful memories we created together! Love always;


