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North & Central Amerikania

('s North&Central America)
These are the countries of North & Central Amerikania:

20 Nations Confederation:
Government: Congress of tribes.
Capital: There are no cities in this country.
Alliances: Empire of California, New Aztec Empire.
Enemies: USA and British colony of Canada.
Position: In the middle of north america, the USA want it land but they don't have the magickal energy to make it.
New Aztec Empire: Government: Hereditary monarchy, the current emperor is HM Moctezuma III.
Capital: Mexico (City).
Relevant Cities: Veracruz, Guadalajara, Querétaro, San Antonio, Santa Fé, Aztec City (Phoenix), Moctezuma City (Austin).
Alliances: Empire of California, 20 Nations Confederation, Louisiana and II Incan Empire.
Enemies: USA, Kingdom of Guatemala.
Position: Created by the rebellion of the mexican natives after the occupation of Mexico by the USA. With the exchange of  Tejas, Nuevo México and Arizona by Baja California, with the Empire of California, they become enemies of USA. Is one of the two approved monarchies of North Amerikania in Europia [New Europe] with Louisiana.
Dominion of Canada:
Government: Hereditary monarchy, the current ruler of Canada is HM Victoria I, Queen of Great Britain and Empress of Canada.
Capital: Ottawa.
Relevant cities: Montreal, Toronto, Halifax.
Alliances: As a colony has the alliances and enemies of Great Britain.
Position: A great colony in expansion.
Empire of California: Government: Hereditary monarchy, the current emperor is HM Joshua Norton I.
Capital: San Francisco.
Relevant Cities: Los Angeles, Portland, Reno, Mexicali, La Paz.
Alliances: 20 Nations Confederation, New Aztec Empire, Louisiana and Bavaria (Europia [New Europe]).
Enemies: USA.
Position: An empire created by a mad South african is now one of the biggest nations in Amerikania.
Kingdom of Central Amerikania: Government: Elected monarchy, the current king is HM Francisco II "of" Morazán.
Capital: San Salvador
Relevant Cities: Managua, Guatemala city, San José and Tegucigualpa.
Alliances: None.
Enemies: New Aztec Empire, Great Britain(Europia[New Europe]), US of Colombia.
Position: A new kingdom that still have civil wars for the power, a lot of enemies and none alliances.
 Empire d'Haití: Government: Hereditary monarchy, the current ruler is HM Faustin I d' Haití.
Capital: Cap Haïtien.
Relevant Cities: Gonaives, Mount Cristi (Monte Cristi), Santiago, La Vega, Saint-Domingue (Santo Domingo), Saint-Marc and Saint-Pierre (San Pedro).
Alliences: None.
Enemies: Republique d' Haití du Sud and the groups that wants the independence of the Spanish-Haití.
Position: An Empire based on the voodoo magik.
Republique d' Haití du Sud (Republic of South Haití): Government: A republic with an elected president and a congress with two chambers.
Capital: Port-au-Prince.
Relevant Cities: Les Cayes, Jacmet, Bani and Saint-Joan (San Juan de Mascoris).
Alliances: USA.
Enemies: Empire d' Haití and the groups that want the independence of the Spanish-Haití.
Position: A republic that have a lot of poverty and wars for the power.
Kingdom of Louisiana: Government: Hereditary monarchy, the current king is HM Louis II of Bourbon.
Capital: Nouvelle Orleans (New Orleans).
Alliances: Empire of California and New Aztec Empire.
Enemies: USA.
Position: An old French colony occupied by the French nobles and the lost king HM Louis XVII of France. Thanks to Spain first and after to Mexico still independent and no as the state of USA that is in the non-Kondorstein world.
USA (United States Of Amerikania): Government: Federal Republic with one President and one Federal Congress, 25 states every one with one Governor and one congress (every congress has two chambers) and one federal district.
Capital: Washington D.C.
Relevant Cities: New York, Boston, Providence, Philadelphia and  Atlanta.
Alliances: US of Colombia.
Enemies: 20 Nations Confederation, Louisiana, New Aztec Empire, Empire of California.
Position: The 20 Nations Confederation and the Kingdom of Louisiana have cut the expansion of USA, for a little time the Republic of Texas and the Bear Flag Republic of California were the hope of USA to conquest the Louisiana and Mexico, but with the transformation of California into the Empire of California and the conquest of Texas by Mexico, the USA have limits in they expansion.

Go to:
General index.
Castle Kondorstein index.
History of North and Central Amerikania.
Færies in the North and Central Amerikania.
The North and Central Amerikanian society.
Dragon of the Amerikanias.