I am sorry,but this web page is still under construction. I am going to put here some of my games and my favorite games of other players. Here are some of my recent games: Andrei Dokoutchaev(2168)-Jahangir Ahmed(1954) Dallas Chess Club, 3-26-99 1.d4 e5 2.de Nc6 3.Nf3 f6 4.ef Nf6 5.g3 d5 6.Bg2 Be6 7.0-0 Qd7 8.c4 dc 9.Bf4 0-0-0 10.Qa4 Kb8 11.Nc3 Nd4 12.Nd4 Qa4 13.Ne6 Qe8 14.Nc7 Qf7 15.N3b5 a6 16.Na6++ Ka8 17.Nac7 Kb8 18.Ne6+ Kc8 19.Rfd1 Rd1 20.Rd1 Nd5 21.Rd5 Qf4 22.Rd8 mate. John Henrick(2085)-Andrei Dokoutchaev(2168) Dallas Chess Club, 3-26-99 1.d4 f5 2.h3 d5 3.Bf4 Nf6 4.Nf3