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~Our Handmade Soaps~

by Beautiful Bubbles Soap Company

Lettuce Soap~Pic Soon to Come Lettuce Soap Yes, believe it or not this soap actually smells devine. It has proven to be our best seller. The scent is very clean and light and the soap is a very pale light green color.Priced $3.50 Canadian per 3.5-4 oz bar
Mango Soap~Pic Soon to Come Mango Soap Who doesn't love mango and it's free juicy scent. The soap is colored a reddish orange, just like a very ripe mango.Priced $3.50 Canadian per 3.5-4 oz bar
Naked Goatsmilk SoapNaked Goatsmilk Soap Fresh goatsmilk creates a silky smooth lather to this light tan colored soap. We left this soap unscented so people with very sensitive skin could indulge themselves without worry of rashes or breakout. Priced $3.50 Canadian per 3.5-4 oz bar
Ocean Breeze Soap Ocean Breeze Soap This soap is definately going to be a best seller. The scent if very mellow and is attractive to both men and women. If Monet made soap this is what it would look like. White based soap with light green, yellow, blue, purple and pink are gently tossed together. Get it quick before it is all gone. Priced $3.50 Canadian per 3.5-4 oz bar
Orange Creamsicle Soap~Pic Soon to Come Orange Creamsicle Soap Yes it does smell exactly like a creamsicle ice cream bar. Everyone wants to eat this soap. It is a white soap with orange swirls through it.Priced $3.50 Canadian per 3.5-4 oz bar

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©1999 Beautiful Bubbles Soap Company
last updated August.30,2000