
pic from last year, me on the right, Hayl on the left. Sexy, non?

New picture, crappy but recent from grad! woohoo eh?

Hello!! E-mail me!!! NOTE: haven't worked on this for more than a year. My hair is now red.

Latest thoughts:
giving up on love these past few weeks I've been confused sometimes I wonder if I'm better off alone. you fall in love then break your heart. you fall in love again its never ending. I used to have this friend who took his fiance to see billy idol a couple weeks before their wedding day. the chick got backstage and left my friend outside. next day he called from a hotel asking for a ride. I guess I'm giving up on love (x3) 'cause it really kind of sucks uninspired and growing tired why am I always so attracted to drama? so here I am grown up at 23 will someone tell me what it takes to be happy? I play in my band and write a lot of songs about relationships and how mine went wrong. maybe I'll meet that special girl along the way then she'll break my heart and leave me crying. -the ataris

I think that we should all go and live in the forest and that the world needs more orangoutans and hippos and tigers things like that. By the way, Bigggles is my cat, even though his name only has two g's but some wierdo decided to use "biggles" already, can you imagine that?

GO PUNK! and ska. If ya wanna chat i'm usually on, user name is mousachist!!

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