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Think about it. You can achieve power and size om just about 14 weeks. You can increase you bench
press by 25 pounds, your squat by 40 pounds, and your deadlift 45 pounds. These increases are variable from
person to person, but you can do this with a program that works on your lifts and with assistance exercises
that help your lifts.
You will start this program with 70 percent of you maximum(your max) for two weeks, then increase
the percentage every week until the 14th week. On the 14th week you will do 3 different sets with different
weight.( the last set will be 111 percent of your max)
Mondays are for squats, Wednesdays are for bench press, and deadlifts will be on Friday. After
doing one lift--say squat--you will do other exercises that will assist you in your squat such as leg extensions,
leg curls, leg presses and calf raises, followed by an abdominal exercise.
This isn’t one of those one-time programs. You can use it again and again and again. Try this
program--it will work
1. Squats(see work sets)
2. Leg Extensions 3/6
Leg Presses 3/6
3. Calf Raises 3/6
4. Leg Curls 3/6
5. Ab Crunches 3/20

1. Bench Press(see work sets
2. Overhead Presses 3/6
Bradford Presses 3/6(see next page for explanation)
Neck Bench Presses 3/6
3. Triceps Extensions 3/6-8
Close-Grip Bench Presses 3/5
4. Hammer Curls 3/8
5. Ab Crunches 3/20

Friday: 1. Deadlifts(see work sets)
2. Barbell Curls 3/8
Dumbell Curls 3/6-8
Concentration Curls 3/8
3. Barbell Rows 3/6
Dumbbell Rows 3/6
4. Ab Crunches 3/20

**alternate exercises that are under one number
ex. barbell rows one week, dumbbell rows another week

Bradford Press: Face the barbell on a bench. Pick up the barbell like you about to perform a overhead press.
Press it above your head. Bring it down behind your head in a starting position of a behind-the- neck press.
From there press it back up and back to starting position. You must do these carefully, it can damage your
Weeks % of Max Sets/Reps
Week 1 70 2/10
Week 2 70 2/10
Week 3 73 2/8
Week 4 76 2/8
Week 5 79 2/5
Week 6 82 2/5
Week 7 85 2/5
Week 8 88 2/5
Week 9 91 2/3
Week 10 94 2/3
Week 11 97 2/2
Week 12 100 2/2
Week 13 104 1/1
Week 14 107 1/1
Week 15 109 1/1
Week 16 111 1/1
