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The following are gifts that were presented or created in honor of Derek's first birthday in heaven. I am so very proud to share his gifts with you all today.

This wonderful gift was created by Joni, please visit her site Here

A was lit in Derek's memory by Judi on her son Shane's Candle see Derek's special candle go Here

This precious gift was made by Sherre. Please visit Sherre's site Here

This beautiful gift was made by Maria. Please visit Maria's angels Here and Here

This wonderful gift was created by Norma Jean. Please visit Norma Jean's angel Here

This precious gift was created by Debbie. Please visit Debbie's site Here

This beautiful gift was created by Beth. Please visit Beth's site Here

This wonderful gift was created by Claudette. Please visit Claudette's site Here

This precious gift was created by Gloria. Please visit Gloria's site Here

I would just like to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you for the BEAUTIFUL/PRECIOUS/WONDERFUL gifts that you have created for my angel. I know that with the help of my husband, my family, my on-line "family", and last but not least MY ANGEL I will survive his birthday....Thank you all for giving me something even MORE to help with his birthday. Love, Lisa

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