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Rebecca: life wears a black dress
John: Goblins Paradise
Phillip: The Labyrinth
Sarah: silence
Merripen: the fecal pit
Kayla: Raped Innocence
Heathyre: senseless thoughts & useless feelings
Ryan: Hell's Closet
Click: Enclosure
Melissa: Bad Analogy
Ben: Project Libra
Lily: Wild Roses
Cira: cold water coming
Shae: ruby kissed muse
Star: Reach Out and Touch Faith
Raven: The World Of Goddess Raven
Heather: frozen & crazyveigh's asylum
Aalyara: t.r.a.g.i.c. r.a.p.t.u.r.e.
Ariadne: * ~ f a i t h l e s s ~ *
Danielle: beyond reality
Kendall: fumbling towards ecstasy
Liza: Tacky Slattern Kirche
Rachel: Dark Corners of the Mind
Reza: Phetisha
Irish: Irish Anne's
Beth: Palest Silver
Sara: if only tonight

. An Interview with Damien Echols .

. Blue Skied An' Clear . Witchcraze - Damien Echols .